
in #emarketchain6 years ago

About eMarketChain
eMarketChain is an e-commerce marketplace where anyone can buy and sell different products without paying unfair commissions that have no added value to the middlemen.

0% middleman commissions on every order.
eMarketChain.co is created especially for the end e-commerce users. Our platform will have neither middleman fees nor any transactional fees. We will put an end to the unfair commissions which you pay to the online stores’ owners.
High Project Potential $2 Trillion industry
In a century where everything surrounding you is digital, it is not surprising that worldwide e-commerce sales reached $2.290 trillion. Furthermore, projections show that by 2021 this number will increase to $4.48 trillion!
More profit for sellers and lower prices for buyers. Up to 15%!
End customers will benefit from 15% lower rates by skipping the middleman commission, without affecting the quality of the product. Thus generating customer satisfaction that will differentiate eMarketChain from all conventional online stores.

Decentralized e-commerce engine
We designed and built eMarketChain – a decentralized multinational e-commerce platform, that facilitates online consumer-to-consumer and business-to-consumer sales. eMarketChain will be the first platform which allows end customers to interact with each other without any fees or commissions. In addition to that, we will develop eMarketChain.co – an application that will connect with the decentralized engine.
Accepting EMAC tokens as well as BTC and ETH currencies
eMarketChain’s web-based marketplace will also support conventional payment methods. The marketplace will accept EMAC Tokens, Bitcoins, Ether, Litecoin and fiat currencies via conventional payment methods.
Technology security and efficacy
eMarketChain’s technology uses shared ledger information through a peer-to-peer network that validates information almost instantly. The exchange of data is extremely affordable, the security unparalleled. Furthermore, as a decentralized engine, EMAC tokens’ buying power cannot be influenced by world financial crises, government politics or inflation!


With eMarketChain.co, we aim to solve the problems described above. The rise of blockchain technology in recent years, gives us an opportunity to completely rethink the current payment model used by online stores.

Our goal is to reduce prices for consumers and increase the profit of merchants. This can only be done by effectively eliminating the middlemen and the payment processing entities, and instead adopt a decentralized approach for transactions and payments between the parties involved.

eMarketChain.co will be the official marketplace provided by eMarketChain. With an intuitive, user-friendly design, we aim to create a platform where:
• customers can easily find the goods they are interested in;
• merchants will have the ability to instantly list the items that they offer.

The platform is tailored for both business-to-consumer (B to C) and consumer-to-consumer (C to C) sales. This means that both large-scale companies, and small businesses or individuals creating goods by themselves, will have a place where to offer their products.

The aim of adapting eMarketChain to fit both above-mentioned models has to do with our desire to have a broad range of available goods from which users will be able to easily browse through the different categories of goods, both via web and mobile applications for the major mobile platforms.

Naturally, with the rise of a new ecommerce platform, the question of trust and rating comes along. In eMarketChain.co, customers completing a purchase will have the opportunity to give a rating to the merchant or the item that was purchased, as well as a general review. We aim to create a stable marketplace and community, where people need not worry about potential fraud.

eMarketChain.co will focus on creating a payment environment that is more straightforward, faster and cheaper than what is currently the norm in such platforms. With the rise of blockchain technology and the notion of decentralization, we can create an alternative to the payment methods used nowadays. The benefits of such a solution are going to be felt by both customers and merchants.

Focusing on decentralization, our main method for payment shall be via our very own EMAC Token. Using this method, there will not be any commission fees for the parties involved. Thus, customers can expect to save up to 15% per purchase, as compared to regular platforms. This decrease in price will naturally increase the purchasing power of the user, allowing them to save money and/or use that amount on additional purchases.

Here is an example: if buy goods for $1000 in a standard existing marketplace, on average, $150 will be in the form of fees. Imagine if customers could save these $150, instead of giving them away in fees. They could either save a substantial amount of money per purchase, or they could use the saved amount to buy additional goods.

Adopting this decentralized model means that the payment workflow will be completely transparent and available to anyone interested, as opposed to the norm nowadays where companies hide the fees associated with the purchase, leaving the average user believing the value of what they are buying is higher than it actually is.

The benefits for merchants are also evident. They will no longer have to deal with fees associated with each incoming transaction. And by adopting a decentralized payment model the speed of transaction will greatly increase. If before merchants had to wait days, if not weeks, to receive the payment for a purchase of their products, now the transaction speed will be reduced to minutes. Finally, merchants will be able to list as many items as they want, without having to pay after reaching a certain threshold – a limitation that exists in a lot of the standard ecommerce market platforms.

Of course, fully adopting such a model takes time. This is why we will implement alternative payment methods within eMarketChain.co.
Our goal is to allow users (both customers and merchants) to benefit fully by using our EMAC tokens. Yet we wouldn’t want to hamper people by enforcing solely this type of payment. That is why we will be implementing the option for customers to buy goods also with:

Traditional Fiat Payment.
Each of the above-mentioned alternatives will not benefit fully from the 0% commission fee, introduced with EMAC. For BTC and ETH, the fees that need to be paid are determined by the implementation of the respective cryptocurrency. Fiat purchases, respectively, will operate with the standard fees associated with them.

Business Model
With eMarketChain.co, we aim to create an experience for users that is completely free. That means that neither customers, nor merchants, will have to pay any commissions or registration fees. Instead, we will introduce two types of business-models, that have in recent years proved to be extremely successful in multiple different industries, all at the same time leaving the users with the choice of whether they would like to use the paid features associated with them, or not. In short, the abovelisted models are completely optional and users will not lose any main functionality and options provided by eMarketChain.co, when using the system for free.

