
I used to be a Ron Paul-bot personally. Delegate and everything. Ohhhhh the times, they change. I'm right there with you. Never again.

At least you voted for someone with some integrity. I did the "lesser of two evils" nonsense. I never intended on voting and made my decision to do it around 4pm on election day. I wanted to avoid disaster...but got it anyway, and probably would have gotten it with the other guy.

I was stupid. But in all fairness, Obama is awful and I fault all of the idiot state socialists for putting me in a position to even consider voting in the first place.

People do dumb things when they get desperate. I've been there. I'm glad you came out the other side man. I won't hold the transgression against you ;-)

What if I told you that my vote went to McCain because I knew Obama couldn't do anything other than be a communist sympathizer at best? Should I turn in my voluntaryist credentials immediately?

Ugh, McCain!

"Bomb bomb bomb, bomb bomb Iran!" I don't see how they would have been different, honestly.

You and me both boss. Then I ran into Dave on the Facebook and met all you fine folks, and I saw the light, so to speak. :D. Thanks for your continued help and voice on the journey to peace. Keep at it brother.

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