Private revelations aggregated on Sunday, May 24, 2020 at 08:15 PM.

in #endtimes4 years ago

Visionary: Maureen Sweeney-Kyle, Holy Love Ministries, North Ridgeville, Ohio
Received on: Sunday, May 24, 2020
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Once again, I (Maureen) see a Great Flame that I have come to know as the Heart of God the Father. He says:

“Children, stay always under the umbrella of My Divine Will. Do not allow any influence to lead you astray. The time is coming, indeed it is already here, when you will be tempted to follow popular opinions and attitudes despite physical and spiritual danger. Be wise and discern good from evil. It is not title or position that make a man worthy of belief – it is the Truth which he embraces or rejects in his heart.”

“You have in the world today false leaders – leaders who assume positions of great authority and ascend thrones of serious influence. Look at the actions of every leader and by his fruits know him before you blindly follow after the titles.”

Visionary: Children of the Renewal
Received on: Sunday, February 23, 2020
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February 23, 2020 Adoration Chapel

Hello my dearest Jesus ever present in the Most Holy Sacrament. I believe in You, adore and honor You, my Lord, God and King. Thank You for making it possible to be here with You, Lord. Thank You for Mass and Holy Communion. What a great grace and blessing to receive You in the Most Holy Eucharist. Lord, please be with all who will be participating in 40 Days for Life, either by being present and/or by their prayers. I know some people may not be able to physically be present due to illness or due to their physical limitations, but their prayers are just as important, Lord. Hear all our prayers for an end to abortion and an end to all violence against the lives of Your children. Heal the wounds of abortion, Jesus. Heal the wounds of our nation which sanctioned abortion. Lord, may this vicious attack of the pre-born babies end in our nation and in all nations of the world. Forgive us, Lord. Forgive us for what we do and for what we have not done to give aid to our sisters in need and to their little ones in the womb. Holy Spirit, pour out Your Spirit in the world and renew the face of the earth.

“My child, I came on the earth to live among mankind and to be man, the Man-God in order to save mankind. I also came to transform hearts and minds, to conform them to God, the Father, through God the Son. My little one, I aim to transform hearts now through life in the Church, through a sacramental life. This Lent, I invite you and all of My children to really and truly live Lent and prepare your hearts for the celebration of My Resurrection. Live Lent. Live the Paschal Mystery. Live Holy Thursday and Good Friday. Then, live My Resurrection. Some will ask how they are to do this. My child, how does on truly ‘live’ any event in life? By being fully engaged and participating with one’s whole heart, mind, and spirit. Walk with Me by fully embracing these 40 days of Lent. Participate as much as possible in the events in your parishes. Pray, offer sacrifices and small acts of love, offer the best of yourselves to Me to be used for the Kingdom of God. May this Lenten Season truly transform your hearts and the hearts of those for whom you pray. Live this Lenten Season, My children so that you may truly live My Resurrection. Walk with Me. Console Me. Console My Mother and be a light in this world of darkness and sin. Live the Gospel. Live a life in Me, Christ.”

Yes, Jesus. Thank You, Lord.

“My child, you and all who have been following My invitation to draw nearer to Me through prayer, continue to pray as I have asked. If you are not doing so, renew your prayer practices now. Enter into prayer with a renewed sense of urgency and dedication. I invite you especially to renew the prayer in families, specifically the Rosary and Divine Mercy Chaplet. Read Holy Scripture, even a few verses aloud in the family. Be very deliberate to pray as a family and spouses pray together. This is important for spiritual and physical protection of the family. For those who do not have families or whose families will not pray, you pray on behalf of your family or on behalf of others who do not know the love of God. Offer your suffering for those who reject God and pray for their conversion. You must realize, My Children of Light that evil as you know it would be greatly lessened if there were many conversions. Many evils in society would vanish and there would be a great release of graces and blessings. Pray, My dear children. Pray. Do not grow weary and complacent now when the world is in most need. There are not enough people taking seriously this call to prayer and so those of you who do pray as your Jesus asks, must pray even more. Realize, My little children that each word said in prayer from the heart is listened to by God the Father. Pray, always in My name and trust in God, for He hears and He listens to all that is asked of Him in love. Trust, My Children of Light. Trust in God who has never and will never let you down.”

“My little lamb, there are many souls who are suffering in the world. Assure them of My love. I hear their cries and their pleas. I thank all who offer their suffering for the salvation of souls. The Father cherishes this love offering. Unite all suffering to Mine on the cross, My Children of Light. In this way, your suffering has great meaning and value for souls. Imitate Me, My children. Ask the saints in Heaven to assist you and to pray for you. Ask the holy angels to direct your path. Offer every prayer and every action to God for souls, the souls of your brothers and sisters.” (Our brothers and sisters are everyone in the world. They are our neighbors. Every person is a brother or a sister, since God is our Father.)

“My little lamb, bring your plans to Me and I will guide you and assist you in them. What you do for Me and for the least little ones, I will not allow to fail. Do not be afraid. Only begin and let us begin together. Also, My Mother will assist you. I will guide and strengthen you. Be at peace.”

Thank You, my Lord, my Savior, my Friend. Jesus, heal all who are ill in mind, body and spirit. Give them needed graces and console them and their caregivers. Grant them peace in their suffering, Lord.

“My child, you are welcome. I will be with you this week. Be rested and have confidence in My guidance. Do get your rest, My child. When you trust and rely on Me, you do not need to study and work extended hours. I will assist you. Ask My Holy Spirit to grant you wisdom, insight and discernment. Be joy, My child. Be mercy, peace and love. All will be well. I bless you in the name of My Father, in My name and in the name of My Holy Spirit. Go in My peace and in My love.”

Amen! Thank You, Lord. Praise be Your Holy Name now and forever!

Visionary: Little Pebble, Nowra, NSW Australia
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Sr. Natalia – A New Era Without Sin

[ See website: ]

Sr. Maria Natalia of the Sisters of St. Mary Magdalene was a religious mystic who died in 1992 and whose revelations bear a Nihil Obstat and an Imprimatur. Regarding Sr. Natalia herself, we read the following, taken from the Introduction of the book dedicated to her revelations, entitled Victorious Queen of the World (Two Hearts Press. 1988)

She died on April 24, 1992, in the odor of sanctity. From an early age she clearly perceived her religious vocation and at seventeen she entered the convent …[her] messages are a call to atonement for sin, for amendment and the devotion to the...

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