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RE: Clinton campaign desperate for cash?

in #election8 years ago

@dwinblood you don't send out a fundraising email that says, "we're basicly good, but we still need more money." You send out an email that says "We're fuuuucked! Trump is scarry! Help us beat him, he raised eighty mill in July! We need you more than ever!" That's basic salesmanship. Imo Trump disqualified himself through toxic unpresidencial rhetoric. The individual makes judgements when voting in an election, and in my judgement, HRC cares about this country more than she cares about money. That is, when she's president I think she'll care most about the domestic security and prosparity of Americans. We're already in bed wi h the Saudi's, she didn't start that. I think Obama's been too much of a dove. I don't want to get into another war right now but I wouldn't mind if Hillary through our weight around a little harder. I'm not electing a President for the world, I'm electing the head of my country, and my priority is that she makes THIS country better, what I mean is I don't need her to make say Syria or Yemon better unless it benefits the US in some way.


You don't know much about Hillary it seems. I recommend starting at 1974 on her days as part of the commission on Watergate and working yourself forward. Trump is MOUTH. Hillary is ACTIONS. Trump might do some crazy actions, I do have zero doubt he wouldn't say crazy things. Yet Hillary if you truly dig into her is perhaps the most corrupt politician we've ever had run for president. Pick a random woman off the street and they'd likely be far better.

As to Trump. I don't plan to vote for him either. :) My job as a citizen is to elect the person that best represents me. I am not a criminal so Hillary is a bad choice there. I think Trump is pretty damn stupid and an asshole, yet I have no clue how he would do.

Yet I know what my job is and both Gary Johnson and Jill Stein are far better choices. My job is simple. Pick the person that best represents me. If people think that is Hillary OR Trump they are very different people from me. I'll likely be voting for Johnson, though I do think Jill Stein is not a bad choice either.

EDIT: I could go the Anarchist route and not vote at all, and I have considered it. Yet I'll likely go for Johnson.

@dwinblood I'm not saying the corruption is not plausible. I'm skeptical about the worst accusations like that she had Vince Foster killed, because most of the GOP lacks credibility in my eyes. I think for teemit I'm super conservative in that I'm not against change, but I don't want rapid change for the sake of change, I want careful changes made to the status quo. I know Trump doesn't represent me, the way he's running he represents the exact opposet of everything I stnd for. Hillary is the centrist candidate, and that's what I want. I guess what I'm trying to say is the bet I'm placing is that her previous corruption is smaller than her haters think, and that it won't bear on her presidency.
I also tend to think about voting a little differently from you, by voting for Johnson, you are taking away a vote from Trump, who has the second greatest chance at becoming president. When I vote this year I'm both voting for someone and voting against someone else. In a normal election I could see myself voting third party o principal, but in this election I've done my own mental math and it says "stop trump, end of story." I enjoy talking to you and keep it real.

Her previous corruption is gigantic if you bother to look. She has huge huge history of it. I was young and one of those that said the following about Bill Clinton, "Who he sleeps with is between him and his wife, and gee with all of that stuff going on he still managed to balance the budget." I didn't have a single thing I disliked about Hillary at the time. I had done zero research.

I don't believe conspiracy theories because someone tells me to, but I do go research them to the best of my ability (sometimes). Yet in the case of Hillary short of the many deaths linked to the clintons, most of the things are not Conspiracy theories they are public record. She has done some truly horrible things in her time, and has been corrupt and unethical going like I said at least as far back as watergate commission in 1974. That stuff is public records. Now if you want to bring up her and Bill's involvement in large scale drug trafficking going back to when he was Governor of Arkansas then that indeed is a theory. There are links to them but those that investigated them the most thoroughly ended up dead. Death by Ulcer of one according to the medical examiner report yet he was decapitated, suicide where they shot themselves multiple times from impossible angles. Stuff like that. Which the link to the Clintons was that they were the ones being investigated and they endorsed that particular Medical Examiner even when he'd come under challenge.

You can learn far more about the death links, drugs, etc if you watch an old documentary The Clinton Murders (it's on youtube) and was made (clearly by the narration style) before Hillary ever decided to run for president (any of the times). So that documentary is not even current.

Yet those are the theories....

What is not the theory is how she handled Benghazi, how she went against people warning of what likely consequences would be, how she ordered them to do things that lead to the deaths of U.S. citizens including the Ambassador. Her views on Syria and how to approach that are well known.

Need more.... here is a big one I recently learned about.
The 5 years she was Secretary of State. The position in the state department that was responsible for monitoring that department for corruption remained empty. Let me state that again, while she was Secretary they did not FILL the position that is supposed to exist to oversea and monitor her department for corruption. 5 years!!! $3 Billion is unaccounted for during that time.

That is just me rambling off. You could write probably a multiple volume book on her. That doesn't even go into defrauding the elderly and others on multiple accounts (whitewater), links to foreign dignitaries with indicators they funded both her and Bill's campaigns. China is a big one in that.

You can go research yourself though and find out this stuff. UNLESS you've made up your mind and are sticking your fingers in your ears. In that case someone telling you why she is incredibly bad news is a concern.

Trump... at this point is all words. All you have heard is what is from his mouth. Yes it can be some crazy shit. Hillary has literally endorsed EVERY side of EVERY issue at some point, with poise. Trumps words.... all words tell me is that if he were in office he 100% would say some really stupid shit. He has not been in positions of power so all I can do is speculate what he would do. I suspect he'd be pretty bad, yet that is a guess. Hillary has been in positions of power and has been corrupt as hell and done very bad things while in those positions of power. She actually has ACTIONS.

Put it this way...
If someone says I'm going to kill you, or someone is known to have killed multiple people already, which are you more afraid of?

For me personally I'll be wary of both of them, but the one that has actually DONE something is the one I'll be the most wary about.

Trump has said things. Hillary has done things.

I don't know how anyone that believes in democracy can for vote for this lady. She openly stole the nomination from Bernie Sanders and we are to believe she'll be a better choice as president? Also, she'd be in jail if she was a normal government lackey that mishandled classified documents. Are we a nation of laws or a nation of men?

Wouldn't it be hilarious if Hillary spent her first year as president in Jail for lying to congress.

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