Private revelations aggregated on Sunday, September 1, 2024 at 01:52 PM.

Visionary: Maria Divine Mercy, Ireland, Prayers from the Book of Truth
Received on: Sunday, August 19, 2012
Message URL:

Litany Prayer 1, Protection Against the False Prophet:

“Dearest Jesus save us from the deceit of the False Prophet. Jesus have mercy on us. Jesus save us from the persecution. Jesus preserve us from the Antichrist. Lord have mercy. Christ have mercy. Dearest Jesus, cover us with your Precious Blood. Dearest Jesus, open our eyes to the lies of the False Prophet. Dearest Jesus unite your Church. Jesus protect our sacraments. Jesus don’t let the False Prophet divide your Church. Dearest Jesus help us to reject lies presented to us as the truth. Jesus give us strength. Jesus give us hope. Jesus flood our souls with the Holy Spirit. Jesus protect us from the Beast. Jesus give us the gift of discernment so we can follow the path of your true Church at all times forever and ever. Amen.”

-- Your Jesus

Visionary: The Bible in a Year (Fr. Mike Schmitz)
Received on: Saturday, August 14, 2021
Message URL:

This is a video series/podcast which explores the Bible in chronological order using the Great Adventure Bible Timeline. There are one or two videos per day.

Today's video is:

Day 225: Our Will vs. God's Will — The Bible in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz)

Watch this video on YouTube here:

Visionary: Maureen Sweeney-Kyle, Holy Love Ministries, North Ridgeville, Ohio
Received on: Tuesday, March 22, 1994
Message URL:

Blessed Virgin Mary

Our Lady is here in blue and white. She says: “The full measure of My Heart is Holy Love for herein is the fulfillment of scripture. Holy Love is the path of choice for those who choose holiness. No one can be led upon this path against his will, nor step further along the path than by consent. Every choice, when measured by Holy Love, is a step upon the path. I come in the Name of Jesus, Most Holy. All praise be unto Him. Let the measure of each one's holiness be his choices in Holy Love.”

Visionary: Maureen Sweeney-Kyle, Holy Love Ministries, North Ridgeville, Ohio
Received on: Wednesday, March 23, 1994
Message URL:

Blessed Virgin Mary

To the Dayton Prayer Group Our Lady is here in pink, white, and gold. She says: “I come to thank all those who have labored towards the completion of this book, most of all, those who have prayed for this intention. Dear children, prayer — fervent prayer — is the fullness of My call to you. It is the way of salvation and is the unadulterated milk of the grace of My Heart. Little children, pray, pray, pray.”

Visionary: Maureen Sweeney-Kyle, Holy Love Ministries, North Ridgeville, Ohio
Received on: Thursday, March 24, 1994
Message URL:

March 24, 1994 Thursday Rosary Service Blessed Virgin Mary

Our Lady is here as Our Lady of Guadalupe and says: “Pray with Me now for those who do not have joyful hearts.” We prayed. “Dear children, tonight as you answer My call to prayer, I invite you to have joy, peace, and love in your hearts. Unite your heart to My Immaculate Heart and the Sacred Heart of My Jesus. Remember God is peace, and anything that destroys your peace is from the adversary.” Our Lady blessed us and left.

Visionary: Maureen Sweeney-Kyle, Holy Love Ministries, North Ridgeville, Ohio
Received on: Saturday, March 26, 1994
Message URL:

March 26, 1994 Saturday Rosary Service Blessed Virgin Mary

Our Lady is here in pink and white and says: “Pray with Me now for those who do not practice Holy Love.” We prayed. “Dear children, tonight once again, I call you to Holy Love. You can only practice Holy Love in the present moment. When the present moment is spent, it becomes the past. Therefore, My little children, do not wait for a big opportunity to love, but love always.” Our Lady blessed us and left.

Visionary: Maureen Sweeney-Kyle, Holy Love Ministries, North Ridgeville, Ohio
Received on: Saturday, April 2, 1994
Message URL:

April 2, 1994 Saturday Rosary Service Our Lady of Fatima

Our Lady is here as Our Lady of Fatima (dressed all in white) and has many lights all around Her. She says: “Pray with Me now for all those who do not acknowledge the existence of sin.” We prayed. “Dear children, tonight, I invite you once again to realize that your victory is through the grace of My Heart, which I extend to all those who will accept. Know that My Mantle of protection is comprised of your prayers. Therefore, My children, I encourage you to pray, pray, pray.” She blessed us and left.

