🌟Self Emotional Well Being Is My Path🌟

in #emotional7 years ago


Ever since I can remember, I’ve put my emotional well being at the top of my priority list.

A constant self-analysis and continuous journey digging deeper and deeper into my own being, understand and complete contradictory weird life that I somehow have been birthed into.

I have sacrificed quite a bit in life to focus on this very particular thing.

A ‘good’ job, an expensive lifestyle, the pseudo stability that we all somehow seem to crave, the fear-based societal constructs that we have been brainwashed into thinking and a whole other bunch of shit.

People have called me crazy.
People think that I am this wild animalistic creature that rebels against anything trying to capture me.
People have judged me, raised their eyebrows at the way I think, called me names that would make your Mama shudder and have just not gotten it at all.

The reason is quite simple.
The reason is this.

I am an organically emotional human being.

I cannot hide my feelings, emotions, thoughts.

They come pouring out of me like a waterfall that refuses to stop falling.

And the number one pain and hurt I see happening in this world, is the non-ability of people to understand, accept and communicate their own emotions.

Deeping feeling your emotions and letting them just be there, is in my mind, complete and utter freedom.

When you can embrace all of who you are and feel no shame in expressing that, that is where unconditional love lies.

And this is my path.

This is the road I am on.
I have always been on.
And I always will be on.

Pic by @suzanalberts

BIG love,


Steemit Ashley Kalila.png

Sharing Authentically.png


My LoveProject is @humansofsteemit! Featuring the humans behind the Steemit usernames!


You rock your own path Ashley! No one can determine our own happiness more than we can. Sometimes Crazy is good!

I just couldn't help but wonder why sitting on what looks like a HVAC unit? LOL

Thanks so much dear for your super kind words!!! :) :)


That's cos it is a HVAC unit!!!

I did a shoot in a building that was in the process of being remodeled so there were all these industrial shit everywhere which is an amazing setting for a photoshoot!!

I'm happy to see that you're growing as a person. A few little tips to help add to your experience. What's helped me the most along my journey is realizing that I don't have to take things personally.

People are people and for the most part, they are pretty much focused on what they are trying to achieve so people aren't necessarily working against us or are using their time to specifically interfere with our lives.

Patience, calm and relaxing as often as you can also make things so much easier. We have to release a lot of our selfishness too. Sure, it's important that we pursue our ambitions, but also we need to take the time to appreciate what we have and show gratitude for all that we have.

Kindness is also another very important element. In a world where people are looking out for themselves and what's in it for them or getting ahead, we can often overlook some of the simplest courtesies.

If we just take that extra moment to listen, observe and show some levels of empathy towards others it really helps us in the long run.

Very true.

Thanks for your wise words of wisdom! :)

I will ponder over them and take them into account!


i'm genuinely happy to hear that you're on that path. i can tell it’s true through the words you choose to use in your posts.

do you have a suggestion to address that pain you’re talking about—the inability to understand or communicate emotions—or ideas as to why it happens?

i think fear for safety and societal norms keep people from being completely true and vulnerable.

Yes but also it's very ingrained into our society that we have to think, act and be a certain kind of way.

And if you do anything that is 'different' to that, you are just 'crazy'.

Yet in the end, the people we really look up to are the ones who are really doing their own thing and have said a huge fuck you to all the societal rules that people try to place on them.

Such a paradox ey?

I also think it's due to it not being stimulated in children when they are young.

For example, my parents really encouraged me to be myself, to express who I am and to just be myself.
To feel confident in who I am.
And that are vital lessons to have learn in life which is something that so many people dont receive.


Always good to see your more personal posts

I have to admit... I'm kind of the opposite of this... I don't seem to have anywhere close to the level of emotions that the people around me have... and the emotions I do have always seem short-lived. I don't know if this means I lack passion or intensity, it just kinda means I'm pretty level I guess. It's definitely interesting to delve deeper into.. thanks for sowing the seeds of this kind of introspection...

For sure you may be pretty level.
Or there may be hiding under the surface somewhere and you just can't get to them.
Whatever it is, it is totally fine and apparently what you are and need right now.

If you do want some tools to dive deep in, please get in touch :)

I've got a plethora of them in my bag hehe

And thank you for being so honest!!

Very good

Everyone should to priority the self emotional and thanks dear for sharing

Valuing and prioritizing one's internal world and well being is so important after all it more or less guarantees self actualization which is kind of everything isn't it?!! Go the direction your being takes you rather than where society pressures you to go takes courage. take good care of yourself on every level @ashleykalila.

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