Which is the Lesser of Two Evils?

in #election4 years ago

This thing showed up in the mail; So, I guess it is time that I decide which is the lesser of two evils.


I hate mail-in ballots. The problem is that mail in ballots provide an opportunity for ne'er-do-wells to coerce the votes from others. Mail in balloting increases the power of groups that are willing to engage in coercive techniques for power. That is bad for all of us.

Imagine a political activist filling out the ballots for patients in the nursing home. The activist will be able to coerce the patients into anything because the patients are dependent on the care given by the home.

I admit, when I as in high school. I would have voted as my teachers instructed ... simply because they had authority over me.

In college I challenged the beliefs of professors and got kicked out of school.

Since the presidential race usually comes down to a choice of the lesser of two evils, I usually vote for a third party candidate. Voting third party shows a distaste for the partisan process that selected the candidates.

I recommend that as a general strategy. When given a choice of two evils, vote third party.

I research each candidate before voting. If one lined up my ballots through the years; they would see a strange mix of Ds, Rs and Independents. I admit that, as the Democratic Party lurches leftward, the number of Ds has gradually diminished.

I dislike Trump's election strategy. Trump's strategy has been to push the opposition to the Left so that he can grab the center.

This idea of pushing the opposition to the left to gain the center has been the core of Conservative Politics since the founding of the Conservative Party in the 1830s,

The problem with the Conservative Strategy is that the act of pushing the opposition to the left has the predictable effect of pushing the nation to the left.

This dual action of Trump pushing Democrats leftward while pull the party leftward creates a situation where the Democratic has lurched to a dangerous precipice.

There is not a resolution to the problems that Trump's strategy has created.

Conservatives are framing the 2020 election as the most critical election in US history.

I wish conservatives realized that they are complicit in this problem. The message of Conservatism since King William IV is that the opposition is extreme and we have to vote Conservative because it is the lesser of two evils.

The conservative strategy of pushing the opposition to extremes is guaranteed to someday lead to an extremist government.

Why did the GOP give up on the ideals of the Lincoln and the US founders to adopt the strategy of the Tories?

Anyway, I have to make the decision. Do I vote for the lesser of two evils or vote third party to evils?

I am staring at my mail-in ballot and fear that this election will be close. I fear that the party that is best at coercing votes will win.

Conservatives may be right that our nation is at a precipice. But Trump and his band of doltish conservatives is partially to blame. The strategy of pushing the opposition left to capture the center has the predictable effect of pushing the nation to the left.

Anyway, I am staring at this ballot. I thought the 2016 ballot was the ugliest ballot in US history, but I have to admit that the 2020 ballot is even uglier.

I have to fill in one of those ovals this weekend and mail in my vote. This is shaping up to be horrible weekend. It started with a trip to the ER and got worse:


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