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RE: Against Voting

What would you say to a poor Australian? And I don't mean poor as in "oh poor australians, their voting is compulsory". I mean financially poor, lower class, bankrupt from stupid life choices who grew up in a family with two bankrupt parents in public housing development. The kind of person who scrapes to get by week to week, paycheck to paycheck.

In Australia, voting is compulsory, and I simply cannot afford the $200 fine. I have, at times, done a throwaway/protest vote (however, any voting cards incorrectly marked just go to previous elections winning team by default). I have, at other times, voted for the candidates who believe in small government/cuts to taxation and regulation. And in my ignorant youth I voted for free money. For any Australians who can readily afford the $200 fine this won't be an issue, but there are those of us, who really don't have that option.

I plan on writing an entire post about this issue for Australians once I get up and running here. But it is my belief that voting for the smallest government candidates is the most moral choice for Australians. For americans, abstaining is absolutely the best choice. However, for your down under brethren, things are a little more complicated.


It's under threat of force so you can't be blamed for the non-consensual situation you've had thrust upon you, though I'd still applaud it if you found a way around it without having to pay the fine. This article is primarily targeted at audiences who aren't compelled to vote.

Your earlier voting was perhaps immoral given that you were trying to secure stolen resources for yourself though, but the fact that you vote under direct threat of force in general isn't immoral on your part. Voting for less government is probably the best thing you can do unless you can afford or dodge the fine

I'm not sure there is a more or less moral choice in a situation of coersion.

But they're only coercing you to get your name marked off the register. You don't need to vote, you simply need to get your name checked off.

You're free to cast an invalid ballot - the last two elections I've written "Government is immoral" on all my ballot papers. But you can also pocket your ballot papers and walk out or mark them in any other way you please. You're only coerced into showing up and getting marked off the roll.

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