Private revelations aggregated on Sunday, March 17, 2019 at 06:04 PM.

in #endtimes6 years ago

Visionary: Maureen Sweeney-Kyle, Holy Love Ministries, North Ridgeville, Ohio
Received on: Sunday, March 17, 2019
Message URL:

Once again, I (Maureen) see a Great Flame that I have come to know as the Heart of God the Father. He says:

"My children, My First Commandment - to love Me above all else and your neighbor as yourself - dictates obedience to all the others. You must first love Me and in this love seek to please Me. Then - and only then - will you desire to keep all of My Commandments. If you love your neighbor, you will not covet his goods, do him bodily harm, steal from him or slander him. Understand, then, that Holy Love is the embodiment of all the Commandments."

"This is the sum total of all Heaven has come to teach you in the volumes of Messages given here. This is what your salvation rests upon. This is also the way to uncover Satan and his activities. Any compromise of My Commandments is Satan's hallmark. Consider, for instance, the numbers of young people who choose to live together outside of marriage today. What used to be taboo is now acceptable. Therefore, realize the great need there is for the correction of consciences through My call to return to obedience of My Commandments through Holy Love."

"The saint whose feast you celebrate today (St. Patrick) lived amongst pagans preaching the Truth of what I have given you here today. In many respects, I am asking you to spread this Message amongst the modern-day pagans who outnumber Christian believers these days."

Visionary: Clare du Bois,, Taos, NM
Received on: Thursday, February 14, 2019
Message URL:

Thank you, Lord, for the warning. Let us draw close to comfort You and pray for lawmakers.

My Family, the Lord has asked me to call you to His side to comfort Him. He is so broken over these murderous laws the states are passing. Sweet Jesus, please show us how to best bring You comfort.

He began speaking. He said, "My people, the laws you are signing into existence are tragedy beyond your reckoning. This is forcing the Father's hand, Sodom and Gomorrah. For those of you who care, please come to My side and hold Me, stroke My hair and comfort Me. Weep with Me, My people. Weep also for yourselves, for great is the calamity My Father will allow for this heinous crime.

"Everyone involved in this practice, from the doctors, to the hospital, to those who make arrangements for disposal of these children--everyone who touches this is guilty of first-degree murder. If you work in a hospital where this is going on, leave and find other work. The judgment of the Father is hanging heavily over those who permit this in their hospitals.

"You are turning this nation into a nation of vampires, where soon anyone will be able to purchase blood--the blood of newborns. It is already a fact on the black market. It started out with the Elites but has spread throughout your government as Satan harvests the blood of innocents in retaliation for shutting down child trafficking rings and building a wall to prevent smuggling victims across the borders.

"I cannot even begin to tell you the consequences of these crimes. Pray that your President acts immediately to stop this butchery. Pray that he exhausts every possible course of action to shut this down, or these places will be no more.

"You lawmakers who have signed this into existence, wail and mourn--for your time is coming and there is no escape from it. Your place in Hell is secure unless you repent of this evil and work to overturn these laws.

"The life you look forward to for your children is in jeopardy for your criminal slaughter of My children, whom I brought into this world to bless. You will find the Asian, the Arab, the African, and Native and Hispanic population will change the face of this nation as their families increase and mature. They will come to maturity and govern with Godly values. And those of you who care nothing for life will be in the minority and under their rule in America.

"I will bless those who honor the sanctity of life. I will cover them and their families with extraordinary protection, and they will multiply and flourish.

"But for you who murder My children from the womb, God's judgment is upon you and your future generations. Those who honor the sanctity of life, I shall bless and protect. I am warning you, that unless you repent and change these laws, judgment will indeed fall upon your house and beyond to your future generations.

"My People, pray for your President. Pray for your lawmakers. Pray for a complete reversal of this crime against humanity. Pray the whole world outlaw abortion. And as you stand for them, I will stand for you, and your children I will save."

And in closing, I'd like to thank those of you who have been supporting our ministry. We appreciate it so much. And these times can be a little lean, so we're very, very grateful for what you've sown into the ministry. And we are taking care of a LOT of charities. If you want to see--especially trafficked children--who we are taking care of, go ahead and go to our website, and click on the Outreach tab, and you'll see basically what we're doing.

And in addition to that, I just wanted to remind you that our new book, When God Heals and When He Doesn't" is available on Amazon. Or, if you drop me a postcard or a letter, I will send you a copy for free. Our goal is not to make money on books, but to get God's word out. So, we're not interested in the money aspect of it. And we want to make these available to as many people that need them. Just let us know and we'll send you a copy.

God bless you, Dear Family. And thank you. Thank you for your prayers and for taking care of us. Amen.

Visionary: Valentia Papagna, Australia
Received on: Tuesday, March 5, 2019
Message URL:

I will powerfully intercede for this Injustice

During the night I endured a lot of physical suffering to the point where I hardly slept. I kept tossing and turning all night. Like most nights, my room was full of Holy Souls.

About five o’clock in the morning our Lord Jesus appeared, and He was smiling. He said, “My child, the pain that you are going through and have endured all night, will you permit Me to use it for Cardinal Pell?”

I answered, “Yes, my Lord.”

Then our Lord explained to me, “That will help and contribute for the injustice. I will powerfully intercede for this injustice. My Child, I know everything, their deeds, and their lies.”

Jesus was happy and looking at me. I said, “Lord, I saw Your power that You showed me. Who can go against You? No-one!”

Our Lord said, “I work silently and deep into the spirit of people, and I bring out that which is Just and Truth.”

I said, “You are the only One, my Lord who can free him.”

Thank you my Lord Jesus. I love You for Your invisible and powerful graces.

Jesus said, “I ask that you go to Holy Mass and offer Me all that I have told you and shown you today.”

Later that day I attended Holy Mass at St Patrick’s Cathedral, Parramatta. After receiving Holy Communion, I said to the Lord, “Thank you Lord for coming to me in the Holy Eucharist. I offer what you asked of me for Cardinal Pell.”

After I made this prayer to our Lord, I received a vision. In this vision, I could see many people, not from this congregation, walking towards the Altar to receive Holy Communion. Suddenly, I noticed Cardinal Pell was also amongst these people. He was fully dressed as a Cardinal and wore a beautiful Mitre on his head.”

Our Lord showed me how He spiritually nourished Cardinal Pell with the Holy Eucharist to give him strength to go through his suffering.

I thank you Lord, for all Your powerful graces and intercession.

Visionary: Tenderheart, Jabez in Action, Canada
Received on: Thursday, February 28, 2019
Message URL:

Never Allow Distractions To Pull You Away From Your Prayer Time

Children of My Divine Heart,

I Am that I Am. I Am the Great I Am. I Am the King of Glory. Open your hearts to Me. Surrender in all confidence. Give Me permission to transfigure you for My glory. Rejoice in Me. Know that My master plan nears fruition. Satan is a defeated foe. Do not fear him. I have seated you in the heavenlies, far above Principalities, and Powers. Exercise your authority in Christ Jesus. Do not tremble as you advance into battle. Victory is mine. You would do well to remember this. Though everything seems to point to defeat, I Am is the victor of All. I triumph over all adversities, all trials, all rejection, and all doubt. My ways are as perfect as My timing. Persevere in love. Love as I love. Love without condition. Be holy. I wait on you. I need your actions, your hands to touch the broken. Assist Me. I have gifted you with generous...

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