Central Bank

in #english6 years ago



<div class = "text-justify" In Venezuela as in all countries there is an entity (called the Central Bank) that dictates the regulations for the circulation of the national and / or international currency and, it is this entity that says when and what the currency will last.



But in Venezuela, more specific here in Cumaná there is a Central Bank that is parallel to the one in the Capital of the country and this dictates when a ticket stops circulating, that Bank is located in the Market Municipal de la Ciudad and, it is from there where they give the order of which ticket circulates and which does not. They started with the Five Hundred Thousand (500,000) ticket, passing through the Thousand (1000), Two Thousand, Five Thousand (2000). Now they go for Ten Thousand (10,000), the excuses they give is that it makes a lot of bulge or that the truck driver does not accept them and, when you go to face the truck driver, he says that the farmer does not catch him (but the farmers are paid by transfer "good not all" and, even they are paid in transfer), then whoever keeps all that money they do not want to grab is the final buyer, that is, the people who have no choice but to make long lines in a bank to withdraw bills that they accept. And the last straw is that the bank gives you half the money in old currency and the other half in new bills.

Billetes-nuevos-vs-Billetes-viejos.jpg</ center>


When you try to buy with money that the sellers do not accept and you look for the authorities call police, national guard, they turn a blind eye and the problem remains the same. It's like they were in conspiracy to harm the people as they put themselves on their side.
Then I wonder how the people fight against this if there is no authority to help them!

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