Every vote counts and why mine is going to Biden this year.

in #election4 years ago


I'm voting for Joe Biden this year.

Before today, I was strongly considering voting third party, like I did in 2012 and 2016. I don't live in a swing state, so I figured my vote wouldn't really affect the outcome of the race, and I may as well use it to help a less prominent party secure federal funding and automatic ballot access for future elections.

But I can't do that in good conscience anymore. With RBG's death, there's now a chance that Republicans will have a 6-3 majority on the Supreme Court by the time November rolls around. And for months now, Trump has repeatedly insinuated that he intends to challenge the legitimacy of the election if he loses, which could result in the case going to the Supreme Court. That means that if there's any doubt about the election results, a Republican-dominated Court could give the White House to Trump.

In other words, it's not enough for Biden to win. He needs to win by a huge margin, so there can be absolutely no doubt that he won fair and square. Sure, Trump and his die-hard followers will complain that it was rigged either way, but if Biden wins in a landslide, there won't be much they can do about it. If Biden's margin of victory is slim, on the other hand, there's a very real possibility that it could get snatched right out of his hands.

This is one election where every vote really does count.

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