It's not how much money you make, but how much money you keep...steemCreated with Sketch.

in #endthefed7 years ago

We have heard the markets can't continue this Bull Run to higher highs.
But year after year the markets continue to rise, longer than the experts claim it could.

Since the banksters' bailouts in 2009 I have been asking how much can the citizens endure?
I am talking about rising food, rising electric bills, rising taxes, - you know, the rising costs to live.
And by the way all these things are the specific items that the federal reserve do not include in their measurement for inflation.
So who is deceiving who?

No, when you look at factual, non-deceiving data you see rising bankruptcies, and consolidation among corporations.
The records show fewer banks as the globally systemically important financial institutions (G-SIFI) consolidate.

What about the small businesses, the mom & pop stores, the tailors and fashion stores?
You have heard about the larger retailers or as some call it the "Retail apocalypse" and it continues today.

I could go on and on about the signals for the deteriorating economies, but my interest is discovering how much can the citizens tolerate?

Look around the world and see corporations buying their company stocks (with very cheap money - some would say free money) and corporations are buying public municipal assets such as toll bridges, utility plants - take Bankrupt Puerto Rico and their electric company (PREPA) for example.

When the markets do plunge toward a major correction I imagine even more bankruptcies and the corporations will buy-up many more distressed businesses for pennies on the dollar.

When the market corrects This Time The Most Embarrassing Thing To Say Will Be “No One Saw This Coming”

Ask Yourself, Am I Prepared For Market & Bank Disruptions?

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I suspect that most citizens do not "listen" to reports such as this - no, they wait until the inevitable disaster hits them and it is displayed on MSM and TV news. At that moment it is too late to prepare

Massive debt can devastate some families after a job loss or a medical emergency.

99% will be surprised that the world will change from growing economy to a shrinking economy (degrowth) in coming decades.
So this debt cycle will be the worst this planet has ever seen.

Get out Debt and get real money like silver and gold as the will come back as money. All fiat money will hyperinflate to be worth nothing.

@lunix not a popular topic for discussions is it? ;)

You are so right man. People dont ask these questions before hand. They kedp their heads in the sand and ignore the truth...or worse, they dont want to believe the truth. I am asked 'so, whats going to happen excatly'.
I cant answer that...I dont have the inside info. I just prepare for anything thay could happen

@revelationquotes prepare and share knowledge, some will get it and others won't - that is it.