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RE: How many people did you speak to / spoke to you last week? (Engagement League scoring potential)

in #engagement6 years ago (edited)

This is enough for me, and is in line with how Glen and Mike have commented, and likely others who i've not got to yet.

I'm thinking just the 1 metric, and perhaps with a secret min character limit to keep y'all on y'all toes. yeehaa!

Dunno what happened there, I blame too much coffee :)

Whoops, almost forgot....

Metric (last 7 days)Count
Unique accounts spoken to152
Unique accounts that spoke to you122
Unique accounts that spoke to you, excluding top level replies96
Unique accounts that spoke to you, exc. TL replies and replies < 50 chars77

Thanks Asher! Some things are nearly always finished before they get started :)

Your list is at the top, so I haven't gone through to see how others fared, but you seem to have done pretty well over the last seven days. I was happy with mine but yours are quite a bit more, so good job. I know I have to widen my circle quite a bit and this just proves it. :)

I rarely compare myself to others, but after your comment, I scrolled down to have a look and wow, I "have done pretty well" if I say so myself :) Thanks Glen!

And for the most part, I think it's a good idea to avoid comparing ourselves to others. Too much to be lost and not enough to be gained. But every once in a while, I think it's worth a look, if nothing more to get a glimpse at what is and what could be. And if we measure up, then we can also take a moment to acknowledge and enjoy life's simple pleasures and small victories. :)

So true Glen; I can't add a thing more to that. Not even a question :)

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