Naturally, providing payment models within eMarketChain will bring the question of trust and honesty – will paying or subscribing increase the reviews/ratings of the merchants? The answers is no. These payed features will not, in any way, affect the ratings and reviews of products and merchants. We aim to create a healthy and stable community. As such, having an unbiased rating system is one of our top priorities. Payments will benefit merchants with additional information in the form of analytics dashboards, bump in the position of their listings when customers browse, as well as additional subscription-based features. However, no one can pay to increase their ratings or to receive positive reviews.

As mentioned before, every user of eMarketChain can use the platform completely free – no matter whether customer or merchant. However, with our freemium model, we give the opportunity for merchants to get more out of eMarketChain.co. With additional payments, they will be able to increase the visibility of the product(s) they have listed. This will be done by bumping their listings higher in the search results of customers. Having this increase in visibility will help merchants to gain more exposure, and thus, potentially increase the amount of sales they make substantially.

Additionally, custom dashboards and analytics will be available, with the goal of optimizing search utilization, understanding things like how users end up looking at your listings, at what time during the day is the highest interest. These are just few of the examples of what will be possible. It is no coincidence that we live in the age of “Big data” – the more information you have in regards to consumer behavior (especially related to the goods you offer) the more power you have to see how you can optimize you listings and devise the best approach for your niche.

Our second approach – the subscription-based model, is aimed solely for merchants. Upon subscribing they shall receive the following benefits:

Promotion of their goods with better quality pictures compressed automatically by the eMarketChain platform, along with a broader suggestion engine for the items or services they are offering;
Weekly suggestions on how to improve their advertisements, provided by our dedicated marketing specialists;
Similar to the freemium approach, the possibility to list their offers higher in the results shown to customers.
The subscription fee per month is fixed and will be between 19$ – 49$ depending on the chosen package.

A simple calculation shows that a merchandiser who generates $10 000 per month in revenue and pays 15% commission on that revenue, ends up paying $1500 fees to a service provider that does not have any specific added value other than being the middleman and traffic aggregator. Because traffic is driven to a large extent by the lowest offered price, it results in a closed loop. If the same merchant pays $49 in the form of a monthly subscription fee, and we assume that he can receive the same amount of traffic, with much better photo quality, along with taking into consideration the benefits of improving their advertisements via our marketing specialists – he will save $1451 of that fee.

Thus, the merchant has the choice to either lower his price and receive similar profit margins while being more price competitive, or instead push the price up while still staying below the high commission rates he pays today, thus acquiring higher profits.


To be able to successfully carry out this project, funding is required. For this reason we shall hold out an ICO, during which people interested in our platform can buy EMAC tokens at the best conditions, while at the same time helping us to continue forward.
We will launch our token sale on a 2nd round model and by following the best established practice in terms of security and transparency.

Target Raise 18,000 ETH
Hard Cap 32,000 ETH
Scheduled Start 14:00 GMT on 15th of April 2018
Planned End 14:00 GMT on 29th of May 2018
Pre-sale will begin on the 15th April at 14:00 GMT. The Main Sale Event will begin on the 29th April at 14:00 GMT. EMAC tokens will be created exclusively through a smart contract, and the token sale itself has a total hard cap amount equivalent to 32,000 ETH. The unsold tokens will be destroyed at the end of the event.

EMAC tokens will instantly be sent to buyers’ wallets at the time of receiving of Ethereum, and they can use it on the eMarketChain marketplace to buy or sell products after the 1Q of 2019. The alpha version of the marketplace can be accessed on the following address: https://eMarketChain.co/emarket/

The smart contract will exchange ETH into EMAC according to the current exchange rate and will immediately transfer it back to the address from which the ETH was sent. The transfer will happen directly between the smart contract and the private/personal wallet of each participant.

The smart contract does not allow manual change of the price, or any other variables. The smart contract state (change from pre-sale to main event), finalization/end of tokensale and the exchange rates are all precoded.

The features bellow are to ensure users have maximum security, instant exchange of the EMAC and full control on their tokens during the exchange process.

Instant conversion of ETH into EMAC and instant distribution back to the wallet from where the ETH has been sent (upon processing of the transaction on the Ethereum blockchain);
Participants will use their own wallets instead of creating a wallet on our website. We recommend using MyEtherWallet.com for the purchase process. You can check our tutorials on the following address: https://emarketchain.co/how-to-participate/
During the presale, 1 ETH will be worth 12,000 EMAC

During the main sale the prices will be slightly different, depending on
the time of purchase and/or the amount of coins available left:

For the first 10,000 ETH, a single ETH will grant 11,500 EMАC tokens. If we reach between 10,001 and 20,000 ETH, a single ETH will grant 11,000 EMАC tokens. For next milestone – 20,001 to 30,000 ETH, a single ETH will grant 10,500 EMАC tokens. And finally, between 30,001 and 32,000 ETH, a single ETH will grant 10,000 EMАC tokens.

With this approach we aim to reward the people who believe in our project and have been amongst the first to invest in it with a bigger number of EMAC tokens, thus getting the most value out of their investments.
The gathered funds will be used for:
For More Information About emarketchain, Please Visit Links below:
Website : https://emarketchain.co
ANN Thread : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3197622.0
Whitepaper : https://emarketchain.co/whitepaper.pdf
Telegram : https://t.me/joinchat/AAAAAEWU4oAsV5Ic6bgTDg
Twitter : https://twitter.com/eMarketChainCo
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/eMarketChainEMAC/
Medium : https://medium.com/@emarketchain

My profile Link : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1154974
ETH : 0x8E3B09c57f714533BC10649Fb89cC2979620e332

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.20
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 64512.68
ETH 2615.54
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.82