I offered someone $140/hr for a $20/hr job..
... and that person laughed at the offer.
This particular person doesn’t have a degree, does not even have experience in the industry.
People with a doctorate degree in America doesn’t even make that much lol
I’ve concluded some people are too privileged, delusional, ungrateful and just plain retarded.
I’ve also offered other people $100 for a $1,000 job and they were happy to do it, and thanked me every day for it.
Humans are weird.
Connect with Emylee Thai:
Email: [email protected]
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/emyleethai/
Personal: www.emyleethai.com
Company: www.orionmodern.com
Degrees are becoming so frequent that their value is becoming inflated to the point of pointless in many industries.