Hour One - The Dawn of MY Energy BlogsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #energy8 years ago (edited)

I have had websites, blogs, even ran a BBS in the first dayze of personal computing, Now I have Steem !
WTF is Steem ? I DunNo, Will find out soon enough, I like that it's in it's infant stages, although it's been around for a while now. I like that it's community based, I like that it's crypto and supposedly there will not be an all powerful overseer. I like that text is forever as long as the community and block-chain exist, And so I Write therefore I am Steem !

I am a retired cranky hermit. I have had many careers one of which was a D.O.E. Trained Energy Auditor and Residential Housing Inspector/Estimator for an Energy Conservation Retrofit -State Run Agency.
I consume energy. All forms of Consumption.
... and THAT means Money...
So Conservation and smart consumption = saved money
in it's purest most personal basic form.

I live in one of the COLDEST states in the USA, that also has some of the oldest housing stock in the country.
Here "Winter is Coming" is a way of life LONG before it became a popular meme, and we didna need a White Crow to tell us ! ( We just needed the month of JULY to draw to a close !)
Here too WINTER often really and Literally KILLS humans, and makes many more miserable, sick, and keeps them poor. I have seen it with my own eyes, I have seen it in comfortable and ramshackle dwellings, and in short in all the conditions that mankind can exist in. With my previous work, I left my mark on the attic rafters of THOUSANDS of homes and housing units.

As with ANY adventure, one has to identify it, study it, and educate oneself about it.
That last thing: Education, That is the KEY to unlocking the potential of Energy.

I was freely trained by the experts at the time, and so I freely Give my knowledge and opinion on Energy.
It has been a lifelong passion of mine, and of late a method to make my retirement much more comfortable in several ways not the least saving $ to be spent elsewhere than energy consumption.
My motto: it's no FUN knowing all this ALONE.

I am complicated and simple at the same time. I am contrarian most often.
I have a museum of tried and failed experiments in life and energy, and I have a multitude of successes currently employed and working for me. Sound familiar ?
It should, it is the Human Condition, nobody's perfect-shit happens. Dust off, stand up and keep on keepin' on.
the alternative is the stiff cold. It's interesting that the Universe may ultimately end in Heat Death, and that WE term death in all the terms related to cold and no longer producing energy, it's almost like that's the RULEZ !?

So, I begin this Steem adventure and this minor introduction of my initial intentions, as an experiment. as personal entertainment, as a way to shout into the Aether the things I think I know.
It may be that there will be some who listen, some who's imagination gets sparked and they run to their workbench, some who can make their lives and conditions more comfortable, more stable, more economical.

I warn you, that not all of what I have to say is PC, nor following the tropes of popular concepts especially concerning Energy. However I will speak from experimentation's that have succeeded, you can judge for yourself if it fits YOUR systems, I am not particularly interested in arguments, but I am keenly interested in adaptations and modifications of that which I spout about. This will become apparent, or not as my blogs increase in weight.

SO Hiya ! everyone !
it's me the Watchman.

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