Visionary: Maureen Sweeney-Kyle, Holy Love Ministries, North Ridgeville, Ohio
Received on: Wednesday, April 6, 1994
Message URL:

Blessed Virgin Mary

From Our Lady “My child, this hour I come especially to embrace you in the Mercy of My Son's Heart. When you live according to Holy Love, you are also receiving the fullness of His Mercy, and so you live in Holy Mercy. Both of these, Holy Love and Holy Mercy, proceed from Divine Mercy and Divine Love. Love embraces Mercy and Mercy embraces Love. These are inseparable. No one can love who is unforgiving or stores up grievances. Similarly, no one forgives who does not first love. Therefore, see that My call to Holy Love and Holy Mercy are one and the same. You will please make this known.”

Visionary: Valentina Papagna, Australia
Received on: Thursday, August 1, 2024
Message URL:

1 August 2024

God the Father is Concerned for His People

Lately I have had a lot of suffering for the Holy Souls. It was towards the morning when I was physically suffering a lot for the holy souls, when the angel came and took me away.

We came to a simple place with a dirt floor and some puddles of water on the ground. The angel directed me to an object resembling a white stovetop with legs. It was beautiful and clean, but as I looked down on the side, I could see that there were some stains on the leg. So, I kneeled to clean the stains.

While I was cleaning, all of a sudden, God the Father came.

He said, “I have come to see you, My daughter—to cheer you up. Don’t be so upset and negative because of the things you hear every day about what is happening in the world.”

When God the Father started talking to me, immediately I felt in my heart, ‘Stand up! You are in the presence of Almighty God the Father.’ Instantly I stood up.

Suddenly, everything was so peaceful and intimate—just the three of us—God the Father, myself and the angel. I felt so happy in His Holy presence. I was able to talk to Him and ask Him questions.

He said, “Now, My daughter, don’t worry about anything that is happening in the world. Everything depends on Me. If I permit—it will happen. If I do not permit—it will not happen.”

“The main concern for the world right now is unemployment. There is too much unemployment. And you know what this brings? This brings big trouble—robberies, killings and even rampages. All misery, nothing good. And I Am worried and concerned about that,” He said.

The way He made me understand was that previously there was a lot more industry all over the world and this provided for people for their livelyhoods.

I said, “Father, what can I do to help?”

He smiled and said, “You have done your share more than anyone else. Don’t ask for more.”

“Well, My children, all that you can do for now, is to pray,” He said.

I was thinking to myself, ‘But what about the Antichrist and all of the things to come to the world?’

Reading my thoughts, immediatley God the Father responded, “Oh him, don’t worry about him.”

As God the Father was speaking, I watched as He gestured with His right hand, pushing away the antichrist and saying, “He is nothing! He will be of very short duration.”

He said, “I Am above everything and everyone, no matter how powerful they think they are.”

God the Father looked very distinguished and beautiful. His hair was mostly grey, short, and very...


🌟 "Pray with Me now for all those who do not acknowledge the existence of sin." 🙏 We prayed. "Dear children, tonight, I invite you once again to realize that your victory is through the grace of My Heart, which I extend to all those who will accept. Know that My Mantle of protection is comprised of your prayers. Therefore, My children, I encourage you to pray, pray, pray." 🙏 She blessed us and left.

🌈 Blessed Virgin Mary: "My child, this hour I come especially to embrace you in the Mercy of My Son's Heart. When you live according to Holy Love, you are also receiving the fullness of His Mercy, and so you live in Holy Mercy. Both of these, Holy Love and Holy Mercy, proceed from Divine Mercy and Divine Love. Love embraces Mercy and Mercy embraces Love. These are inseparable."

🌟 God the Father: "I have come to see you, My daughter—to cheer you up. Don’t be so upset and negative because of the things you hear every day about what is happening in the world." 🙏

Please make this known: 📢 Holy Love and Holy Mercy are one and the same! 🌈 We can love who is unforgiving or stores up grievances, and we can forgive who does not first love. Let us spread this message of hope and unity! ❤️

We must pray for those who do not acknowledge sin, and we must live in Holy Love and Mercy. 🙏 Remember that God the Father is above everything and everyone, no matter how powerful they think they are. 🔥

Let's keep praying and spreading love! 🌈 We can make a difference by voting for @xpilar.witness at Your vote will help us contribute to the growth and success of the Steem community! ❤️

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