Communism agains homosexuality.

in #english5 years ago

And don't forget to follow me on @angelurquiola
In the last few years an unbearable politically correct trend has been growing that combines water and oil. This is how communist sectors in their eagerness to grow in number accept that members of organized crime and paedophiles are LGBT acronyms and join organizations of the political left.

The relationship of a man with a woman is the most natural relationship of a human being with a human being.
Karl Marx.

Homosexuality is a bourgeois vice and a fascist perversion.
Iósif Stalin.

Even Satan wasn't gay, approached nake Eve instead naked of Adam.
Robert Mugabe.

Relevant personalities of communism or non-European socialism throughout the world had an unfavorable opinion of homosexuality, even reaching homophobia, for the Chinese Mao Zedong homosexuals were "mentally ill" and "counterrevolutionary elements";for the Cuban Fidel Castro homosexuality was "a degeneration that could not take place in society"; for the Argentine Ernesto Che Guevara homosexuality was unacceptable in socialism; the Venezuelan Nicolás Maduro used the adjective "homosexual" as an insult against his opponents. Zedong, Castro and Guevara persecuted and censored homosexuality in all its aspects.

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To end this post I want to give my opinion saying that all this of communism and homosexuality seems ironic, pathetic, hypocritical and ridiculous to me.

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