The Importance of Electricity: Our Role!

in #electricity6 years ago (edited)


Perhaps the most important breakthrough or discovery of human civilization is electricity. I think no one will disagree that without electricity all human activities will be put into stoppage. Remember everytime we experienced power blackout,it seems that our day is ruined. Everything that we do in the modern world are all dependent in electricity. All major activities from simple household activities to industrial production are affected with electricity.
Perhaps the most affected of power outages is our social life, one could not live without it. Like using the computers, cellphones or even the wifi, all this used electricity. We simply cannot live without it. Electricity is universal aspects of human lives from the point we wake up in the morning, we consumed electricity at home, school and in the office until we go to sleep in the evening. It is a continous cycle of consuming energy and producing electricity.
Electricity is a valuable resource for energy production. We get electricity from different source like the solar, wind, geothermal, etc. But, we all know that almost 90 percent of electricity are produced from fossil fuels. Fossil fuels is the most common source of energy, however it has put millions of people in danger brought about by global warming due to the usage of fossil fuels. A highly industrialized city like Lapu-Lapu is totally dependent of electricity. It has achieved its golden era because of electricity and Mactan Electric Company, Inc. has been an important power provider. A city like Lapu-Lapu or even its neighboring cities like Mandaue and Cebu City faces one major dillema. Amidst industrialization is the problem of pollution caused by usaged of fossil fuels. What can we do about it?

Yes, there are alternatives of fossil fuels however what can we do to help solve the problems brought about by the greater demand of electricity. Can we do our share in making a change?


Yes, we can do a simple yet effective way of doing our share. We can always minimize our usage of electricity. We should not allow electricity to slave us. We should be the master of electricity. We can always turn off the lights if not needed, unplug the appliances, even putting limitations in our social media life to conserve electricity. A task that can be done without electricity thats something really worthy of doing. Like washing and drying our clothes or even cooking our foods. Learn to minimize the used of electricity and be responsible in paying our bills. Report any unauthorized wire connection that cause a lot of power lost.
Instill in our children the value of energy conservation, with this we can do our share.


Be Energy Efficient, be Responsible Citizen!

Image source: vivo photography


Nice post ....

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