If You Post Material That You Feel Doesn't Get Attention and/or Engagement Leave a Comment and I May Follow

in #engagement6 years ago (edited)

I want new people to follow. God knows the tag abuse here doesn't make it easy to find interesting content, so let's try this.

Things I'm interested in:

  • Economics
  • Politics
  • Psychology
  • Anti-Mainstream Media Stuff
  • Gaming
  • Philosophy
  • General stuff about society and culture
  • Libertarianism/Anarchism
  • Fiction
  • Boxxy
  • Dogecoin

Things I'm not interested in:

  • Travel
  • Photography (Save for the very special few I already follow)
  • Your cats (Dogs are fine)
  • Your life
  • Steemit



Hahaha I like the honesty for the 'do not like', I post only education and for me it looks like you "don't need no education..... another brick in the wall" :)

Anti-Mainstream Media Stuff - Is this memri tv ?

Yes. Actually, I will add that. Good call, MEMRI brother!

Check this out if your into radical life extension. Or this if you hate Facebook.

You like all the shitty stuff, should have used tags for a tag : )

I'm a shitty person.

What the hell is DogeCoin?

The best cryptocurrency out there:

Mind Blown! I bow.

I've been looking for the best Doge wallet, any tips? Btw, hello fellow anarchist.

The original cryptocurrency. Bitcoin was just a more famous copycat.

That is a good idea! I've quit surfing the site very often.

Well, I'd say I hit the spot but you already follow me!

So I figure I might say a few newer guys that you might find interesting:

Yes I do, and you're one of my favorites! For reals cereal, not in a Steemit fake complimentary way. I look up to you for the fact that you're so good with finances. Especially nowadays when it seems no one is, and it's quite troublesome. Millenials suck with money and it's almost awe-inspiring just how much.

Thanks for the suggestions, they seemed worth following.

Ah, shit , thanks man

Just a quick hi to say thanks for putting this out there. I was surfing a lot trying to help undervalued folks...

However, the rampant plagiarism and tag abuse was painful.

You are appreciated!

Even though i am a bit slow these days, due to moving out of my current apartment, i do like to write about economics, and financial markets.

I will leave a few samples of some things i wrote to let you decide if its worth to follow me. I will restart writing these kind of posts as soon as i am at the new home.





I know there is 2 links talking about steemit, but i try to think from an outside perspective, not the "lets all hold hands and walk to the rainbow" one.

Would be good to hear your opinion, because a like your writing style.

I definitely gave you a follow. I only skimmed through, but your stuff seems to be exactly the kind of stuff that intrigues me. I will sit down and read later. I'll keep track of this post and the comments now.

Cheers. :)

I mostly post crappy videos of me playing music

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