Private revelations aggregated on Thursday, February 2, 2023 at 04:01 PM.

in #endtimes2 years ago

Visionary: Prayers from the Book of Truth, Maria Divine Mercy, Ireland
Received on: Friday, January 31, 2014
Message URL:

Crusade Prayer 132, Renounce Satan to Protect this Mission: In order to safeguard this mission, against the wickedness of Satan, I ask that you begin to recite this powerful prayer to renounce Satan. When you recite this Crusade Prayer, at least twice a week, you will help to protect this mission of Salvation and bring more souls into the realm of God’s Kingdom.

“O Mother of Salvation, come to the aid of this mission. Help us, God’s Remnant Army, to renounce Satan. We beg you to crush the head of the Beast with your heel and remove all obstacles in our mission to save souls. Amen.”

-- Your beloved Mother, Mother of Salvation

Visionary: The Catechism in a Year (Fr. Mike Schmitz)
Received on: Thursday, February 2, 2023
Message URL:

This is a video series/podcast which covers the entire Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC) in one year.

Today's video is:

Day 33: God as Father — The Catechism in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz)

Watch this video on YouTube here:

Visionary: The Bible in a Year (Fr. Mike Schmitz)
Received on: Tuesday, February 2, 2021
Message URL:

This is a video series/podcast which explores the Bible in chronological order using the Great Adventure Bible Timeline. There are one or two videos per day.

Today's video is:

Day 33: Locusts, Darkness, and Death of the First Born — The Bible in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz)

Watch this video on YouTube here:

Visionary: Clare du Bois,, Taos, NM
Received on: Sunday, January 30, 2022
Message URL:

Find Comfort with Chronicles of the Bride

January 30th, 2022

Precious Heart Dwellers, Ezekiel has gotten a warning dream, nuclear war any time soon. The first bomb was dropped on Times Square, and it was a perfect hit. Goodness, you know, Times Square, that is where they celebrate New Years'- That is a huge deal. I hope that is not when it is going to be.

My dear ones, this may be the last time we talk for a while. I believe the Rapture will happen soon after the nuclear attack on America.

I know I will meet many of you in Heaven, but for those staying behind, Mother Elisabeth and John are taking over the community and messages as well. She is fully equipped to carry on share with you what the Lord is saying, and I am sure she will be pulling up older messages when they apply.

I believe the community will still be here on the mountain if you want to become a part of our ministry. It will still be a prayer community and several people will have channels as well. Yes, we have several You Tube channels now. Different members of the community are getting their own words from the Lord and posting them, which is a dream come true for me, because all I wanted was for people to be in touch with the Lord, to hear His voice, to know His will and so that they can do His will and that is what is happening with the community members. It is wonderful, really.

Everything is about prayer. We do NOT have guns on the property or any kind of weapons, period, our weapon is prayer, especially the Rosary.

If you have seen the movie "Patrick "about St. Patrick, you will remember the scene where the bad guys were hunting for the good guys and Patrick put his staff in the ground and asked the brothers to put their hands on his, and they turned into a bunch of deer when the evil ones were about to apprehend them, all they saw were a group of deer, that was a great scene. And later in the movie he walked right into the village unafraid, because he wanted to convert them.

Prayer is our most powerful protection. One of the reasons why the enemy tries to come between us, and the Lord is because that connection causes him a lot of trouble, so when things get rough and turbulent, group together and cast your fears at God's feet, and allow Him to protect you.

Later in the afternoon, the Lord began speaking to me again and He said,

"Do you want Me to speak to you?"

Yes, Lord. I am so confused.

And what had happened is I had asked someone about what they perceived the order of events, being insecure, looking for a confirmation, which I did not get, instead I got a mass of spaghetti.

Jesus began, "I would like to have saved you from that, but again your curiosity broached the subject to him, who by the way does not know everything. He indeed, would be the very first person to tell you that. Listen My Bride, I have tried to lead you along a path of understanding that is different than man's opinions or deductions. Deduce all day long and you will only end up more confused.

"Let Me state this simply. Putin will use nuclear weapons against America, of that you can be sure. Arrangements and affections are only skin deep, and of that you can also be sure. They are dissolved like a vapor when other more profitable opportunities are offered. It is a cutthroat mentality; you cannot trust anyone. Did I not say that?"

Yes, Lord You did, two thousand years ago. ‘He trusted Himself to no man because He knew their hearts.' Or something like that.

Jesus continued, "It is worth noting that I said that so that you will not get tangled up in what man promises, because promises are regularly broken when opportunities offer themselves. Putin's allegiance is to Russia, period. All these other ideas put forth make for a nice sentimental sense of camaraderie, but do not be fooled, what is behind that is far more sinister. Putin is for Russia. He has locked arms with Trump's America to rid the world of child trafficking, but he is also well aware of the brutality and lack of morality of those he employs",

The professional soldiers that he hires from the Middle East.

"To do his dirty work, the work is unprincipled beasts."

Wow. They have no principles-Here they are fighting something, for what is supposed to be a pure principle, in the meantime, they are raping and pillaging and doing terrible things. So, if Putin can hire people like that to do his dirty work, then he will not stop at using nuclear weapons. The Lord and I got that far.

I said, Oh Lord, so now comes the big question:

He chuckled. "You mean the one I will never answer?"

I laughed. Yes, that one.

"Have you ever considered that these are opportunities for you to be detached and just move forward without questioning? That perhaps I am exercising you in perfection, for your own benefit?"

Yes Lord, I have considered it but that answer to the question of ‘when is the Rapture going to happen' is not very satisfying.

He laughed, "No, I guess not."

Lord this is going in circles…

"Funny thing about circles," He said, "they are always complete".

Yes, and sometimes they are closed with me on the outside, not knowing.

"That is up to you, My Bride. Stay united with Me and you will always be inside the circle. Always."

"So, have I answered your question?"

I guess so. But is it that immediate?

"Sudden destruction, My Bride."

You mean we are really going home soon?

"Yes, make the best of it. Yes, you really are coming home soon."

That is a trick question Lord, because soon could be ten years from now.

"All right then," He said. "How about, ‘very soon'?"

"There comes a point where it is counterproductive for Me to tell you anymore. Trust, faith, hope, have much to do with this, Clare."

I know, I feel badly for wanting a more definitive answer, I know you will call us home when you see fit to do so, nothing more, nothing less.

He answered, "That is a very intelligent answer, where did you learn these things?"

From Your Holy Spirit.

"Ah yes, the Comforter. There is comfort in the word ‘soon.' Just think, you could be Daniel inquiring about prophecy and could be getting, in the ‘end of days,' how confusing would that be?"

You are right Lord, as always. That could be very confusing.

"You will see, soon enough Beloved. Until then, can I have your trust? Will you do what I have set before you, even though it seems like all odds are against it?"

Yes, Lord.

And what He is talking about here, is, continue to work on music. And today's message, I am reading this message, it is a day old, but in the new message that we got today, talking about timing with all the gifts He has given us, about working for Him and what the outcome will be, even though the timing seems like you will just get drowned in the sea of history. That is not true, He is going to pull these...

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