UPDATE My crops A Project with social meaning

in #en6 years ago (edited)

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Below I show the progress of my crops on my farm located in San Joaquin, this is a population of Anzoategui State, Venezuela. Remember that 19 days ago, I made a publication about my crops, I told them at that time that one of my goals was to produce food to offer to the community at solidarity prices, and in addition to this, make donations to low-income families since With the crisis that our country is going through, many people can not buy vegetables, which today is the most consumed, because they have served to replace meats, which are impossible to buy.

Financial support for my sweet paprika, tomato, eggplant and pepper crops

In the first publication, I requested financial support to the community of Fundition, to be able to take my project to a happy conclusion, because my resources have been running out due to the high cost of the supplies. As everyone knows, in Venezuela we are experiencing hyperinflation that affects Venezuelans and especially rural workers.

Fundition: https://fundition.io/#!/@oscarcede/33np404c4

Steemit: https://steemit.com/en/@oscarcede/33np404c4

43 days ago I started the transplant of my seedlings, and here they have me trying to keep my crops healthy, thank God so far I have been fulfilling the fertilization programs that are very important for the development of the plants, because the crops must be attended according to their different stages of development to avoid nutrient deficiencies that affect production.

10 days after the first publication

On the other hand we must be vigilant to avoid the presence of pests and diseases in plants, for these reasons we must dispose of the products at the right time to keep our plants healthy and vigorous.

Updating the amount of financing for my crops

My crops are entering the stage of flowering, this is a stage in which plants require their nutrients for the formation and filling of fruits, such as: potassium, phosphorus, calcium, nitrogen and micros elements. That is why this week I must start buying these fertilizers to be able to comply with the fertilization programs.

Amount required when there are 7 weeks to harvest:

  • 10 liters of foliar fertilizers N-P-K, at Bs. 15,000 each liter = Bs. 150,000.00

Reference by: Mercadolibre

  • 4 bags of granulated fertilizer N-P-K Bs. 40,000, or each bag of 50 kg. 160,000.00

Reference by: Mercadolibre

  • 2 bags of granulated fertilizer (Urea) at Bs. 30,000.00 each bag of 50 kilos = Bs. 60,000.00

Reference by: Mercadolibre

  • 6 kilos of mancozobeb powder (fungicide) at Bs 17,000.00 each kg = Bs.102,000.00

Reference by: Mercadolibre

Total (Fertilizer)= Bs. 472.000,00

  • Labor cost for 7 weeks: 4500 Bs. x 7= Bs. 31.500,00

Total expenses for these 7 weeks: Bs. 503.500,00

Current price of the STEEM Bs. 758.00 that is to say that to finance the expenses are required: 664,24 Steem

As you can see, the prices of all products increased by more than 60% in just 20 days, due to the new salary increase that has generated more inflation in Venezuela. Example: a sack of fertilizer N-P-K of 50 kg, cost 20 days ago bs, 15,000.00 now has a cost of 40,000.00, thus all the products have been increased.

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I just have 5 Maibock. This post makes me SO happy! Cheers everyone!!

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