
Ah, but that's the point. Reality IS whatever it is. But to comprehend reality, we must put it into terms that we understand. And this exercise is forced upon us by adversity, such as during war or famine or when your cherished 13 year old daughter's head is bitten off and swallowed by the local tiger.

Educated or naturally analytically intelligent people can get through life without any religious "story" or belief system, especially if they are lucky enough to live 80 years without experiencing serious adversity. But for 99% of humanity, the story is needed desperately. If you have a 3rd grade education and have spent your life as a slave on a North Korean farm, you need the story just to get through your days and your nights, just to stay alive.

exactly the opposite.
religion was invented by the ruling class to keep the peasants in line.

That is an important part of the "religion at its worst" part. But focusing on that blinds you to the other important aspects of religion.

You might well have no use for religious myth and ritual and rules. But embracing a biased view of religion in order to justify your rejection of it isn't necessary. If you are a truly "free mind", you won't be threatened by the wonderful "religion at its best" part of the whole truth about religion.

Religion at its best is a very very good thing, and deserves credit for much of the comfort and security that you and I take for granted every day.

I'm not rejecting it so much as ignoring it.
Kinda like post moderistic cubo centric surrealism.
I don't care.

I'm skeptical regarding your motives, but of course that's your business. When an otherwise obviously intelligent and informed person expresses an apparently biased, one sided, negative assessment of some thing, that's a good indicator that the person has a stake in the issue. With religion, the stake is obvious, since religion purports to dictate what is moral to do and what is immoral so should not be done. No one wants to be told what he can and cannot do.

I have no motive.
neither do I have any interest in heroin..
not of me...but do what you wanna do.

But think of how easy your life would be if you didn't have to think. You just follow all of the rules. And there's a nifty bonus, too, in that you can feel superior to everyone who, unlike you, does not possess the "truth".

It is actually fun to bash religion.

But think of how easy your life would be if you didn't have to think. You just follow all of the rules
Get married.

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