From shit to energy - feelgood news from Copenhagen
And now for some techie feel-good news from Copenhagen.
The sludge incineration plant “Lynetten” (basically the place were all the toilet-water of Copenhagen is cleansed before being returned to the sea ) has increased it’s production of energy and is now creating 2,5 times the amount the whole plant is using, making it one of the most energy efficient plants of this type in the world.
Every city in Denmark has such a water-cleaning-facility (rensningsanlæg), and the last five years the goal have been to make all of them energy-neutral. But the processes on Lynetten has been optimized much more than that with the help of the employees of the plant, and good ideas have been rewarded with up to 100,000.- Danish kroner (about 13,500.- €) in bonuses. One
Just shows that it is always a good idea to listen to the people with their hand in the… dirt. The plant is, apart from cleansing the water, creating electricity, gas for cooking and heat for the district heating system. More than three million cubic meters of biogas was produced in the first six months of 2016, covering about one third of the cooking gas usage. So in a way I am myself creating some of the heat on the stove when I fry my frikadeller, the delicious Danish pork-falafel.
Here you can read the happy news in Danish (Politiken Aug. 2016 which also provided the image)
And here is the original post I wrote on Diaspora