in #emercoin6 years ago

The existence of the prototype coin (Bitcoin) balanced so many controversial knowledge that reigned in the financial world as it brought about a shift in the existing point of view about money even as it grew above all other currencies. It was able to establish a perfect security which could not be compared to other companies and as a result of that, many establishment sort to build their structures upon it which was difficult to do since Bitcoin couldn't do except for the one paralleled function it was designed for. Although, it would have been more beautiful if such a magnificent innovation could be flexible enough for other real life companies to experience tangible growth through it but that was a no no. However, to makeup for this limitation of the prototype coin that has all other features of security and balance present but lacks the needed flexibility and distributivity, EmerCoin was created and just like the said prototype coin, it is able to exhibit splendid security provisions and go way further in allowing other establishment to flourish when they get integrated into its ecosystem. It is a somewhat flexible system that has amassed so many magnificent features to allow it transcend above the others even in the industrial world.


This is a system which works with its unique EmerCoin(EMC) as a currency in its ecosystem for the perfection of many services it is able to shoulder. This platform cannot work in isolation from its EMC coin and a great distinction between it and the other similar project is the fact that it is working on its own as a vast data network where it consumed a wide range of data without running out of space for their proper storage. This also doesn't pose any consequences on it as it doesn't depend fully on the complicated programming of the design. Using the EMC token demands that users have a suitable wallet system where the token can he stored for use at any point in time. So this is made easy by simply visiting any trading sites that trades EmerCoin or better still, users can look up in this project websites for any link provided for that purpose. This project has all the security possibilities and advantages at hand and is ready to exhibit a P2P type of service as a distributed platform that it is. Furthermore, verification of transactions is a made easy work that is done in agreement with the provided algorithms of the system. This project however, painstakingly take care of all the necessary records and guard them from alterations by any authority that might be after them. The security of the platform is made such that for it to be broken, the initiator of such damage must have all his holdings in the system sacrificed and that is not just a few holdings but about average of which no single person will never hold up to 20%. The possibility of penetration or attack on EmerCoin is very impossible and it is made that way with the PoS as well as the PoW tools that were employed to bolster its security in a special way.

The question to be asked however is not if EmerCoin will make it through because it is well built to thrive even beyond what we think. For this reason the project will support users in making funds sending successfully to each other irrespective of their location around the world and doing so is an advantage because it is not subjected to any form of centralized-authority and also it cannot be hindered or deterred.

Being a decentralized economy, EmerCoin will be embraced by the industries whose major operation is to secure people's ownership details or info and sustain it for a lifetime. Adding EmerCoin to this entities will make them more sophisticated in their responsibility with the consequence that once an individual declares and have the ownership of say a document for Instance, disowning such will be difficult and on the good sides it protect them from the regulations of authorities. That is why it deploys an EmerDPO tools which will certify ones ownership of a property or document. This tool will therefore work under the tutelage of the."dpo" service and will be effective in ensuring the validity of all types of services and goods both in the digital periphery or in the real world.

It is very possible and easy for EmerCoin to verify any transaction in its ecosystem or even verify many payments as that is going to be its main function. However, it goes further to be reinforced by Bitcoin with the combination of the peercoin and the Namecoin which increases its functionalities and as such, it is able to allow many other activities which makes it a well pronounced and vast network.

This platform should be seen as a makeover network that is well able to suffice for the shortcomings and limitations of the other competing networks and its ecosystem will confer adequate protection of users resources and info. Also, its large database will be able to store a large volume of the users details while also putting an end to theft in the system. Although EmerCoin concentrates on the use of the computerized currencies, it will be flexible enough to allow the sharing of vital pieces of info among different parties. Companies all over the world will therefore look up to it as a stronghold of their solutions especially in the aspect of making payments and providing security.

This ecosystem is however capable of providing solution bother on a small and large scale depending on how the users or the companies that use it wants it. This project is not just one of those that seek to disguise under the umbrella of bring solution with another aim of selling its token, no! Its token sale is a means to an end and the project is mainly for the provision of the needed balance in making payments for the individual users and among partners.

For more insight, click the links below
Website: https://emercoin.com/en
Whitepaper: https://emercoin.com/files/pdf/en/whitepaper.pdf
Telegram: https://t.me/emercoin_official
Twitter: https://twitter.com/emercoin_press
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EmercoinOfficial/
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/EmerCoin/
Medium: https://medium.com/@emer.tech

Authors details
BTT Username: oly4life
BTT Profile Link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1577997

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