Solomon said there is nothing new Under the Sun,

in #elitist7 years ago

The Steem Scheme and why you should Beware, buyer beware! Have you ever noticed that some posts are richly rewarded and the others that seem to have better content and have been worked on much more receive a few pennies or Nothing at All...
.. some of you may have noticed that there is a great contempt and a great Envy of a man named Mark Zuckerberg
here at Steemit
Is it because Mark Zuckerberg is actually making bank? Is it because the founders operators creators administrators of steemit want to be like him?
Did you ever think about what it's like to be a minnow in nature, minnows for bait for every kind of creature that's even a little bit bigger, they don't want to feed us they want to eat us!
When I read the white paper I was impressed by the concept of Liberty being included, have you ever seen a whale liberate a minnow? In my first life on Steemit @yzart , I created a hundred and eighty-five posts , according to the wallet there it says there is a value of $1.73 , I estimate that it took about three hundred hours , go figure, if I were to spend my time cleaning up America beer cans from the side of the road I would have learned at least 10 times if not a hundred times more for the same amount of work and energy!
I keep reading about the day that stealit will be bigger than Facebook, that's never going to happen and here's why.
Steamit is just another money making schemeit . It wasn't created to bring Liberty to the world, it isn't decentralized, in fact it's the most perfect accounting system that I've ever seen . The blockchain can't be altered, BTY, who first invented the internet? Is cryptocurrency the final Link in the mark of the beast, where no man will ever buy or sell again without the mark of the number in their hand or in their head? Think about it do you think that the feds are going to give up their control over the monetary systems that operate human need and the ability to buy and sell. All they needed to govern us more completely is a perfect way to keep up with every transaction that we could ever make or ever will make. As we participate in the crypto money technology we move Humanity closer and closer to Total Domination. Egotistical money lovers creating another way to control the world. This isn't Liberation but another elitist scheme to get control of this as much as possible while they can. They want to be whales, in fact they're only minnows in this scheme... in one of the recent post celebrating the creation of the steam silver coin, one of the creators of the coin compared himself to the Hunt Brothers because he can now control the price of silver... oh how liberating it feels to be a part of another control scheme , thank you very much... I haven't seen any post on steemit that has over 1000 views, I suspect that there are not more than 20,000 active users, no one with a hundred thousand followers, and because the greedy nature of the entire invention there never will be a million users.
So what's good about it? My answer to that question is that when you make a comment or reply or post to post there it is in the blockchain permanently.
I think that that's a good thing because we need a transparent technology. Yet I have been disappointed to find that there is the potential for corruption of data even here. I'm not really genius enough to explain to anyone how this really works but here is a brief explanation of what I can see in a attempt to explain, whales are founders or very large investors in cryptocurrency who have lots of money to throw around, dolphins are investors who have a vested interest in this chain., minnows have been dated for the opportunity to get a meal, people like me who are swimming around on the internet looking for a safe haven where they won't be consumed , we're only important as members of the food chain. Our vote counts as zero. That is why whenever I up vote it doesn't count for one cent. When the founders up vote oh don't their friends receive a big reward, their friends are also Founders or high up on the food chain. Does it sound like a pyramid scheme to anyone or am I the only person who's Amazed by the lack of the lower class and the wealth of the ruling Elite, or as someone very very special to me once described, wolves in sheep's clothing, so I say to you little children of Christ, don't go after them, they won't feed you good food they won't liberate you they are not concerned for your growth or well-being, ns1 most beautiful person once wrote "in the grand scheme it's all just a grand scheme " (@tsepher),
Don't get me wrong there are actually lots of beautiful loving people here who have a interest in the liberation of humanity, but never doubt that lots of beautiful loving people have already left the steamit platform in disillusionment, and it is with great disappointment that I report on the steam scheme, for an interesting examination of my take on how all this is going to work you may read my post called when the whales blubber @yzart . I write this in the hope that it will save some minnow their hard-earned money and save them some of their precious life resources I.e. time .. don't be afraid of them don't be amazed by them and don't be impressed by then, it's guaranteed that theiron the federal hook and they're not free just as you're not free, our Liberation will come through Heavenly intervention,
Calling on Yeshua the living Christ and you will be saved ( liberated)

As always thanks for reading , your comments would be appreciated

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