Have the values really been lost?

in #english7 years ago



Currently, education in values ​​is used as a way to generate new social behaviors that allow a harmonious coexistence. Many say that values ​​have been lost, I think it's not about that, it's just that they are not practiced anymore.

Affectionate children with good manners are not by chance, they have been educated by example in a home where there is a respectful environment and values ​​are followed. One of the best ways to instill values ​​for the little ones, as I said before, is by example, children learn by imitation; another is through reading, anecdotes, telling stories, looking carefully at what they watch on television, the internet, magazines and books. The teaching of values ​​will contribute to creating habits in the children that will be reflected in their family, school and social activities.

Let's practice some values:

LOVE: it is a feeling of affection and attachment towards a person, when he knows he is capable of loving himself, he can love and give love to others.

RESPECT: it is a feeling that allows you to accept your neighbor as he is, with his virtues and defects. It is expressed when you say things without insult or violence. When you treat your children correctly and in the same way you want them to treat you.

HUMILITY: it is a virtue of human beings to recognize their abilities and abilities. Learn that they are not superior to anything or anyone.

FORGIVENESS: to apologize when harm has been done and to learn to recognize mistakes.

FRIENDSHIP: affective relationship between people, parents should teach children to recognize true friends, demonstrate by example that friends remain united in adversity.

SELF-DISCIPLINE: is to maintain control and order in our life, to achieve the proposed objectives either at school or at home.

HONESTY: is essential in daily life, is the ability to do and tell the truth, be transparent with others and with himself.

PERSEVERANCE: parents should encourage their children to persevere, be constant so that they do not abandon proposed goals even in difficult moments.

RESPONSIBILITY: means fulfilling obligations and responding to decisions that are made.

COMPASSION: it is a value of the human being towards companionship and helping others in difficult moments.

FÉ: is to have the confidence or certainty that something will happen, it is a religious virtue that allows you to believe in something you do not see.

LOYALTY: it is a value that consists of not abandoning or turning our backs on those we consider our friends, being faithful to our principles.

These are just some of the values ​​we must put into practice.

Teaching values ​​to children is not only about transmitting knowledge, it is about teaching by example and it is essential so that in the future they can live in a comprehensive and united society. It is not easy but it can be simple if it is done together as a family



Thanks for reading and I hope this information helps you.

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