
Good morning JJ,

I meant it that way, that they have so much to do: doctors appointments, short trips here and there, shopping, and I don't know, what else they have got to do. Most of the pensioners I know, are always busy. They cannot sit down and enjoy their free life.

I wish you a great day too. The sun is shining here, and for the next days the weather forecast has predicted a heatwave up to 35 degrees C.

WOW what a contrast with now a heatwave, it’s nice here today but then rain coming for the next few days so I will enjoy today
I think its important when retired to keep oneself busy or I know I would go stir crazy

Yes, one day is cold any rainy, and the next day is hot - that's strange, but it is as it is :)
Right, being busy, doing things you like to do, keeps your brain working :)

It keeps us on out toes we never know what is coming :)

That's it - you live today, and the now is important ;)

Yes Indeed, Live each day as if it is your last, :)

That's how it should be 😊