Rediscovering Magic #1 | Not 'Paranormal' - 'Supernormal' (feat. Dr. Dean Radin & TheHigherSideChats)

in #empirical-research6 years ago (edited)


So I have been pointing a lot to the existence of magic recently and its relevance to the times we are living in. But every time I do write about it I feel I really ought to deliver something more concrete for those who feel that talking about magic is anecdotal or merely wishful thinking.

It's not the aim of this series to change your mind but rather: To deliver red threads and a solid starting point for digging into the actual evidence behind the existence of what people have often referred to as magic.

And while we're at it, I want to introduce you to one of my favorite fringe-research and open-inquiry radio shows on the internet that has opened a lot of doors for me.

That said, the topic of magic is anything but fringe anymore... We have evidence and we've had it for a while.


Meet Dean Radin

Dr. Dean Radin has become somewhat of a living legend for those who have been paying attention, through solid experimental evidence and three decades of laboratory experiments involving psychic phenomena, the effects of intention and the interaction of mind and matter to name but a few areas of inquiry.

Throughout his career Radin has managed to build a solid reputation even when viewed from the confines of traditional scientific disciplines, namely for his insistence on the testability of theories in the laboratory, the sheer amount of conclusive results he has delivered to the public and his early involvement in now declassified government programs dealing with areas like Remote Viewing, the conscious use of intuition and investigations into what society calls "the paranormal" today in regards to the research of these things by intelligence services.

As you will hear in the interview, Radin is anything but a wishful thinker nor does he fit the "profile" of someone interested in psychic matters. More than anything he seems like an open-minded individual sworn to go where the evidence leads, and paying attention to only claim what is actually provable.

Because of the rigidity in large segments of academia today I find his approach to laying these topics open absolutely essential and hugely relevant for the evidence-based advancement of scientific theories about reality and our place in the cosmos.

Due to the almost dry nature of his delivery Radin's work surely would resonate both with the hardcore sceptics that refuse to believe anything without tangible evidence, as well as with those who are still looking for experimental data to support their own view of reality as something more interactive, alive and maleable than what we have been taught is the truth.

For anyone who is seriously interested to look into and learn about "paranormal" topics, I couldn't think of a better way to get started. Radin's work will neither require you to ditch rationality, nor your common sense - quite the contrary.

As any reasonable scientist would, he also mentions the limitations of his research, the questions yet to be answered and popular (spiritual) assumptions that would endanger to overwrite the actual findings of his research.

A word on THC - stoners turning stones

The Higherside Chats come highly recommended as well. In my years of looking into "far-out topics" I have found the show to be marvellously helpful in finding promising starting points for controversial areas of research. Now I gotta mention that a lot of guests on Greg's show are barking up the wrong tree from my perspective, and some make claims that are utterly unprovable, others are precluded by my own research...

That said, I have found at least a dozen diamonds in the rough in the THC playlist and have had to transform and adapt my operating paradigm several times after following up on the red threads I picked up on through the show.

Last but not least, Greg has to be one of the most committed and welcoming interview hosts I have come across. His questions are poignant and relevant, the stoner ambience of the show is a breath of fresh air and the eloquence of the man in general is thoroughly entertaining to listen to. Not to mention all the puzzle pieces laid out for your consideration about potential upcoming paradigms still hidden for most people.


I say, if the "paranormal" has EVER interested you (even back when you were a kid) you may owe it to yourself to give this episode a try and potentially be marvelled.

Naturally, if Radin's work is new to you this interview can only be a starting point.

You can find out more about Radin's work and his books through his official website or simply browse youtube for further lectures that interest you.

For the beginning inquirer into "fringe matters" there is hardly a more welcoming, engaging and balanced format than Greg Carlwood's Higherside Chats, especially if you follow your intuition and not blindly dive into any random topic some guest touts as "truth" without any evidence.

This interview is different.

You be the judge - with discernment. Show starts at 1:09.
Enjoy <3


well done my friend, very nice article.

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