One for All and All for One: Homework exercise.

in #empowerment7 years ago

Audio recording (length 0:1:39) of Googleville (Mountain View, CA) police harassing a sign-holding speaker by abusing the criminal public nuisance statute. This recording is a good introduction to my ongoing fight for lawful policing and against the thoroughly corrupt courts in Santa Clara County.

Listen to this recording and then please discuss with me how "One for All and All for One" would apply and how doing that would empower us all.[email protected]


"One for All and All for One" as originated by the Three Musketeers, supports the new paradigm of cooperation instead of competition.
But here we see the police flexing their ego's and muscles by implying: - "I am more superior to you, therefore I am NOT going to listen or entertain your point of view."
It's a 6! No, it's a 9! - ad nauseam.
This is never going to work, so we better come up with something different, otherwise we are just playing out Einstein's definition of insanity!
Thanks for this opportunity to share @ideafarm

Thank you so much for listening to this recording. I have others, some far more dramatic. But I am not here to post outrageous recordings to entertain those who are asleep.

It is as if I am a man drowning in the surf in full view of hundreds of people on a crowded beach. Many fingers point to the curiosity bobbing in the surf. But it occurs to no one to rush out to save my life.

What the gawkers don't see is that my submerged hand holds a treasure chest filled with immeasurable wealth. If I drown, that treasure will be lost to humanity. But if just one comes to save me, I will be able to deliver wonderful gifts from God to all of the people on the shore.

Consider yourself saved @ideafarm (by yourself),as you know you are the only one that can do it.
Then go out and share these gifts with anyone who will be remotely interested and there are many - just have to connect with them!

The "drowning man in surf" story is a metaphor for my actual situation. I am truly desperate. I really am holding treasure that will be lost. No, as in the metaphor, I cannot save myself and I cannot save the treasure.

Will you be the first to say, "How can I help?"? I don't need your money. I don't need you to volunteer for anything. I just need you (or someone) to awaken to the fact that I have a tiger by the tail and I'm going to get creamed if no one is willing to lift a finger to save me.

I need hundreds of people to say, "Count me in. I will lift a finger One for All; All for One." If you say this, you will be the first, and I will use you to demonstrate that I really won't ask any more from you than a fingerlift.

I can say "How can I help" @ideafarm, but I need more information about this tiger.
How about sharing it here with your community?
I for one would read it!

I know you will and didn't mean to "put you on the spot". You don't know anything about me, and I do not expect you or anyone to immediately save me from my situation. The "drowning man in surf" metaphor is intended to clearly communicate the situation, including the opportunity.

In a nutshell, I've expended my forty years of adult life to produce several works of genius. Now I need to tell the story and to deliver those works into the care of young people so that they will not be lost when I die. That is what I hope to do on steemit, say, over the next twelve months.

If you stay with me, you will have an opportunity to "lift a finger" to help me do this. It will take a community effort by a large number of people, but each person will only have to lift a finger (do easy things).

I look forward to you delivering your genius work my friend and will gladly lift a finger, as part of this supportive community.
Ready when you are to spill the beans and there is no time like the present!

This will take me time if it is left up to my initiative, because I am still on the battlefield and am traumatized. But I will answer questions and converse. Disclosure will occur much faster with friendly pulling.

One of my current battles is to finish debugging a software system that took me 26 years to write. That system introduces a new kind of writing that I call the "knowledge tree". My web site demonstrates the "knowledge tree" concept. I plan to use this new kind of writing to tell my story.

Another current battle is in court. In 2010, I was active in Mountain View, CA as a sign holding speaker of civic messages. Generally, these messages were political-right so were quite politically incorrect for Mountain View. The police shut me down forcefully with an overwhelming number of minor criminal charges. For the past 8 years, I've used myself as "sting bait" to gather evidence of corrupt policing and corrupt court officers, including judges.

These two battles consume all of my energy and time. My capacity is reduced because I have cancer and the chemotherapy that I take keeps me sick and fatigued.

Another "deliverable" is that when I was young I completed a Ph.D. dissertation in mathematical economics. It was never published or peer reviewed. But, amazingly, it was on the mathematics of cryptocurrency, even though I completed it in 1992, more than 20 years before I first heard of cryptocurrency. I want to find time somehow before I die to resume that research and give people some useful models for understanding how the value of a cryptocurrency is determined.

If I cannot find a supportive community who will enable me to give birth to all of this, I'm going to get creamed at court and the cancer will take me out before I can arrange for any of this to be passed on to young people for preservation and development. I will never have time to retreat into academia and write books. But hopefully I will find community in which people pull it all from me piece by piece and help me organize it all so that we can, together, do this thing that I will never be able to do all by myself.

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