Citizen Endo Project Creates Phendo, a Period Tracker App for Women With Endometriosis

in #endometriosis8 years ago

 It took only two menstrual cycles for Noémie Elhadad to know something wasn’t right with her body. Growing up in a family of doctors and women with endometriosis, the then 13-year-old was soon diagnosed with the condition herself. 

Now, 27 years later, Elhadad, Ph.D., a biomedical informatics  professor at Columbia University in New York City, is using her  professional and personal experience to revolutionize a type of app most  women already have on their phones. The Citizen Endo  project – a creation of Elhadad and her team at Columbia Medical Center  – revolves around Phendo, a period tracking app that focuses on  tracking pain, and citizen science. 

Endometriosis, also known as “endo” by those familiar with the  disease, is a chronic condition where tissue similar to the lining of  the uterus is found outside the uterus. This tissue most often adheres  to the outside of the reproductive organs but can also be found anywhere  within the pelvic cavity including the bladder, bowel, peritoneum, as  well as higher up on the intestines and diaphragm. Changes in hormone  levels lead to an inflammatory response around the areas of endometriosis  which can cause widespread pain in areas affected, as well as pain  during intercourse, urination and/or bowel movements. It may also lead  to infertility. Despite its prevalence – around one in 10 women have the condition – little is known about the disease. 

“In a way, the fact that the disease has not been well studied is an  opportunity here because the field is wide open,” Elhadad told The  Mighty. 

“We can really do something.” Despite the multitude of apps available, period trackers are far from  one-size-fits-all. Today’s period trackers don’t really consider  endometriosis, Elhadad said. Many trackers revolve around estimating  fertility for the purpose of planning or avoiding pregnancy. While these  analytics are important for many women, fertility-based trackers fail  to recognize the large population of women who are infertile – many of  whom rely on trackers as a way of monitoring conditions like  endometriosis or polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). For the 5 million women in America who have endometriosis and the 1.5 million  who are infertile, these brightly designed apps with their  fertility-inspired imagery often fall short of the community’s needs. 

Phendo, which stands for “phenotyping endo,” will be the first period  tracker of its kind on the market. “[Endometriosis] is different from  other diseases in the sense that it really affects everything in your  daily life,” Elhadad said. Therefore, the Phendo app will allow each  woman to customize its settings to best suit her pain and symptoms. 

Building the Citizen Endo Team

It took Elhadad a while to commit herself to such a personal project.  “It was not an easy decision, actually,” she said. “It came out of both  opportunity – I have the skills and the expertise to do data science  and mobile health and things like that – and just as a patient feeling  an unmet need. We still don’t have enough descriptions of the disease  that are directly connected to the patient experience.

” Along with Elhadad, the Citizen Endo team includes Mollie McKillop,  M.S. in public health, M.A., a third year Ph.D. student and “endo  advocate;” and Sylvia English, M.S., who, like Elhadad, has  endometriosis. 

“I got my first period at 13 and didn’t know there was anything  wrong,” English said. “[At 15,] I was regularly passing out at school  and couldn’t really stand up most of the time… I was officially  diagnosed when I was 22 and have had three surgeries. I’m trying to use  this experience to make things better for people somehow. ” 

It’s no coincidence that two-thirds of the Citizen Endo team has  endometriosis. “[Having endometriosis] changes our perspective and  motivations as well,” Elhadad told The Mighty. “You’re motivated for  yourself, but you also want to help as many women who experience  something similar to what you’ve been through, to prevent other people  from having to go through it again.

” The team has been consulting women with endometriosis since day one.  “We’re making sure patient voices and women with endometriosis are  actually heard while building this,” English said. 

This idea of doctors and researchers listening is not typically  a part of an endometriosis patient’s experience. “To me, that’s what  sticks out about endo,” Elhadad said. “People get left behind and they  don’t get heard.” 

The team also works with three nurse scientists who specialize in self-management, health literacy and women’s health. 

Creating an App for Researchers and Patients

The Phendo app, created using Apple’s ResearchKit and CareKit, is a  pure research initiative financed by funding Elhadad receives as a  researcher at Columbia Medical Center. Citizen Endo does not accept any  commercial or pharmaceutical funding. 

Phendo’s goal is three-pronged. 

“One is understanding the disease,” Elhadad told The Mighty, “having a  full account of the constellation of symptoms and signs that can happen  with the disease.

” Once the app hits the market later this fall, Elhadad and her team  hope to learn more about how the disease develops and changes. “We  already know, thanks to all of the research that happened before, there  is at least three subtypes of endometriosis and those have been found  through surgery mostly,” Elhadad explained. “It’s endometrioma or  superficial lesions of endometriosis or it’s deep-infiltrating  endometriosis.

” Now the team wants to know how each subtype affects symptoms, and if  there are more subtypes within each type.“There are some questions we  don’t know how to answer yet,” Elhadad said. These questions include who  develops infertility and why do some patients respond to treatments  while others don’t. The app will hopefully find answers through clinical  and surgical data as entered by the user. 

“The next steps are really to have a set of biomarkers and digital  markers for endometriosis,” she said. “So a lab test is a biomarker, but  the way the number of steps you take today because of the terrible pain  of your cycle, that’s also a marker of endometriosis.

” The second goal of the app is to help users determine and manage what  triggers their pain as well as see how their symptoms have developed  over time. “There’s this opportunity for each woman to make sense of  her own data as well and to figure out what works and what doesn’t  work,” Elhadad said. 

Through tracking you can start to see bigger trends in the data. “You  can start to see what works for you as an individual and what doesn’t,”  English explained. “That’s important from the individual level, but  it’s also really great to see [for example] there’s this cluster of  women and they’re taking xyz drug and it makes their pain really bad  three days later. What does that mean in the long-term and maybe they’ve  got another trait we can look at that will signify there is something  we can do to intervene.

” Lastly, Phendo strives to promote citizen science with the app’s  users acting as patients and scientists. “In the design itself of the  app there are mechanisms for women to say ‘I have this question about  endometriosis,’ or ‘I think this worked for me, does it work for  others,’” Elhadad told The Mighty. “So it’s not only your a citizen  because you are donating your data, it’s because you are actually  thinking about it and hopefully in an empowering way and not in a way  that depresses you about your disease.” 

Right now Elhadad and her team are finishing the design and beta  testing the app with users. “My hope is by September or October we have a  minimum viable product that can be tested at scale,” she said. The app  will be available to anyone who has surgically been diagnosed with  endometriosis as well as those who think they might have the condition  but have yet to be diagnosed. 

“We also have a selected set of subjects where we know what  particular diagnosis they have and which phenotype they have so we can  correlate that to the data,” said Elhadad. “We’re kind of running two  studies at once, basically.

” Phendo already shows promise. “It’s been really fascinating to see  there’s already a pattern happening between what’s going on in the  morning versus what’s going on at night,” Elhadad said of tracking her  own symptoms through the app. “I didn’t know, even though I’ve clearly  been thinking about it for so long. So I’m even learning something from  tracking it this way.” You can visit the Citizen Endo website to learn more about Phendo and be notified when the app launches. 

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