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RE: The Curation and Engagement Leagues 🏆 - STEEM prizes available! 🎁

in #engagement6 years ago

Hey, @davemccoy! I was going to give you a hard time for your placement this week, but then I saw your brother was in town, so I'm cutting you some slack, okay? Next time, though, I might not be so lenient. :)

Nah. Family first, always.

I may have finished at the top of the scoreboard this week, but prize and ruling the land (if he wants it) belongs to @janton. I'm just a participant, because I like hanging out with all of you guys once a week (okay for most of the week).


Hey @glenalbrethsen ... That is mighty kind of you to cut me some slack, but truth be told I can't use any excuses. I could've spent more time and made more comments, so I failed to do so and deserve to be put in the corner and wear the dunce cap this week :P.... Sadly I am having trouble getting back into the swing of things, but I have upped my posts for the week so that might help!

I am going to be using this fast reply... It truly is an awesome tool because it saves the loading time and gets to the point. I know you don't really need any edge, but if you ever get behind it is a good way to catch up!

I am happy to see you, it seems like it has been a month.... I hope you are doing well... (and finally you are still the King even if you turn down your payment) :)

Okay, well, just know you put yourself in the corner.

I've been out of it myself this week. No visitors, not the price of STEEM, not a lack of desire or posts to read (though I probably would have ran out by now were I reading them), just a general blasé. I'm getting into a rut, I think, and I don't like the rut, so I need to do something about it, even if the rut has quite a few benefits to it, such as higher production, which generally translates into more earnings.

It's not like I have anything else I need to be doing or I would rather be doing per se, so anyway. I'm sort of rebelling against myself. Or something. I'd analyze further but I think it's probably a waste of time. :)

I know... I am regretting it a bit tonight when I realize I just have tonight and tomorrow and I only really had one good day of replies. Maybe with the steem drop everyone else is a little dejected and if so then I might be able to slide in with a weak showing anyways :P ...

As for you, I don't want you to get dejected, we are all in trouble if we can't keep you feeling this is a place to be. I know I myself have actually still been very active, but I have been focused on the steemmonsters and making a good market on it... I have actually put a lot more into them than I planned, but frankly I'm very impressed with the enthusiasm! I see many many people that are enthused about it, and many more that might be if it lives up to its potential.

Regarding the whole rest of steemit, I am here for the long haul because I like the people I communicate with. I can't stand management or the owners. I think they may have squandered a great thing, and I definitely think they are tone deaf. But it is their company and their money that is at risk, so they can mess it up if they like.

So because of I think they may have screwed it up (by letting all the people come and go due to not really caring).... I have thought long and hard about it and realize I'm here for the people I've met anyways. If it just stays a niche with a few thousand active people then so be it... I will do what I can to help it (and mainly help my friends).

As far as you, I hope you stay engaged or at least hang around. You add a lot and set the standard that drives many people. But I get it, you also want to have purpose... I'm hoping these SMTs come out and the whole thing changes (and they were right and I was wrong about the plan).

Well that is enough for this comment, but good to see you and don't give me too much grief if I have a weak showing this week again! ;)

Well, we'll be weak bros together then, because I know where mine is as of right now and it's the worst it's been since I started. :)

Dejected isn't quite the word. Feeling the inevitability of it all, despite my posts, maybe? It's not like I'm trying to convince myself, and ultimately, I don't know who I'm really helping, and whether I even should, for that matter, but it's mostly just wondering where this is all really going and who's going to cave to the authorities or to the money next.

It's great to have a decentralized platform, but you also need the key players to have some backbone, and I don't know if they have it or can really afford to have it, with families. They can be anonymous all they want with their names, but there's going to be enough information on the blockchain if they've published anything for someone who wants to track them down.

Yeah, I don't know if Steemit Inc is really the answer. I keep being told they're not STEEM, so that means another front end coming in to save the day, or something like that. The fact is, though, if they start delivering with everything they're working on above the hood rather than just under the hood, things could be much better. They just got to do it, and after the TOS update went awry (and you would think that would be rather easy, relatively speaking), it just doesn't instill the confidence.

re: steemmonsters

I'm getting too old. I understand the enthusiasm, and I think it will be fun for those who want to participate. I'm just not into it, like I'm not into a lot of things. I need to get interested in something, though. I'm starting to see that.

I'm trying to hang around. I like routine, but I don't like the rut, if that makes sense. When I did layouts for my newspapers, it was the same thing every week, but it was challenging somewhat because I had to make everything fit with the space I had to fill. So, even though it was basically rearranging images and text every week, it was different.

Here, there's some variety, but I find myself having the same conversations over and over again with only slight variations, and not feeling like much of anything is being accomplished. There's a lot of singing to the choir that takes place. I keep thinking I need to make a trip to Austin and get information that might help me somehow. You want to go with me? :)

That might not be the best of ideas, though. I don't need to burst the bubble completely, do I?

lol... it would burst my bubble, because I am thinking that this place has potential despite the current management/ownership. My thinking for awhile now has been that we need a "reset" that will basically user in new leaders and investors... My hope is the the 2nd group of leaders learn from the first. Retention should be job #1 in almost all businesses... Especially one that wants its users to come visit every day.

I would be happy to go to Austin with you, but my concern is they wouldn't even really talk to us if we got there... You know they have to have seen a message or two from people like us. And if they don't respond to any of those, not sure they even "get it". But if you go, I will come down and go with you so just let me know ;)

The one thing that keeps me excited in the back of my mind is this is like a company. There have been many companies over my years that have been poorly managed and I have seen many of them get their problems solved when the old guys leave and new guys come in. Now granted, in most of those cases the stocks got hammered and the investors fled. But the ones that stuck around and rode it out, bought more when things changed, did really well by sticking with it.

I think this might be that kind of situation. Unless there is something that comes along better (which I haven't seen yet), then there is hope. Hope that: 1) they either fix their issues and capture their potential or 2) they get the hell out of the way by getting smoked in a reset.

Either way is fine with me personally. I would feel bad for @abh12345 and @danielsaori and especially @fulltimegeek if it went that way, but my guess is those guys would recover and be even bigger forces if that happened.

So I would encourage you to have "hope", but setting the proper expectations for current management is probably in order! ;)

ps.. as far as steem monsters... I am old too... But the way I look at it is it is like a modern version of chess... The way it is structured when you get over all the lingo is very similar and since it is basically a drafting the right team for the tournament game, the challenge will be in the strategy of picking the right components... I will say this, you will see some incredible excitement for it in many aspects... There are people of all persuasions and ages doing many things in anticipation of it being awesome!

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