I have a sword.

in #en3 months ago

Chapter One Who dares to harm my sister?!
In Qingcheng, at the ancestral shrine of the Ye Family:

"Ancestors above, Ye Xuan lacks talent and virtue... From this moment on, Ye Xuan's position as heir is hereby revoked; it shall be succeeded by Ye Lang," said an elder dressed in a black robe.

Behind this elder stood a young man at a distance, a faint smile playing on the corners of his lips. This person was indeed Ye Lang.

On either side were the numerous elders of the Ye Estate.


Suddenly, a timid yet resolute voice echoed within the shrine at that instant.

Upon hearing this, everyone turned to see a young girl standing at the entrance. She appeared to be around twelve or thirteen years old, her small hands tightly gripping the hem of her dress, her face pale with a tinge of illness, looking weak and somewhat frightened, yet determined.

This young girl was named Ye Ling, the biological younger sister of Ye Xuan. Upon hearing that the family intended to revoke Ye Xuan's status, she disregarded her own health and rushed over.

The elder in the black robe frowned, "Ye Ling, what are you doing here?"

Ye Ling respectfully bowed to the assembly inside the shrine, her voice quivering with fear, "Great Elder, why would you unjustly revoke my brother Ye Xuan's position as the heir?"

The Great Elder coldly glanced at Ye Ling, "This is a significant matter for our family. What business is it of yours? Leave now!"

Ye Ling was clearly intimidated and dared not look directly at the Great Elder. However, she did not leave but mustered up her courage to step into the shrine. She once again bowed to the elders on both sides, saying, "Esteemed Elders, my brother Ye Xuan is currently on Southern Mountain, fiercely contending with the Li Family for the mining rights. He's risking his life for our family, with his fate unknown, yet our family chooses to revoke his position as the heir based on unfounded reasons at this very moment. This is truly unfair."

"Outrageous!" The Great Elder suddenly bellowed in anger, "Whether or not to revoke his position is not something for a little girl like you to comment on. Someone, drag her out!"

Just then, the newly appointed heir, Ye Lang, interjected with a sneer, "She should be punished with thirty lashes to set an example!"

The Great Elder coldly agreed, "Thirty lashes it is!"

In no time, two guards from the Ye Estate burst into the room.

With her fists clenched tightly, Ye Ling spoke indignantly, "It's not fair! My brother has risked his life for the family all these years, even fighting for us right now, yet the family treats him so unjustly..."

One of the guards caught a glimpse of the new heir, Ye Lang, realizing this was his chance to make an impression.

The guard sneered, "Young Master Ye Lang has been chosen as the heir, a decision everyone supports. What are you yelling about?" And with that, he slapped Ye Ling across the face.


The crisp sound of a slap echoed through the room as Ye Ling's right cheek swelled up instantly. Despite the pain, she didn't cry, but merely covered her cheek tightly.

Taking a look at the guard, Ye Lang asked with a grin, "What's your name?"

The guard quickly bowed, "I am Zhang Mu, greetings to the Heir."

Ye Lang nodded, "You've done well. After I become the heir, I'll need ten personal bodyguards. You'll be one of them from now on."

Overjoyed, Zhang Mu bowed deeply, "I am willing to brave any danger and lay down my life for the Heir!"

Slightly nodding, Ye Lang ordered, "Take her away. She's disrupting the shrine; do not hold back. Understand?"

Zhang Mu cast a glance at Ye Lang and upon seeing the killing intent in his eyes, he understood. Without hesitation, he grabbed Ye Ling's hair and started dragging her out.

At that precise moment, however, Zhang Mu suddenly halted.

Inside the ancestral shrine, everyone turned their heads to look outside the shrine hall.

Not far away from the shrine, a young man was approaching, wearing a tight-fitting long robe that was torn and stained with blood everywhere.

The approaching figure was none other than Ye Xuan, who had rushed back from Southern Mountain!

When Ye Xuan came into sight, a chilling smirk curled up on Ye Lang's lips. Inside the shrine, the faces of the various elders furrowed with concern.

The Great Elder narrowed his eyes slightly, his expression darkening ominously, lost in thought.

From afar, when Ye Xuan spotted Zhang Mu dragging Ye Ling, his face twisted in rage. "Who gave you the audacity to touch my sister?"

