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RE: The Body Electric, Electromagnetism And The Foundation Of Life. Hear about life saving techniques and what was happening in World War II times underneath New York

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Each morning I ask God to help me prioritize what is most pertinent as time is short on this #TimeContinuum [not just a hallmark phrase, but a reality]. Not going to lie. ..sometimes I want verification, but have to step out in faith. Some of it at first seems Not so important in times like these, but that is NOT my call.
The intel and #Revelations can be Off the Charts at times. . .so thankful for High Command helping us maintain focus.
Was reminded of this yesterday and this morning as we watch #TheFLIP play out. . .you know how the #Synchronicity keeps happening, but some just disregard it?
The truth is. . .for those who #HeedTheCall our sprits know the Truth. . .it is a bittersweet time! #therearenocoincidences
We know what is coming in the Very Near Future and even for those who shunned, belittled, backstabbed and mocked. . .the spirit that resides in us as we pray even for those who Think they hate us.
We are all connected and many will be Reconnected even after the flip. God wishes for NONE to perish. All who do not actively choose evil are precious in His sight. As a team with the Spirit that resides in me. . .that makes All precious to me also [Yes, I've even prayed for Hillary and Zuck to #Repent]. Will be holding on to THIS truth Romans 8:28
And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.
Together we are literally helping to #Manifest the FLIP! #thebestisyettocome
This song keeps coming up through various #Frequencies. . .on the way to gather wood, in the car to get supplies. . .while prepping materials, playing with my cat Chloe who LOVES race cars, Pops up in algorithm/suggestions.

See more here including the link to You'll be in my Heart!

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