
Christianity, as well as each other major religion, can be thought of as a moral teaching wrapped in a system of beliefs, or "story". Some Atheists do not reject the moral teaching; they only reject the truth of the story. As Jesus said, one can reject the story ("speak against My Name") and still "be saved", but one who rejects the moral teaching ("speak against the Spirit") cannot be saved.

Some Atheists reject Christian beliefs because they want an excuse to reject the moral teaching. They don't like the idea that they are accountable for the wrong that they do. But other Atheists embrace the moral teachings of Jesus and just don't believe in His divinity, His eventual return, an afterlife, a Creator being who knows how many hairs are on my head, etc.

Such latter Atheists do not hate truth; they simply disagree sincerely regarding whether a particular story (belief system) is true.

The problem is that atheists appeal to their own autonomous reasoning and morals when they decide which moral system they think is best. This does not lead to a conclusion about truth; it is merely mental self-massage in which you think about what you think is best and then conclude what you think is best. If the universe is atheist, there is no reason to do anything like that. If Jesus is Lord, this is rebellion against God.

As Jesus said, one can reject the story ("speak against My Name") and still "be saved"

I'm afraid you're misinterpreting the Bible pretty significantly here. Salvation is found only through repentance of one's former way of life and faith in Jesus, resolving to follow Jesus in all ways. Retaining personal autonomy shows that your heart does not belong to Jesus.

they simply disagree sincerely regarding whether a particular story (belief system) is true.they simply disagree sincerely regarding whether a particular story (belief system) is true.

Yes, I know, and they are in error. Further, Jesus' teachings are inseparable from His lordship. Either He is Lord and gets to tell you what to do, or He isn't. If you decide you're going to follow a few of the teachings, you are Lord and Jesus isn't.

(2 Thessalonians 2:10p NIV) They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved.

Those who embrace the moral teaching understand the awesome, and fearsome, truth of what you say, even if they come to that Truth by a different "story" (belief system) than yours.

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