Private revelations aggregated on Tuesday, May 26, 2020 at 06:03 PM.

in #endtimes4 years ago (edited)

Previous message can be found at:

Visionary: Maureen Sweeney-Kyle, Holy Love Ministries, North Ridgeville, Ohio
Received on: Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Message URL:

Once again, I (Maureen) see a Great Flame that I have come to know as the Heart of God the Father. He says:

“The soul, in order to reach eternal peace, must first pass through the needle of Truth. The eye of this spiritual needle is the soul’s own conscience, which must be convicted of sins and errors before he reaches worthiness of eternal joy. This is the First Chamber of the United Hearts. There are not different rules for different beliefs. Everyone is measured according to the same standard of Truth.”

“Knowing this is not the same as living according to this Truth. Knowing all of this bears the responsibility of living according to My Commandments.”

Visionary: Behold I Come, Julie Whedbee, North Carolina
Received on: Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Message URL:


Message received May 24, 2020

Tell them daughter. Tell them all is not as it seems. But, to you who have opened the door to your heart and allowed Me to find My place of rest, I assure you, you will have no fear. I urge you now to be extremely circumspect and cautious. Do not become distracted and keep your eyes on Me, and all I have taught you.

It appears as if things are returning to a more normal reality. Nothing could be further from the truth. What little reprieve the powers that be tell you that you are having is only an illusion. Deception reigns everywhere. Do not get caught up in the ways of man again, thinking and planning on life as it was. It will not be again.

The judgments are upon you, and a second wave more destructive and severe than this plague you have witnessed is right around the corner, and there is very little time until this occurs. This is just as I have told you many years ago- that you would barely be able to process one judgment before the next more devastating one would be upon you. The time has come My children, and everything I have spoken will come to pass.

For those in the United States especially, your summer season will be short, and before you know it, the dark days will return with severe punishment coming from many directions. The day is far spent and night has come. I have warned that what is coming will make this current plague pale in comparison. This nation of America that had once boasted of being the proud and the free will be utterly destroyed because of her pride, and her destruction will be final, and I will know her no more.

While the church was sleeping and ignoring My warnings and counsel, the great serpent began his end time scheme in earnest, and the man of perdition has been tutored and stands ready to make his appearance. As they say themselves, they will not let a good crisis go to waste, and they are poised and aggressively working towards the implementation of their beast system worldwide.

My children, it is coming sooner than you think. Remember, I am doing something with your time and you must be prepared. You who choose to ignore Me will face terrible consequences for your disobedience. You are not made free by any man or government. I alone grant your freedom. You are slaves to that which you serve. I urge you again and again, choose this day whom you are serving, as your King stands ready for the fulfillment of all things.

You who walk intimately with Me, will have peace that only I can give. You will walk in My authority and power, and step into the assignments that have been ordained for you since the beginning. Your needs will be provided, and I will protect you. Your heart will now swell with more joy than you've ever known, as you recognize your Messiah and Groom, and My presence permeates every fiber of your being. Rejoice! Your King is here, He is here!! No weapon formed against you will prosper, and one day soon, you will see every knee bow to the Great One, the Only King of All..


[ See original message for scriptural references. ]

Visionary: Children of the Renewal
Received on: Sunday, March 8, 2020
Message URL:

March 8, 2020 Adoration Chapel

Hello my dearest Jesus ever present in the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar. I believe, adore, praise and love You, my God, my Savior, my King. Thank You for the opportunity to adore You in this chapel, Jesus! Thank You for Confession, Holy Mass and Holy Communion, my Lord. Thank You for being who You are, God. I love You. Thank You for all You have done for mankind and for me. Lord, I give You my life, my work and my heart. I lift up my husband, children and grandchildren and ask You to draw them to Your Sacred Heart through the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Thank You for Your love, Your sacrifice of love and for Your life! Thanking You for showing us how to love. Teach me to love, Jesus. Teach me to forgive as You forgave. Teach me how to be like You, Lord. Blessed Mother, lead us close to the heart of Your Son, Jesus. Lord, I lift up all family members in need of healing, be it spiritual, emotional or physical healing. I pray especially for (name withheld), Lord. Her life is at stake and her family needs her, Jesus. Please spare her and bring complete healing to her. I pray that those who are separated from the One Holy, Catholic, Apostolic Faith be reunited in Faith. Bring them home to Your Church, Jesus. Thank You for what You are teaching me, Jesus about Your Heart and Your Church. I am so very grateful, Lord. Help me to know what more You want me to do to evangelize, Jesus. Show me, prompt me, call attention to the next step You want me to take and may it be obvious to me since I am not always awake, Lord. Jesus, I trust in You. Jesus, I trust in You. Jesus, I trust in You.

“My little one, thank you for your presence here and for your love. I am drawing you closer to My Heart. Your desire for Me, pleases Me. I am aware of your struggles with prayer and it is good that you continue working at prayer in spite of this. Your desire, and your action pleases Me. My Holy Spirit will assist you, so do not worry but continue in your efforts. I am closer to you in these moments than you realize. The main objective is that you pray. There will be times of dryness, times of distraction in prayer, times of difficulty in performing your duties and feeling as though this competes with your time with Me in prayer. Guard this time with Me. Protect it, My child. It is the most important part of your day. I will help you with all of your duties, so do not fear. Make this time with Me, every day, a priority and all will be well. I will provide.”

Thank You, Jesus. I am really struggling with this even though I know it is very important. Help me, Jesus. I love our time together because I love You. Lord, how do we reach people who don’t know and love You so they may have You come to dwell within them? How do we introduce people in this day to You, Lord when there is such a crisis of faith, even in Your Church? How, Jesus? What is the way to reach those who have left You, Lord because they have been hurt, or because of inadequate catechesis, or because they were never taught they could have a personal relationship with the God who created them? How, Lord?

“My child, one must first give love and mercy. One must first be set apart through personal holiness. One must strive to be open and approachable but not compromising beliefs or values. Be friendly; be charitable, be loving. Be peace, My child. Have confidence in your...

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