End chain - Consummation fakes and strategic complexities

in #endchain6 years ago



EndChain is a decentralized stage that utilizes open traditions and coordination instruments, while uniting transport associations, producers, transporters and other applicable gatherings through straightforward, created trades. The predictable exchange items is along these lines a protected and fathomable way.

EndChain demonstrates the whole chain of the coordination procedure. This implies from the maker over the business to the retailer to the client. This may cause EndChain to wind up with a blocking assention that is hard to utilize and comprehend for any player on the stock system. By favoring the coordination necessities of organizations inside the age procedure, EndChain will enhance the general comprehension and advance the income of the mass chain.

How End chain platform works

  • Phase of Production: To the producer gets a request. He checks it with one straightforward QR code. Also, adds it to the chain, with the goal that the purchaser comprehends what item he requested.

  • The exchange of products Transport Company: Where they check all codes. What's more, if everything matches the item goes further.

  • Transportation: At this stage, the EndChain framework guarantees the organization's obligation regarding your item.

  • Receipt of merchandise from clients: Moreover, if the code does not all of a sudden concur, it will imply this isn't the item that the client initially requested.

Rule of activity

The usage of the majority of the above will be completed by utilizing a one of a kind QR code for EndChain, which is joined with a standardized tag. This innovation enables us to give effortlessness and effectiveness to all system members, which incorporate,

  • expansive organizations
  • the shops
  • purchasers

C3TZR1g81UNaPs7vzNXHueW5ZM76DSHWEY7onmfLxcK2iPJnTcNp8zkFjs99vZw3K3bezV8YiWaM8uN4C9PmXA6ZrpKTdHuVkYmkqw9tf8TBXavUwRWLT9g (1).png

By checking this code with the assistance of an extraordinary application, each system member can get data about the producer, and about the people who were occupied with the conveyance of an item, regardless of whether it was sold by the principal proprietor in the auxiliary market

Points of interest EndChain :

  • Make genuine item developing with high an incentive in future
  • Controling of flow of item supply to make too
  • Growing an open door for a business to make also and getting benefit in future
  • Examination of item esteem too in future
  • Developing of modern of coordinations exceptionally well with high caliber

Present difficulties

The essential issue that coordinations confront is today is inaccurate following points of interest of merchandise/items. The conveyance of products from producer to end shopper has numerous stages, arrive transportation, bearers, custom agents, cargo forwarders and so forth. They need to keep the each track records physically on the obsolete frameworks.

The vast majority of the occasions they are not straightforward and they generally give off base data in following points of interest. Finding the fake items in this obsolete framework turns out to be particularly troublesome and numerous multiple times shoppers get fake items.

Directly there are numerous organizations giving answers for calculated issues yet there is no total in general arrangement exist. For various issues diverse organizations give arrangements. The greater part of the current blockchain arrangements just spotlights on extravagance products, for example, gems, satchels, precious stones and so on.

Another real issue is the absence of obligation. At the point when the bundles ends up lost, stolen, harmed or deferred, the organizations move their accuse onto another. Because of the erroneous following information frameworks it ends up hard to check the correct status of the bundle. This makes the clients disappointed.

ICO dates and points of interest

Open deal will be held in 5 organizes in the period from December 1 of this current year to January 15, 2019. Amid the fifth stage, 5 irregular victors will be chosen, who will get an extra 40 thousand tokens. A sum of 74.5 million coins will be sold. The expense of the first ENCN will be 0.16, 0.18, 0.20, and $ 0.24 amid the first, second, third, fourth and fifth rounds, separately. Softcap venture - 4 million dollars, hardcap - 15 million dollars.

ICO Phase

  • Round 1 (USD 1.5m) USD 0.16 (50% bonus)
  • Round 2 (USD 3.0m) USD 0.18 (35% bonus)
  • Round 3 (USD 3.5m) USD 0.20 (20% bonus)
  • Round 4 (USD 3.5m) USD 0.22 (10% bonus)
  • Round 5 (USD 3.5m) USD 0.24 (5 raffles; 40,000 tokens each)

endchain (1).png

Detail Token

  • Token Name: ENCN
  • Token Type: ERC20
  • Price ICO: 0.2400 USD
  • Payment Accept : BTC,ETH,BCH, LTC
  • Soft cap: 4 000 000 USD
  • Hard cap: 15 000 000 USD

Road map


Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.20
TRX 0.14
JST 0.030
BTC 64294.06
ETH 3427.66
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.59