Aluminum Composite Panel Material Used in Buildings

in #engineering7 years ago (edited)

Source grestargroup

Hello Steemians...
This time I will discuss about the use of the building material Composite Panel. In the design concept of the exterior, homeowners always choose material or heat-resistant material, durable, easily shaped to fit the desired application, and easy to maintain. In general, people use the wall panels for the exterior building design. It used to be only ceramic brick coated, so that in addition to the heavy weight, installation long enough for high-rise buildings. Of course this will be difficult to clean up the moss on the wall.

After the composite panel, the consultants, or the owner of the house had no need to bother anymore to find the material that will be used on the exterior concept. Because it already has an alternative use of a lightweight material, quick installation and long-lasting color. The color can last up to 10 years without having to do the painting.

Average aluminum panel composition is made of plastic or polyethylene. The inside consists of two layers: a hard coating and paint the base color. While the exterior of the average of 4-5 parts.
After aluminum, there is a base coat of paint, paint, paint transparent (clear), and the outer layer.

Composite Panel Size

Average composite panel size is 1,220 mm x 2,440 mm with varying thickness. is 3mm, 4mm and 6mm. Weights or weight composite panel with a thickness of 4 mm approximately 5.5 kg / m2 and a thickness of 6 mm approximately 7.4 kg / m2.

Color of Composite Panel Products

Academie MWD Building in Dilbeek, Belgia | Source dezeen

There are many colors when this panel is selected for wall-mounted house coating material. The color variations depending on the product, that is with there are products that offer as many as 6 kinds of colors, 12 kinds of colors, even 22 kinds of colors. Colors offered and to still be regrouped into five groups, that is, each manufacturer of this material gives its own term.
And this group of assorted colors:

  • Silver color groups, such as bright silver, metallic silver, silver gray, platinum, and others
  • Gold color groups, such as the metallic gold or bronze metallic, metallic copper and others.
  • Blue color groups, such as marine blue, arabian blue, metallic blue and others
  • Green color groups, such as metallic green, moss green, green seaffan and others.
  • Groups of special colors, such as red, black, brown, yellow, white, and others.


So to use composite panels on the building materials, installation of composite panels is only by means of the screw, or attached to a hollow steel and iron elbow between the joints are usually covered with silicone. And to the difficulty level of the composite panel installation is low, as long as the elbow and the distance is accurate. Usually the composite panel can be mounted to the outside areas of 4-8 m2 / day when it is done by two people.

Versi Indonesia

Source grestargroup

Hello Steemians..
Kali ini saya akan membahas tentang penggunaan Material Panel Komposit pada bangunan. Dalam desain konsep ekterior, pemilik rumah selalu memilih bahan atau material yang tahan panas, tahan lama, mudah dibentuk sesuai aplikasi yang diinginkan, dan mudah dirawat. Pada umumnya masyarakat menggunakan wallpanel untuk rancangan bangunan eksterior. Pada masa lalu hanya bata dilapisi keramik, sehingga selain berat, pemasangannya cukup lama untuk bangunan-bangunan bertingkat tinggi. Tentu saja hal ini akan sulit dilakukan pembersihan lumut yang menempel didinding.

Setelah adanya panel komposit, para konsultan, atau pemilik rumah sudah tak perlu susah lagi untuk menemukan material yang akan digunakan pada konsep ekterior. Karena sudah memiliki alternatif penggunaan material yang ringan, pemasangannya cepat, dan warna yang tahan lama. Warnanya bisa tahan hingga 10 tahun tanpa harus dilakukan pengecatan.

Rata rata komposisi aluminium panel ini terbuat dari plastik atau polyethylene. Bagian dalam terdiri dari dua lapisan, yaitu lapisan keras dan cat warna dasar. Sementara bagian luar rata-rata terdiri dari 4-5 bagian. Setelah aluminium, terdapat lapisan cat dasar, cat warna, cat bening (clear), serta lapisan luar.

Ukuran Panel Komposit

Rata rata ukuran panel komposit ini adalah 1.220 mm x 2.440 mm dengan ketebalan yang bervariasi, yaitu 3 mm, 4mm dan 6 mm. Bobot atau berat panel komposit dengan tebal 4 mm sekitar 5,5 kg/m2 dan tebal 6 mm sekitar 7,4 kg/m2.

Warna Produk Panel Komposit

Bangunan Academie MWD di Dilbeek, Belgia | Source dezeen

Ada banyak warna bila panel ini dijadikan pilihan untuk material pelapis dinding rumah bertingkat. Variasi warna tersebut tergantung pada produknya, yaitu ada produk yang menawarkan sebanyak 6 macam warna, 12 macam warna, bahkan 22 macam warna. Dan untuk Warna yang ditawarkan tersebut masih dapat dikelompokkan lagi menjadi lima kelompok yaitu masing masing produsen material ini memberikan istilah tersendiri.

Dan ini kelompok macam macam warna yaitu:

  • Kelompok warna silver, seperti bright silver, metalic silver, silver grey, platinum, dan sebagainya.
  • Kelompok warna gold, seperti metalic gold atau bronze metalic, capper metallic dan sebagainya.
  • Kelompok warna biru, seperti marine blue, arabian blue, metallic blue dan sebagainya.
  • Kelompok warna hijau, seperti green metallic, moss green, seaffan green dan sebagainya.
  • Kelompok warna khusus, seprti merah , hitam, cokelat kuning, putih dan, sebagainya.


Jadi untuk penggunaan material panel komposit pada bangunan, pemasangan panel komposit ini hanya dengan cara dibaut atau dilekatkan ke besi hollow dan besi siku yang antara sambungannya biasanya ditutup dengan silicone. Dan untuk tingkat kesulitan pemasangan panel komposit rendah, asalkan siku dan jaraknya akurat. Biasanya panel komposit dapat dipasang untuk bidang luar 4-8 m2 /hari bila dikerjakan oleh dua orang.

Reference Source

Thank You & Support Me @raviyanda


Could someone, please, tell me which is the best company in this field in Sydney?

A long time ago, when I was in business, someone advised me of the company alucobond australia , as the best specialists in the installation of aluminum composite panels and architectural facade cladding of buildings. Unfortunately, I never managed to cooperate with them, as my construction project closed. But many of my colleagues said that they have excellent service and pleasant prices. Visit their official website and read about the company. Maybe you will choose them for yourself.

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