in #electric6 years ago (edited)

(for meditation, draft)

Electricity creates Excitement and Excitement creates False View Casino. :)

Electric -- Neptune (Oxygen 8, Peace) + Uranus (Hydrogen 1, Truth) = Jupiter (Ether, charge/discharge, Care, Justice)

Quantum -- Neptune (O 8 Oxygen peace, electron) & Saturn (Pb Lead time + Rhea space, electromagnetic field, Air, neutron) + Uranus (Hydrogen 1 truth, positron) = Venus (water 3 love truth rest = Care / Soul the Sacred Feminine)

Chemical -- Neptune ( O Oxygen) & Saturn (Air) - Uranus (Hydrogen truth) = Mars (fire, Iron 26, Action, Will Power, Character, purification (Uranus Hydrogen 1 + (Mars Iron 26 x 3) = Gold 79, hero on the journey of self who returns in Victorious Glory as King of the World, Rex Mundi, the Sacred Masculine)

Biological -- Mars (Gold Fire, Pater) + Venus (Silver Water, Mater) = Mercury (Hg 80, androgynous Child (Sun "ME" & Moon "WE"), Earth, centre stage, the Trice Glorious Messenger of the Wisdom of Gods.


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The Ouroboros is the symbol of the Cosmic Egg, the electromagnetic field, Egyptian God Amen (truth) in a form as the outer shell of the world and going all the way through it at the core surrounding peace connecting one side of the world and all life within to another in truth and peace, Care core of the soul, which is the result of the electric Excitement between the two environments of the outer state of rest and the inner space of vibration. There are four more inside nested like Russian dolls, five in total so far, two more to form in time by the looks of it.

Whereas Ophiuchus "The Serpent Bearer" and 13th hidden sign of the Zodiac is the hidden power behind the sun, Hindu Rahu, the Power of Amun, the head of the serpent with Ketan being its body, consisting of seven disks, one for each Luminary, filters, that then channels the energy into the world through the sun and out through the moon thus Rahu is responsible for eclipses of the sun and the moon, the arising Kundalini energy in the human body.


People vote with their wallets and free choice. If you decide to hunt your own meat or buy already killed, it is your free decision to make what is associated with it and if the Great Spirit is pleased with how you went about it.

There is House of going Up and the House of going Down. If one is conflicted within as to where to go then they are not moving, however for many the choices are made, and thus we experience the plane of causes (spiritual world) and the following it the plane of effects (egos worlds), and that is living in the aftermath of reality, in its shadow, the world of the living dead, slaves, ignorant.

This is what many people are experiencing until their enlightenment of their actual powers. And until that time the fat lady sings in their head, there is and will be the two towers, two churches with two popes, two parties politics, and two heavens and hells. Whatever and as long as it takes to get through that thick head and dead heart to awaken the soul.

Be Well, Happy, and Prosper!


2019-01-27 22.47.48.jpg

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