Engagement...The Missing Key To Massive STEEM Growth?steemCreated with Sketch.

in #engagement6 years ago (edited)

There are a few things you hear about when you first join STEEM...

More than likely, you hear about the rewards...Actually being PAID to create content on the blockchain. You also hear things like STEEM Power, the need to power up, the importance of curation and heck don't forget bid bots to confuse you even more...

What fails to get mentioned is that, when you strip it all away...This is a social media platform.

Yes, it's a blockchain. Yes it's a crypto currency.

But it's a social platform first because without the PEOPLE here...None of it matters.

I want to grow my account here on STEEM. It's something I believe in and a huge part of my game / life plan going forward...

And I'm into month number 8 on my STEEM journey and there are a few things I've come to realize during the better part of 2018...

1. Unless you have a bunch of money to dump into buying STEEM, your growth will be slow here.

2. We should spend time on the things we can control and not what we can't...

So I take those two truths about STEEM and I mix them together and here's my solution on how I can grow my account here...

I will ENGAGE the community more and try to build my followers!


Oh man, isn't that opening a can of worms?

It seems like everywhere you turn, people say we need more engagement on the blockchain. Can it be that simple? Could that simple human NEED be what will fuel this platform forward?

I think so!

And here's why...

Remember, this is a SOCIAL media platform (built on top of a blockchain and a damn good one too). And because with any social platform online, it's the PEOPLE that will fuel it's success or failure. As more and more people start to discover STEEM, they will no doubt hear about the potential rewards, the crypto currency, the big future that's in store...And during that time I think it's critical for Steemians across the blockchain to ENGAGE these newer members!

Heck, don't stop at the newer Steemians...Engage with EVERYONE!

Comment on more posts!

Use the amazing apps we have at our fingertips!

Share awesome content!

I found this awesome graphic online created by Tanmay Vora based on a blog post by Randy Conley.

(Source: Qaspire.com / Tanmay Vora / Randy Conley)

This hits the nail on the head and going forward, I'm going to focus my 'engagement' on the blockchain to see if I can line it up with these '4 basic human needs'..

Trust - Build relationships with my followers and awesome people on STEEM. Show up everyday and deliver value to them!

Hope - Be positive! Even during the rough times and price dips lol I am bullish on STEEM and will do everything I can to spread the amazing news about it!

Sense of Worth - I will highlight awesome content and ALWAYS reply and upvote meaningful comments!

Competent - We all need to challenge ourselves. When we do, we will grow...As individuals as well as the entire blockchain community.

Hey, maybe this is all just utopian dreams...

Perhaps we all go back to life before the blockchain...

Or maybe we remember...The people! And we spend our time here not looking for upvotes and to get on a whale's radar...Maybe we just start engaging with the amazing people that are here, right now, and who knows...We may have something truly remarkable!

Never forget that PEOPLE are what drives this stuff...And because of that, I'm so grateful to be here and have the opportunity to meet and engage with you all!

Posted from my blog with SteemPress : http://plus1daily.com/engagement-the-missing-key-to-massive-steem-growth/


Catch me in Toronto this September 5-8 for the STEEM Creators Conference & SMT Summit!


Without the people none of it would be here and/or matter :D Engagement is key. I've felt like many people left the platform while prices were (are!) low too, so I've also kept an eye on those who were still here - and tried to keep 'em in by leaving a comment here and there!

much appreciated and i agree completely. lots of people jump on here and say all the right things for the first few weeks. but watching them and seeing if they still say all the right things in 3 months down the road is another question lol

Posted using Partiko iOS

Well said, Trust, Hope, Sense of Worth, and Competence. I congratulate you on the engagement, it always mystifies me when I read a blogger on Steemit who doesn't respond to comments. Take care!

i agree. and apologies for not responding sooner...just on the road :)

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It’s people like yourself Jon that make this community truly special. You wear your heart on your sleeve and are committed the success of each person who steps foot into this platform. Your generosity, caring attitude, and humble spirit will continue to take you far my friend. Looking forward to hearing you speak in Toronto ✌🏻


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Appreciated man. That means a lot. Just trying to add value daily. And that comes from the engagement here. So awesome to get to know and meet other steemians. Toronto will be a blast!

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I feel steemit is the mouth piece of the crypto world. And no I'm no cutting off all the other great categories that people talk about here. I liked how you said focus on the things that you can control here towards growth. Thanks for a nice touch of inspiration here. Upvoted!

Oh for sure. Crypto plays a big part but what’s awesome is that STEEM isn’t limited. It’s whatever we want it to be.

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Yeah one guy likes it to reward an mmopg game those games like world of war craft

Engagement will accelerate as more and more Steem Dapps get released.

SP is moving from individual Steemians to DApps.

The DApps will have built in algorithm to allocate more rewards for engagement. Remember we’re still the early adaptors of Steem! 2-3 years from now, things will look more positive for engagements :)

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So very true. 2-3 years and this landscape will look so different. And you hit on a major point which is so critical...This place isn’t just a blogging platform as we are seeing with all the dapps.

Excited to see this place grow over the next few years!

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Engagement? I'm sorry @jongolson, but between trying curate a bot and whale some SP (or something like that) who has time to get engaged? I mean, you have to plan the announcement, rent the venue, and then there is the catering to deal with . . .

Good points to bring forward Jon. At times we tend to forget about the 'people' while trying to decide what color of Lambo we will get when we 'finally get there' from all this. And it truly is the people that make everything here work.

That graphic spells out some basics we should all remember for not only ourselves but when dealing with others. Everyone has the same basic needs. If we work to help others achieve theirs, we find we are as well.

Great stuff to consider as we begin the new week. :)

Red, I want Red! lol actually I am starting to determine a new path for myself and these are great jumping off points as well.

Appreciated man. It’s true. It’s what makes this all tick. So that’s where we should always put our efforts into and we can’t go wrong. the people.

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Some deep thoughts for a Sunday morning. I do agree with you and I am going to do more in the future.

Awesome sauce :) Commenting and showing your engagement is a huge part and I know i appreciate all the support you give me. Thanks :)

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Great perspective @jongolson... it is about human interaction not a lecture or one way conversation. What is engagement? It is more than just me telling you what to do! It is about me helping you getting to where you desire to be in life. If it is building a massive organization or just simply recognizing a great post. Supporting that effort is important. Because this is what you do for those we know like and trust! Keep it up and Rock on! :)

so true. i crave the comments. because that’s the true essence of engagement and communication here

Posted using Partiko iOS

Yeppers... so do I... it tells me people are listening / reading!

You are very correct @jongolson. I have been here a year now and am just realizing how important it is to engage because have started to see the rewards of engagement.

oh for sure. it’s amazing what happens when you just comment, reply and talk to other steemians. big things take place :)

Posted using Partiko iOS

Yes, exactly.

Great points Jon. So many people forget about the reason they are writing/marketing etc... or the reason they may be successful and that is .. the people. The graphic is right on target. Thanks for the reminder.

For sure. Yeah it’s a great reminder, I actually printed it out and have it posted in front of my computer now...Always need to remember the people.

Posted using Partiko iOS

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