Zhang Mu's face paled upon seeing Ye Xuan. He quickly looked at Ye Lang, about to speak, but before he could, Ye Xuan lunged forward like a fierce tiger, striking Zhang Mu square in the face with a punch before he could react.


Zhang Mu reeled from dizziness, stumbling and falling to the ground.

Yet Ye Xuan did not stop there; he charged towards Zhang Mu again. At this point, Ye Lang inside the shrine suddenly shouted in anger, "Ye Xuan, he's under my command! How dare you—"

Without warning, Ye Xuan stepped heavily onto Zhang Mu's chest.


Blood spurted from Zhang Mu's mouth.

Witnessing this scene, Ye Lang's face turned unsightly. Meanwhile, Ye Xuan lifted his gaze toward Ye Lang, snarling, "Under your command, you say?"

Then, he viciously stomped on Zhang Mu's face.

Zhang Mu's face immediately became a bloody mess, his cries of agony ringing out, "Heir, save me, please!"

Ignoring Zhang Mu's desperate pleas, Ye Xuan walked over to Ye Ling's side. Seeing her condition, Ye Xuan felt as if his heart was being pierced by a knife; he clenched his fists, his entire body trembling subtly.

As Ye Ling saw Ye Xuan, tears welled up in her eyes, streaming down her cheeks. "Brother, it hurts, it really hurts..."

Upon hearing Ye Xuan's words, his expression grew ferocious. In the next moment, he rushed towards Zhang Mu and delivered a savage kick to his head.


Zhang Mu's head collided with the stone steps, causing it to shatter violently, splattering blood everywhere.

The sight left everyone present stunned.

However, Ye Xuan wasn't finished yet. With a menacing glare at Ye Lang, he growled, "My sister is someone you can lay a hand on? I swear at your ancestors!" Without further ado, he launched himself straight at Ye Lang.

Inside the ancestral shrine, the Great Elder's face turned livid. "How dare you!" he exclaimed, swiftly tapping the ground with his toe. He slid across the floor to intercept Ye Xuan, then struck out with a palm aimed at Ye Xuan.

His palm carried a fierce gust of wind, sharp and piercing.

A sinister grin twisted Ye Xuan's lips. Clenching his right fist, his sleeve abruptly tore apart as he unleashed a punch to counter the Great Elder's attack.


Their fists clashed, emitting a low explosion-like sound.

Ye Xuan retreated to the doorway, while the Great Elder stepped back several paces.

The scene shocked everyone in attendance. In Qingzhou, martial artists were categorized into six stages: 1st Rank Body Tempering, 2nd Rank Power Training, 3rd Rank Internal Strengthening, 4th Rank Dual Cultivation, 5th Rank Unceasing Vigor, 6th Rank Qi Transformation, and beyond that was the Sovereign Qi Realm. The Great Elder was a genuine Sovereign Qi Realm expert, but Ye Xuan was only at the 5th Rank Unceasing Vigor, two major realms beneath him. Yet, Ye Xuan was barely at a disadvantage against the Great Elder.

The Great Elder was inwardly astonished, knowing Ye Xuan was exceptionally talented and carefully groomed to be the heir of the Ye Family, often fighting to the death for the family's sake. But he never imagined Ye Xuan's combat prowess to be this formidable.

Feeling Ye Xuan's newfound strength, the Great Elder's hidden killing intent intensified.

Fixing Ye Xuan with a stern glare, the Great Elder declared, "Ye Xuan, you dare to attack the heir publicly!"

Ye Xuan's brow creased slightly. "The heir?"

The Great Elder sneered, "Ye Xuan, I forgot to tell you. You have been stripped of your position as heir. From this moment on, Ye Lang is the heir of our Ye Family!"

Ye Xuan's eyes narrowed. "Stripped of my position as heir?"

The Great Elder icily explained, "This was a unanimous decision among the elders."

Ye Xuan let out a malicious laugh, "While I fight tooth and nail outside, you all strip me of my heir's position behind my back?"

The Great Elder sneered once more, pointing at Ye Lang nearby, "Do you know who he is?"

Before Ye Xuan could respond, he continued, "Ye Lang is a Heaven's Chosen One, one who has just awakened!"

Ye Xuan froze.

What was a Heaven's Chosen One?

