LOST .... Watercolour / Portrait of Adolescence

in #elegance6 years ago

My water colour portrait - "LOST" ........ Portrait of Adolescence.
Style - Fauvism. ( Fauvism is a style in which certain colours are used predominantly to create mood and emotion) / Size A3

The unseeing eyes seek a path.
They know not which way to go.
They know not what lies within.
They know not how to reach out.
Isolated and abandoned,
They only see a jungle around !

I saw a dream a few days back. I was looking at a scene as an outside energy in the dream.
I saw this tall apartment building. In the balcony one of the apartments in the building were three children crying.
Below was a crowded street with an upmarket cafe.
Two things stuck to my mind in the dream.
A sense of a red facade in the cafe. And a sense of dark gloom emanating from the balcony.
Suddenly I saw a woman walk into the balcony. With unseeing eyes she walked to the edge and fell off the balcony.
Children were abandoned and crying.
My eyes moved to the street and the cafe. I saw people going about their business as if nothing happened.
I looked up and thought , "doesn't anybody care that the children are abandoned, isolated and need help ? Doesn't anybody know that the mother died ? Did nobody see anything".
At that precise moment I awoke feeling a strange pain in my chest.
The dream stayed in my mind. It was so vivid.

A few days later, my news feed was filled with news about Trump's Family Separation policy and children abandoned in shelters !

These are two isolated occurrences. Not related.
But they brought to my mind a question that has forever plagued me. -
"What kind of a world are we giving our children?" ….
In the modern society, children are shackled in systems of school, college and adhering to the dictates of society even before they begin to understand themselves.

The pressure of performance, lifestyle and livelihood is so huge, that all the life of an individual from birth to death, is spent in creating basic securities and living a lifestyle classified and defined by money.

Very early in life, a child's right to play, explore, understand, observe & experience himself and his environment is snatched from him. Adding to the scenario is a sense of psychological and emotional abandonment children feel due over busy parents or dysfunctional or broken family structures. And sometimes due to excessive protection and pampering !

It leads to children growing up into teenagers who score marks but are unable to develop life skills and deal with tough situations.

I have always been involved with children.
Over the years I have seen that children are growing more and more intelligent. But with increasing trust & communication issues and performance pressures. ( It is important to understand that demanding is not communicating).

By the time children enter adolescence, they are emotionally lost and isolated. Sometimes rude, sometimes quiet, sometimes excessively polite. But non-communicative. In a shell, abandoned by an apathetic social atmosphere.

Abandoned in insecurity, livelihood pressures, instability, wars, conflicts, stress. It is a garden of thorns and baobabs - this is not a garden to grow up in.

I sometimes feel that just like there are centres of learning for children, there should be centres of learning for adults to make them understand their responsibility towards the children & youth .

My water colour "LOST" Portrait of an Adolescent.
Size A3
Style - Fauvism. ( Fauvism is a style in which certain colours are used predominantly to create mood and emotion).

past _ future 2015_edited.jpg

The unseeing eyes seek a path.
They know not which way to go.
They know not what lies within.
They know not how to reach out.
Isolated and abandoned,
They only see a jungle around !

My watercolour Painting, an Art contribution on @elegance / Colorchallenge Monday Red


Thank you for your appreciation and support.
Success to all !
@nehab / Neha Bisht

Posted from Elegance.blue

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This post is sponsored by Elegance - Art Community in collaboration with @appreciator and will be showcased in upcoming weekly featured posts of @elegance. Just keep up the good work.


Thank you @elegance and @appreciator for this honour. I am flattered and honoured.
Thank you @bluemist for this awesome endeavour , Elegance.blue @elegance that gives artists such a glorious platform.

You are more than welcome

Sorry for stealing your reply :)


Amongst friends, it is called sharing. Not stealing :D :D :D ....

Hello Neha amazing and provocative art as always it's funny I have been thinking in general on this topic our kids and how they are growing up in this system of domination and control. Your dream is very telling for the present situation on a global scale. The other day me and Nou ware talking exacly about Trump's policy :

It is funny but we are again on the same wavelength :)

Thank you for your honest comment, @mihail.tsvetkov.
Yes this is indeed synchronicity of thought.
Thank you for the appreciation and support, Mihail 😊14875140774061377006.jpg

We wish you the best Neha

Simply awesome...and the thought behind the depiction is great.

Thank you, @steemflow.
I am happy and honoured by your appreciation 😊.
I am very happy that my words resonate with you 😊

It is nice again to read your post, I believe you are too busy with your daily activities with children and swimming lessons, but it is nice to see that you still find on and off time to hear from you Neha.

I like your portrait, you created really nice portrait, the eyes are so thoughtful, like looking for a solution for something, great reflection of emotions. Your watercolor skill is amazing.

I absolutely agree with you, it is difficult to imagine that nowadays that such things happening when the children separated from their parents and this is in a developed country, where it is said that democracy was born. It is shame that so many people kept quite about that and I can't imagine how someone who is involved in all this can still go evening home to his own family and children where the other ones locked in cages.

Thank you for your thoughtful post, Neha!

thank you @stef1 . Yes, the plate is too full right now. But whenever I am here your artwork enthrals me :) .
I am glad that our thoughts resonate :) . All children , animals and plants need a better environment, I feel :)

Thank you @stef1 for the appreciation :)

Thank you, @bloghound . Very happy that you like it 😊14875140774061377006.jpg

Wow ! Amazing work dear @nehab !

Thank you ,@akkha. 😊14875140774061377006.jpg

Thank you so much, @anilk.mo14 . Glad you like it 😊


Looks very sad ..
but portraits with cool colors !! so sorry I missed it!

thank you for the appreciation, @matajingga :) ... It is Ok.. no stress. I too miss many posts :)
I understand :)

Very nice watercolor painting, @nehab!

thank you for the appreciation@feelisgood :) . The "feel is good" that you like it. :D

Terrific watercolor technique and great poem.

Thank you. Glad you like it 😊14875140774061377006.jpg

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