Private revelations aggregated on Wednesday, March 20, 2019 at 06:59 PM.

in #endtimes6 years ago

Visionary: Maureen Sweeney-Kyle, Holy Love Ministries, North Ridgeville, Ohio
Received on: Wednesday, March 20, 2019
Message URL:

Once again, I (Maureen) see a Great Flame that I have come to know as the Heart of God the Father. He says:

"I do not come to impose My Will upon anyone. Rather, I come to expose the Truth of where mankind's choices are leading him. When man does not respect My Sovereignty over him, it is easy for Satan to talk him into sinful choices. It is then, man does not realize the scope of the effects of his present-moment choices."

"When man acts according to the desire to please Me, he has the fullness of My Grace around him and over him. Bad choices result in mankind distancing himself from Me. Satan fills this distance with his own dastardly suggestions. Just as a healthy diet supports a healthy body - a good relationship with Me supports good choices in everyday life. This, then, is the way around wars, economic disasters and the rise of dictatorships."

"Allow Me dominion over your hearts by obeying My Commandments. It is in this way, you will clearly see where your choices are leading. It is then, My Fatherly Hand will rest upon you."

Visionary: John Leary
Received on: Monday, March 4, 2019
Message URL:

Monday, March 4, 2019: (St. Casimir) Jesus said: “My people, the rich man in the Gospel said he followed My Commandments from his youth, but to gain heaven, he was lacking in giving his possessions to the poor, and then I asked him to follow Me. This was too difficult for the rich man to give up, so he went away sad. It is one thing to give substantial donations to the poor or other worthy causes, but giving up all of your money and possessions is difficult for most people. I know you need money to pay your bills and taxes, but when you die, you will give them up, because you cannot take them past the grave. The rich people also have power over people with their financial influence. I love a cheerful giver, but do not hold back anything from Me, and put your full trust in Me to provide for your needs. Do not put your trust in money that can rot and be stolen."

Jesus said: “My people, this closed door in the vision is how some people block Me out of their lives. I am warning people to be ready for My judgment every day, because you do not know when I will return to judge your souls. I knock on the door of your souls to let Me into the love of your heart. If you refuse to be open to Me, you could be judged to hell. When I come in judgment, I will not knock, but I will demand that you make an accounting of your life. In order to be ready for My judgment, you must keep your souls clean from sin by frequent Confession. There are only two places to go at that time-heaven or hell. This is why you are not ready for heaven, unless you are ready to die every day."

Mass intention for Chris Theut’s father: Jesus said: “My people, Chris’ father is in purgatory, and he needs your prayers."

Visionary: Clare du Bois,, Taos, NM
Received on: Tuesday, February 26, 2019
Message URL:

Lord, help us to be thankful continually for the things that You bring to us, every day, in so many, many ways. Amen.

Clare received this message from the Lord and she asked if I would record it for you all this morning for her.

She began, "Lord, is there anything you want to say to Your Bride this morning?"

Jesus replied to her, "Thanksgiving. Recognizing what I have blessed you with in your life, and continually finding something to thank Me for. This has two effects. Most immediately, it brings joy to Our hearts. It brings health to your bones, and stops the entrance of negative, ungrateful thoughts from being taken into your hearts. Joy upon joy, thanksgiving upon thanksgiving, is a ladder to Heaven, My Brides.

"With all the negativity you have been exposed to in past months you are greatly in need of praise and thanksgiving. This negativity you've been exposed to has left a pall over your lives that needs to be cleansed. Praise and authentic true appreciation for Us and what We have done for you (and He's speaking of Himself, Father God and Holy Spirit here) is the key to cleansing your environment. Even your physical bodies have responded to this and are in need of cleaning out.

"My Brides, nothing builds obstacles like negativity, complaining, insecurity, worry, fear. These clouds of energy cover over Joy, Hope, Trust in Me and the working of many miracles that are available to you, because you are alive to the possibilities of life that flows out from you to bless others.

"All of that is walled in by these negative accumulations, and they cannot flow out to give free expression and encouragement to others. Furthermore, the longer they linger in your atmosphere, the more solid they become--like scales growing over your vital organs and mind. You find yourself constantly in a defensive posture instead of a joyful, moving-forward, living-life, using-your-gifts posture.

"Springtime is a good time to assess what is clinging to you and rid yourself of it. May I say, so much is taken off of you when you praise Us and thank Us for the multitude of opportunities We give to you anew every morning.

"But when you are stuck in your own mire, you only attract more from the enemy.

"I am calling on you, My Brides, to make a new effort to worship and thank Me. Thank Me for the littlest things that make your day more special, because I am continually dropping little touches of love into your lives. Whether it be a bird chirping or the resources you need for school. There are so many ways I reach out to you with My love. When you are in the store and a romantic song is playing--do not consider that a coincidence. Know that I am singing over you and imparting new hope to your heart.

"Of all the things you can do to please Me, worship is far and above all others. And a close second is doing good to those who are down-trodden and have no hope in their lives. Making opportunities for them, helping them with resources, saying a kind word or quiet prayer. All of these things capture My affection for you and make Me smile.

"This is the Bridal season coming up. Rid yourselves of those spots, wrinkles, and blemishes and reach out to others with a new inspiration to live. To have this, you must spend time with Me and take on My heart, My attitude, My words to you. Then you can pour it over others and leave a smile behind you. Not just any kind of smile, but one of deeply being touched by God Himself--and in return, touching others in a way that brings the spark of life back to their souls.

"We are moving on now, into newness of life, and the hope of Heaven on Earth. As you cleanse yourselves from the darkness that has overshadowed this country. As you discover the gifts I have planted in you. And as you step forward in Faith to exercise them for the good of all souls.

"I adore you, My Bride. Let us move forward together and be My ambassadors of Hope."

Visionary: Tenderheart, Jabez in Action, Canada
Received on: Sunday, March 3, 2019
Message URL:

I Open The Heavens

Children of My Divine Heart,

I love you with an everlasting love. Enter into relationship with Me. Do not delay. I Am that I Am. I Am the Great I Am. I Am the Eternal One. Open your hearts to Love. Surrender in all confidence. Give Me your fiat. Give Me permission to transfigure you for My glory. Time is of the essence. Look around you, Beloved. Corruption is everywhere. Scandals are exposed on a world wide scale. This is My doing. All lies must come to Light as I command. My Son can not return to the Earth if it is under the control of The Destroyer. Pray, Little Ones. Pray for world peace, and for all nations of the world to submit unto Me, unto My authority, and unto My reign. I have awaited this time since the fall of Adam. Rejoice with Me for Satan's time draws to an end. Increase your prayer time. Seek out My consecrated Sons and Daughters. They are many, anointed by Me, and walking in Grace. You will recognize them by My seal upon their lives. My blessings, and favor will increase upon them now for I open the Heavens to facilitate their mandates. My glory will be manifest all around them. They will guide you in righteousness. Follow them in faith.

I leave you My kiss of peace.


Visionary: Book of Truth, Maria Divine Mercy, Ireland
Received on: Friday, May 20, 2011
Message URL: https://j:mp/2011-05-20-10-00-confusion-about-what-my-second-coming-will-mean

Confusion About What My Second Coming Will Mean

On May 20, 2011 @ 10:00 am

My dearly beloved daughter, many people wonder what the Second Coming really means, so let me explain.

I came...

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