These were individuals chosen by heaven itself. In the vast world of Qingcang Continent, there existed such people who might seem ordinary during their youth, but one day they would 'awaken', transforming into entirely different beings after which their cultivation speed would skyrocket, accompanied by countless fortuitous encounters. They were akin to favored children of the heavens.

Qingcang Continent consisted of three major continents, with Ye Xuan residing in the Green Continent. There were hundreds of nations within this continent, and he was currently in the Jiang Nation. Over the past decades, fewer than ten Heaven's Chosen Ones had emerged in the Jiang Nation, and every single one of them eventually became a powerhouse in their own right.

Ye Xuan slowly clenched his fists, realizing that the Ye Family was forsaking him. Not only were they giving up on him, but they might also try to eliminate him.

At that moment, Ye Lang suddenly chuckled, "Elders, since Ye Xuan has killed someone publicly and attacked the Great Elder, according to the family rules, what should be the punishment?"

Everyone's attention turned to Ye Lang, who coldly smiled, "According to the family rules, he should be beaten to death, correct?"

Many of the elders nodded in agreement, as Ye Lang was the Heaven's Chosen One and the Great Elder's direct grandson; they wouldn't dare offend either of them now.

The Great Elder coldly glared at Ye Xuan. "Guards!"

Soon, dozens of Ye Family guards appeared outside the ancestral shrine.

At that instant, Ye Xuan suddenly spoke, "There's a rule in our Ye Family: To gain the respect of others, the heir cannot refuse a challenge from anyone of the younger generation."

Looking directly at Ye Lang, he declared, "I challenge you!"

Ye Lang's eyes narrowed slightly as he replied with a grin, "A challenge? Fine, but we should settle it on the Life-and-Death Platform. Are you daring enough?"

The mention of the Life-and-Death Platform caused an uproar in the crowd.

Within the Ye Family, when internal conflicts couldn't be resolved peacefully, they could be settled on the Life-and-Death Platform where participants would bear full responsibility for their lives.

Ye Xuan sneered, "Let's go, to the Life-and-Death Platform!"

However, Ye Lang shook his head. "A month from now, we'll meet on the Life-and-Death Platform. By then, the Patriarch will have finished his seclusion, and our duel can serve as proof that we're not secretly plotting against you!"

Thinking for a moment, Ye Xuan agreed, "Alright!"

After saying that, he didn't say anything more and picked up Ye Ling, walking out of the ancestral shrine together.

Watching the siblings depart, the Great Elder turned to Ye Lang, "He's been battling fiercely outside, and his combat strength is considerable. Are you confident in defeating him?"

A sinister grin spread across Ye Lang's face as the malice in his eyes became palpable. "I've just awakened, and my soul hasn't fully merged with this physical body yet. Otherwise, crushing him would be as easy as squashing an ant! A month from now, there will be no match for me in Qingcheng!"

The Great Elder nodded slightly, satisfied, "That's good to hear."

He then turned to a nearby elder and whispered, "The person I sent to Southern Mountain hasn't returned yet. Plus, I noticed that Ye Xuan looks unusually pale. Ye Ku, investigate what happened to Ye Xuan in Southern Mountain."

The elder nodded and departed.


Back at their courtyard, Ye Xuan gently placed Ye Ling on the bed, caressing her still-swollen cheek and asking softly, "Does it hurt?"

Wiping away her tears, Ye Ling replied, "No, it doesn't hurt anymore! Brother, how could they depose you frm the heir's position? You've fought so hard for the family. Just because Ye Lang is the Heaven's Chosen One, why should they take away your position? It's not fair!"

Ye Xuan shook his head and tenderly touched her swollen cheek again. "There's no fairness in this. This time, it's my fault for failing to protect you properly, allowing you to be harmed."

Ye Ling shook her head, fresh tears rolling down her cheeks, "It's me, I'm useless. I can't help you at all. I'm just a burden to you, brother."

Smiling, Ye Xuan playfully tapped Ye Ling's nose, "Silly girl, I'm your brother, and it's only natural for a brother to protect his sister. Understand?"

Ye Ling sat up and lightly kissed Ye Xuan's forehead, speaking seriously, "Brother, once I get better, I want to cultivate too. I want to protect you too!"

Chuckling, Ye Xuan patted Ye Ling's head. "Alright, I promise I'll cure your illness. It's late now; let's get some rest."

