Analyzes on Vernacular Architecture That Prioritizes The Environment

in #engineering7 years ago

Source vernacular architecture building.itchcreature

Vernacular architecture is related to the term "person", and "custom" and general rules are not written, but followed generally. Vernacular architecture is the architecture without architects. People's homes are built in general by people somewhere at a certain time span complete with all its variations is the architecture vernacular. Vernacular architecture also developed from the traditions that exist in a particular community. In contrast to traditional architecture that tends to be passive, the vernacular architecture changes actively according to the desired growth power. The social aspect is not the only determinant of this type of architecture. Precisely the natural conditions have a lot to affect growth and development of vernacular architecture.

Definition of Vernacular Architecture.

Vernacular architecture is generally embody the values of the community and also may symbolize the concept of the cosmos, it also acts as a symbol of trust and confidence. Thus, a simple dwelling can also reflect the material and spiritual conditions of the building and its occupants. The vernacular architecture consists of residences and other buildings built in the context of the environment and the resources available by utilizing traditional technology. All forms of vernacular architecture that is built to meet the needs, contains local values, economic conditions and way of life of the culture contained in the surrounding communities. Vernacular can also be characterized by greater interest and importance of the relationship between the elements and how each character.

Source traditional buildings,pinimg

In a more detailed description, there are several classification of types of buildings as follows:

  • Primitive (or traditional)
    Consists of a very few types of buildings, models, or a particular style with some (mostly small) variation individual, built by all levels of society on the environment of certain traditions.

  • Vernacular
    Consisting of more buildings, although still limited the number and types of buildings, individual variation more dominant than the specific type of model or style,

It consists of different types of buildings, every building is made original from the designer although there may be a change(not easily will get the exact same design). Designed and built by a team of specialists, not workable everyone.

The Specialty of Vernacular Architecture

Source wordpress

Basically the settlement in the form of the house and all the buildings is a system of many components that are designed to improve the physical environment of the existing (which is less satisfactory in some ways). into a more comfortable and satisfying artificial environment. However, the characteristics of vernacular house seems not always fix nature. Solutions that do not correspond to the climate can also be found in many parts of the world of architecture vernacular.


Thus, the purpose of protection or something to the environment is the role of vernacular architecture which is very different compared with the architecture in the era of industrialization. Thus, climate data for vernacular architecture should really be considered for the purpose of survival from extreme natural pressure. Vernacular architecture is a natural product because it depends directly on the surrounding geographic neighborhood. It also reflects a full symbiosis with local ecosystems and economic aspects especially with regard to materials and energy use.

Reference Source
Habitat Vernacular Architecture
learning vernacular architecture

Thank You & Support Me @raviyanda


?Thank you for shearing.

Wonderful post

nice post

Good post @raviyanda and very interest. Thanks for sharing. Follow @harrylihardo

I hope one day the convencional market is going to be less important then dwelling! Home for people <3

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