Here is proof that I am not the only one that is concerned

in #empire6 years ago


©2019 Helena-Sophia Exel

Usually and ordinarily, You will only see and get original content on my Blog. However, there have to be exceptions to this rule, where and when I deem it essential, or at least urgently important to look at an article that is not of my own making. Double however though, what You will be referred to, can never be less than what I am trying to convey in the first place. My Blog is about Being The Universe and at that, it leaves nothing out, because nothing can be left out. Everything is connected to something else and if not entirely obvious in the beginning, it will be self evident down the flow of things and time.

Days ago I posted a short notice about the anniversary of the BBC radio play "When The Wind Blows" by Raymond Briggs (1984). In it, I refer to the time that has passed since, and compared 2019 with 1984 in a quick side-by-side pondering of both times. Theoretically, we, as humanity, should be better off right now due to the increasing potential for introspection of the individual Human Being. Triple however, that has not been the case. For all the right, or wrong reasons, we are now worse off than 35 years ago. If not for the sole reason of taking a look at the almanac for that year. One will but notice that the 'weather' has rather changed. Of course there is a succinct difference between 'weather' and 'climate' - with the best metaphor likely being that weather relates to climate like the individual to the collective.

Now, this is not yet a continuation of the post regarding the 35th anniversary of aforementioned play and time in history. This is a recommendation as to read an article that is originally posted on Information Clearinghouse. What You will read in it, is reminiscent of currents I like to convey. Because when one is looking at the bigger picture, a generally more inclusive point of view is derived. The compartmentalization of the individual is known to be the precursor for great mayhem. The individual loses the understanding how things work together. That the suffering of the neighbor is actually not because there is something wrong with the neighbor. The suffering of all neighbors - as for all other neighbors to see now - is caused by the implementation of policies that circumvent the well being of those who will ultimately pay the ticket, the so called tax payers, and serve only a small minority of beneficiaries. These beneficiaries are the owners of the place, the billionaires, the oligarchs, the millionaires, the plutocrats.

As it is no longer to be denied, but by those who are on the payroll of the plutocracy, things are going down the drain rapidly now in the Land of the formerly free (if ever) and home of the brave having turned into cowards that only engage in battles with inferior entities - just like a school yard bully picks on the weak individuals, not on those who will kick his/her behind in return. One is to wonder though, why of all the children, not a significant number of them stands tall and demands that the bullying is over now. No more of it, or face the consequences. Any memory of that having ever happened? Nope, never witnessed that happen. Although, I did jump in to aid my brother in elementary school one time for that very reason.

To stay with this analogy, the time has long come, where a neighbor must stand up for a neighbor - and I like 'neighbor' better than 'brother', even though it could also be used, but is heavily tilted to a different connection - because just as Pastor Martin Niemöller stated that "First they came for...", leading ultimately to 'them' coming for You. Therefore, NOW is the time to stand up for Your neighbors. Each neighbor is a neighbor to another neighbor - making the world a world full of neighbors. Plus, You even consider Your neighbor to be Your neighbor if he or she has a fence around his or her yard. So much for borders. They are all a scam to charge customs and import penalties. Everywhere.

But enough, otherwise I end up writing instead of recommending and it should not take that kind of convincing anyways. You will find out when You read the article. It speaks wholly for itself. My gratitude for such clairvoyant state of the status quo goes to John W. Whitehead. May more articles like this flood our neighborhoods and wake up a neighbor.

You should be outraged at what has been done to our country

Quadruple however: Make that Our Planet

Back to You, John and Jane.


We lead the world in only three categories...

There would be one more category which Aaron Sorkin may consider adding to their quote, and that is egocentric in the extent that they self name themselves the name of an entire hemisphere. This would be akin to China calling themselves Asia.

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