Nodding, Ye Ling added, "I want you to tell me a story."

Ye Xuan smiled and began, "Once upon a time, there was a mountain, and on that mountain, there was a temple, and in that temple lived a..."

Rolling her eyes, Ye Ling interrupted, "Brother, you've told this story for years. But I like it anyway..."

Half an hour later, Ye Ling fell asleep.

After covering her with a blanket, Ye Xuan sat on the floor beside the bed. Gently lifting his robe, he revealed a long scar on his abdomen that was still bleeding.

Having fought a bloody battle with twelve members of the Li Family over the mine, he had been caught off guard by a mysterious attacker. Although he managed to kill the attacker, the latter's blade had pierced his Dantian, likely shattering it.

Dantian shattered!

Ye Xuan slowly closed his eyes, realizing this meant he could only cultivate his physical body and would never achieve the Sixth Rank Qi Transformation realm.

Being unable to cultivate qi was one thing!

Ye Xuan glanced at Ye Ling, whose complexion remained pale despite the three blankets covering her, feeling cold even so.

She suffered from a chill-induced illness!

Since childhood, Ye Ling had been invaded by cold energy, leaving her frail throughout the years. If it weren't for Ye Xuan's relentless efforts to become the heir and earn countless merits for the Ye Family, ensuring they provided her with medicinal food and pills every month, she would have succumbed to her illness long ago.

Ye Xuan's right hand tightened as he pondered. Now that he was no longer the heir, would the Ye Family continue providing the necessary remedies for Ye Ling?

Moreover, her condition seemed to be worsening, and curing her required treatment at the Cangmu Academy in the imperial capital of the Jiang Nation, where the country's best physicians resided. Entry to Cangmu Academy necessitated reaching the Sovereign Qi Realm before turning eighteen!

He had a chance before since he still had six months until he turned nineteen. However, with his Dantian shattered, reaching the Sovereign Qi Realm was nearly impossible now!

Thinking of this, Ye Xuan turned his gaze to Ye Ling, who was already fast asleep, and vowed, "No matter the cost, I'll definitely cure you!"

A short while later, seemingly remembering something, he took out a pitch-black ring from his chest. This ring was left to him by his mother.

Regarding that woman, his memories were hazy, as she had left when he was only ten years old.

Years ago, at the back gate of the Ye Estate, the woman hugged him tightly, tears streaming down her face nonstop. Behind her, not far away, stood a middle-aged man clad in a black robe – although, in truth, the man was not standing, but floating in mid-air!

In his recollection, the man had said, "Miss, if you don't leave now, and the Patriarch learns of the young master's existence, his wrath may bring about a calamity that could destroy this realm, and the young master's life would also be in peril!"

Upon hearing the man's words, the woman gently pushed him away and stealthily slipped the ring into his embrace. "Xuan'er, take good care of Ling'er and yourself. Don't hate your mother…"

With those parting words, she turned and left with the black-robed man.

He stood there, stunned, before frantically chasing after them. Unfortunately, he couldn't keep up, as the man and the woman flew away.

He kept running until exhaustion forced him to stop, yet the woman never turned back. She disappeared along with the black-robed man on the horizon.

Moments later, Ye Xuan collected his thoughts. His right hand firmly gripped the ring, and due to his injured hand, the wound split open, causing a drop of blood to fall onto the black ring. Suddenly, the ring in his hand trembled. Startled, Ye Xuan quickly looked down at the ring, and in that instant, it transformed into a streak of black light, vanishing into his forehead.

Instantaneously, Ye Xuan disappeared from his original spot and reappeared amidst an endless expanse of starry sky.

Not far in front of him, there hovered a towering black pagoda with twelve stories. Four massive chains, as thick as pillars, bound the pagoda, suspending it in space. On the top of the pagoda, three swords were embedded.

The entire tower was pitch-black and profoundly eerie.

Suppressing his awe, Ye Xuan looked up at the first level's entrance. Above it, two crimson characters were emblazoned: "Jieyu" (World Prison).On either side of the entrance hung a pair of lines written in bold, crimson letters, resembling a couplet:

Left: Imprison the heavens, imprison the earth, confine all celestial immortals and demons;

Right: Prohibit the Dao, prohibit destiny, restrict all humans and immortals across the realms.

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