How to choose construction materials in practically?

in #engineering7 years ago (edited)
Greetings, how are you steemit friends? Hopefully healthy always and still spirit. After some of my writing about cheap house anti-earthquake then today I will discuss how to choose good and quality building materials, hopefully useful.

Sometimes a building that is qualified but has poor construction material quality will make the building imperfect and may endanger the user.

So how do you know that the quality of building materials is good?

We should know in advance what is the construction material.

Construction material is a material used in construction work [source], construction material usually of natural material (sand, soil, wood, stone etc.) but also there are a fabrication or synthetic materials (cement, multiplex, paint and so on).

While construction is an activity of development of facilities and infrastructure in the field of architecture or civil engineering [source]

In this discussion, I will discuss how to choose construction materials.



Mountain/river rocks generally have irregular sizes [source] This stone is usually used as a shallow foundation.

There are three types of stones that we often find in Aceh.

  • The black stone/rock (best)
  • The red stone/rock (nice)
  • The yellow stone/rock (less good)

The black mountain rocks are stronger, denser and barely have pores and cracks, but they are more expensive and rarer.

The stone used is usually 15-30 cm diameter because if the size is too small it will cost to cement and other materials so it can not bear the maximum load.

If you use a stone that is too large then when the process will make it difficult for workers when installing it and produce a large gap that makes the foundation is not optimal when receiving the load.

You should use a mountain rock instead of using a river rock because the river rock tends to be more rounded and has a finer surface so that the stone is not locked properly (cement) when done.

But if your area there is no mountain rocks then you should selectively choose river rock like choosing a mountain rock.

  • Sand
Sand is granular material and generally has a size of 0.0625 - 2 mm [source], a sand is used as a construction material such as concrete mix and so on. Sand for construction should have no other mix such as soil, dust and so on, a generally sand that has good quality is more expensive. According to Indonesian National Standard (SNI S-04-1998-F: 28) is.
  • Has a hard and sharp grain with a hardness index of less than 2.2.
  • Maximum crushed 12% when tested with sodium sulfate and 10% when tested with magnesium sulfate.
  • Lack of organic material.
  • Pellet is variegated.
  • Not beach/sea sand.
  • [source]

You can see a sand quality simply by the way.

  • Take a handful of sand.
  • Squeeze the sand.
  • If the sand is destroyed then the sand does not meet the strong grain standard.
  • You can throw away the sand and see if there is any soil left in your hand, if it is true then it can be ascertained that the quality of the sand is bad because it contains a mixture of soil.

You can also use the water to test it by inserting a handful of sand into a clear container and stirring if the results are cloudy and there is a floating organic material it can be ascertained the sand is bad.

  • Gravel

Gravel on construction work some time ago. credit @kharrazi

To be continued ...


Construction materials have an important role in terms of development, so users are demanded more selective to choose construction materials.

Buildings will be more durable and sturdy when the construction materials used have good quality and make the occupants of the house more secure.

Is costing a little more expensive to obtain quality materials is certainly better considering the long-term effects will be generated later if using materials that are not recommended.

This is all I can write on this occasion, for all the mistakes and shortcomings of writing as a servant of God, I apologize.

Thanks to friends who visited this blog and provided constructive comments as well as to scientists who were willing to sacrifice their time for the creation of a better civilization.


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Best regards @kharrazi


Hey my friend @kharrazi! I've been so busy lately I haven't been able to talk to you... It's good to see your posts! :D

Hi, I know you are very busy, so I don't want to interrupt, thank you for providing time and stopping my dear friend @ruth-girl :)

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