Retrato a color III | Color portrait III

in #elegance6 years ago

Retrato a color III

Color portrait III


Este es mi tercer intento de retrato a color, esta vez un rostro completo, como ya sabrán a pesar de estar especializado en dibujar rostros, para mi trabajar a color resulta bastante complicado, es como empezar a dibujar de nuevo, aprender todas las técnicas de nuevo pero esta vez a color. Hace casi tres años cuando empezaba a trabajar a tiempo completo en este hermoso mundo del arte, realmente se me hacía imposible trabajar con lápices de colores, y hoy en día, a pesar de que sigue siendo difícil, al menos me he animado a intentar un par de obras, supongo que tengo una vida entera para practicar y aprender...

This is my third color portrait attempt, this time a full face, as you already know in spite of being specialized in drawing faces, for me to work in color is quite complicated, it's like starting to draw again, learning all the techniques again but this time in color. Almost three years ago, when I started working full time in this beautiful art world, I really could not work with colored pencils, and today, despite the fact that it's still difficult, at least I've encouraged myself to try couple of works, I guess I have a lifetime to practice and learn...

El Proceso

The Process

Esta obra esta realizada con lápices de colores y bolígrafos sobre cartulina opalina tamaño A4

This work is made with colored pencils and pens on opaline cardboard size A4

El boceto inicial lo hice hace una semana aproximadamente, aunque me dediqué a otra obra primero, ( específicamente a Esta ), cuando me decidí a culminarla no sabía si hacerla a blanco y negro o a color, pero finalmente me decidí a pintarla con lápices de colores y bolígrafos.

The initial sketch I did about a week ago, although I dedicated myself to another work first, (specifically to This ), when I decided to finish it I did not know whether to make it black and white or color, but finally I decided to paint it with colored pencils and pens.


La piel esta llena de colores cálidos en esta obra, el lápiz de color usado para la piel es de resina así que es mucho mas suave que el resto, los tonos de sombra están hechos con marrón oscuro, color que también usé para las pecas en las mejillas, algunas zonas de la nariz y parte de las mejillas tienen una tonalidad de color naranja y en el resto del rostro hay algunas zonas de iluminación de color azul.

The skin is full of warm colors in this work, the color pencil used for the skin is made of resin so it is much softer than the rest, the shadow shades are made with dark brown, color that I also used for freckles in the cheeks, some areas of the nose and part of the cheeks have an orange hue and in the rest of the face there are some areas of blue lighting.






La Obra Finalizada

The Finished Artwork


"Todo es hermoso, lo que importa es ser capaz de interpretarlo"

"Everything is beautiful, all that matters is to be able to interpret."

Camille Pissarro.

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Excelente! me hubiera gustado promocionar tu post para @artzone... espero verte pronto!

A wonderful colour portrait of a pretty lady, @connor-russo ! I love your step by step presentation :) The way you captured her skin tone (and her freckles) is amazing <3

Beautiful, how many hours of work did it take to finish ?

22 hours, it was a so long day hahaha

This post was shared in the Curation Collective Discord community for curators, and upvoted and resteemed by the @c-squared community account after manual review.

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