Endless Energy.. The Secret of Increased Productivity & Happiness. Vol 1

in #energy8 years ago


If only there were more hours in the day, we would be happier, richer and more content.


All of us tend to have big plans for all the exciting things we're going to do with our lives and even just our evenings – but often they just don't come into fruition.

These include plans to get into better shape, to fix our diet, to learn a language, to go travelling, to spend more time with friends, to look for alternative jobs…

All of these are things that could legitimately make our lives better and help us to get more out of them.

But then we get home from work and we crash.

We hit the sofa, we turn on the TV and we just lie there watching it. And often we don't move for the rest of the evening.

Spend a little time cooking as well, getting washed, washing dishes and putting the kids to bed (if you have them) and before you know it – the day is over.

So much for those plans – as they say, the road to hell is paved with good intentions!

So again – if only you had more time. If only you had time, then you'd be in better shape, you'd have a better job, you'd get to enjoy time with your friends, you'd read books…

Time is the problem.

Or is it?

Because actually, when you stop and really think about it, you'll probably find that you did have the time all along. Ask yourself: if you don't have any time, how is it that you managed to watch that entire box-set of 24 recently. That is literally an entire day you managed to squeeze in last month.

And how many hours have you spent watching useless videos on YouTube? How much time have you spent on the train, tube or bus on the way to work. Couldn't you have been working, reading or learning a language then? Or maybe catching up with a friend?

Did you really need to sleep 11/12 hours on Sunday?

What did you do that last Saturday you had free?

Suddenly, it becomes very apparent that you have lots of time. Time is not the problem after all. And so it follows that time management isn't the solution.

The problem is energy.

The reason you crashed out in the evenings is because you had no energy after a tough day at work.

The reason you spent half of Sunday in bed, is because you were recovering from an intense week.

The reason you just stared out of the window on the tube home is because you didn't have any mental bandwidth left to do anything more useful.

Energy management is the answer.

And so is looking after your health to have more energy.

Imagine a You With More Energy

Many of us have chronically low energy and we don't even realize it. Many of us never stop to consider that our energy levels perhaps aren't what they should be, or that we could do a lot to get them back. But now imagine what a typical day might be like if you had boundless energy. Imagine if you had energy like you had when you were a little kid again…

So the day would start and you would wake up refreshed and buzzing and not at all groggy. You know how you currently slam the alarm off and then let it buzz again? There'd be none of that – you would sit up onto the bed, stretch and just feel ready to go at full steam immediately.

So then you'd get ready in record time and have 30 minutes to spend reading the paper, watching the news or just enjoying a cup of coffee outside in the garden. Imagine: a morning where you weren't rushed and late out of the door!

You'd head to energy and on the way there you could be reading, chatting to a friend, playing a game and just enjoying yourself.

At work, you'd power through everything you had to do in no time flat. You wouldn't procrastinate and you wouldn't take hours to write out e-mails –

and as such, you'd be able to be finished in half the time of anyone else in your office.

That would mean the latter half of the day would be stress free and you'd be able to pack up and leave on time, taking no stress from the day before with you!

Another productive train/bus journey home and you'd throw on some clothes and go for a run. These days you've got ripped abs and a slim waistline because you burn extra calories every day.

Then you'd get back and play with the kids and wife/husband. Only as you did this, you'd be on top form and full of positive energy. You'd be a ton of fun and you wouldn't have any of those stressful arguments you used to have – because you wouldn't be stressed!

Next up, you'd go and cook a great home meal that actually had proper ingredients. Then you'd eat it at the table together and guess what – you'd wash up right away. It's staying on top of cleaning like that that means your house is spotless and beautiful these days as well.

Then you'd spend the evening with a hobby. Learning a new one perhaps, or reading a book, learning a language, painting, writing.

And then you'd have amazing sex with your partner because you'd still have tons of energy. Low energy is responsible for countless lackluster sex lives.

And then you'd fall into a deep sleep. More energy actually means you sleep better as your body has the fuel to make all of the important restorative repairs to your system.


So how does all that sound?


You've got more energy, better health, more vibrancy, no aches and pains and plenty of time to do all the things you want to do. No more lethargy, no more slowness, no more wasting hours just lying there…

And guess what – it's something you can easily accomplish as well! Just read on and we'll look in detail at how you can get boundless energy actually very easily. And change your entire life as a result…

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