Is happiness written or read? Do you write your own happiness or let others do it for you?

in #english6 years ago

Hello friends of steemit this time I present you something a little different I hope and you can help me discover the perfect ending for this story

Is happiness written or read?

Greg and Lis, were a couple who lived on the other side of England, He was an architect and a hunting enthusiast since he was young, she was a therapist and a very good housewife.
On summer afternoons, Greg loved to clean his weapons collection, while Lis enjoyed his company, telling funny stories of his patients.
That cloudy afternoon Lis receives a call for an offer of work, which she accepted gladly, although it meant leaving Greg more alone than usual; 21 years of a marital relationship, 1 University daughter and 2 dogs to attend would be the perfect company for Greg during this intense summer thought Lis.

Greg for his part took it calmly and very calmly, he was sure he would not do anything to make his wife uncomfortable ...
Months after that fascinating news Greg had convinced himself that the days were happier with Liz, unquestionably he began to miss her ...

Amanda was a young single mother who had recently stayed near Greg, every morning Amanda went out to walk and greeted Greg with a kind and friendly gesture, noticed that Greg was shy and had been alone for a long time

She never thought of taking anyone's husband simply, their morning meetings became more frequent, from time to time they talked about interesting topics that boasted about their community

On a gray night Greg listens to an unbridled car that revolves near his garage, immediately looks out the window and notices that a tall and stocky guy comes out of it and ventures to knock on the door of his neighbor amanda who when he sees it gets scared and yells in his face:
You are a patan!
Greg intrigued watches the scene more cautiously but soon sees how he takes the girl and takes her from the house by force
He takes pains to leave quickly noticing that amanda screams desperately, do not take her miserable little man noo!
Greg arrives right away and says let's go by my car or if possible to the police station, she interrupts him and says no to the police, he is not very dangerous.

The night was long and it seemed very promising for Gred and amanda that they took great pains to look for a classic car, on the way Amanda reckoned her courage telling Greg that he was a cretin, a psychopath that the only time he was with the abuse of her and product of that had his precious treasure his daughter, she insisted that he had never been in a clandestine relationship with him, after traveling 41 mtrs decide to park the car and go through some food, when from a distance they manage to see the subject that by force took the girl, Greg sees him beat him to the ground and at that moment he says: Wait is not what it seems!

What end would you give to this story?

  • a) Upon hearing these words Gred stops and notices that amanda did not want to go with the police, that she was always alone at home, that she never spoke of her private life, as she turns to see her, amanda takes a gun and points to Greg and he says: You fell, give me the keys to the car and the combination of the safe but if you do your wife will die: And the guy that he supposedly hit, gets up off the floor and points Greg with a gun while he gets out of the car his wife.

  • b) Upon hearing these words Gred looks at Amanda and asks: What happened, what do you mean? and she tries to explain it to him but the guy Greg was hitting before he gets up and shoots Greg and says: Amanda and cattle have never had a man before you, and you'll never see your daughter again! This is my revenge for never loving me I take away everything you've wanted.

  • c) Upon hearing these words Gred continues to hit him until he manages to take the gun and leaves him wounded in the arm, and Greg observes amanda and says you can live quietly, recover your daughter and go to what Greg returns home wishing Lis returned.


Whatever your destiny you must always choose to be happy above all, not taking into account what they say about you, or thinking about your past, not always the one who loves you is the one who will make you happy, the love to be real and true must be two, toxic love exists and bad thoughts also but only if you have if you allow it.

Dare to tell us which ending relates to this moral.

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