Understanding Voting

in #election6 years ago

At Prayer And Fast Service, Town Campus 10/02/19

"Understanding Voting"
#Proverbs 1:10-15 (NKJV), Acts 1: 21-26 (NKJV)
By Rev. Dr. Iniobong F Udoh

The disciples of the apostle of Jesus decided that since there was a space to be filled, the decided to cast lot to replace the space of Judas. Jesus never used voting in choosing but the apostle used that during their time.
Election are important, voting is important, but when we vote we expect that those we give our vote will do positively to the state to country.

What Is A Vote?

  1. A vote is giving support to an idea in expectation that the idea will benefit you. A vote is not a one way traffic it is a two ways. It is a giving and receiving covenant. I vote for you that you will do things that will benefit me, the state and the nation. Voting goes beyond an individual but the idea the person represents.

  2. A vote implies giving power to someone or some people to act on your behalf. When you vote, you are giving someone power to act on your behalf, manage the resource of you state and nation and speak on your behalf. When you vote, you are giving power out and that power is going to be used on your behalf.

For there to be a vote, there must be a proposal – Acts 1:23 (NKJV). You cannot vote if there is no proposal. You cannot vote if there is nothing on the table. Interestingly, they are people who vote blindly. For a vast majority, they just like the handsome man or the grammar of the person, instead of asking what the person is bringing to the table for the next four years. Ask, what’s the plan? What has been proposed? Then you may consider giving that person your vote.

In a democracy as we have in Nigeria, a proposal is giving and the people ought to look at the proposals and decide who to vote for. For most believers, there is always a challenge of making political decision and voting. The believer is a citizen of God’s kingdom and a citizen of the country. Both has a voice as regarding the election. Which voice will be loudest in your heart or mind as you approach the election? For the believer, he/she needs to find where to align himself/herself to. John 17:15. You are in the world but not of the world. Jesus teaches to pray, ‘thy Kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven’. Ass believer, we should make sure that the values of God’s kingdom is translated in the world we live in. What we call the things of the world affects us in the church. Because legislations will be made that may affect the church. Even if we know that the world is not our final place, we should remember that Jesus said, “occupy till I come”.

We Have Two System Of Government:

  1. Theocracy – a system of government that the will of God rules. God choses the leader.
  2. Democracy – the will of the people rules. A legible citizen says how their government is being ruined. The people choose the leader.

As Christians, we obey God in His word and we also obey the law of the land. In democracy, majority is right but in theocracy, majority is not always right.
How Does Believer Manage The Conflict Between

Theocracy And Democracy?
In the days of the bible, there was nothing like democracy. It started with the Greece before the Romans copied till it came to Nigeria. In the bible, Israel is a nation named after God. Israel has kings and leaders divinely appointed and anointed by God. but in Nigeria, if there’s any anointing it is in the secret. We can’t say that those elected ones in Nigeria are anointed but they can be a tool in the hands of God.

So when we go to vote, what are we doing? Elected leaders are the choice of the people and may not necessarily be the choice of God. so when the people make a chose, God will recognize it. When you choose not to vote and other vote, God will recognize those they choose even if the person is not His will. That He recognizes does not mean He approves. What you choose, God recognize but He may not approve it. It is not God making the choice here, it is the people making the choice and God approves it. So even if we make any mistake in the pools, God will recognize it and we will live with it. So a leader will come either as a judgement to the people or as a tool of blessing. From eighteen years and above with sound mental disposition, you can vote.

Why Should We Vote?
We vote as a nation every four years because of sovereignty - the authority of a state to govern. Nigerian is a sovereign state – we have the power to govern ourselves. Anytime election comes around, what is in stake is sovereignty. Sovereignty tells us who has the power. In theocracy, sovereignty is in the hand of God. In monarchy, sovereignty is in the hand of the king. In democracy, power and sovereignty is in the hand of the people but unfortunately Nigerians are ignorance of this part. Every citizen, eighteen years and above is a sovereign leader. If there is eighteen million people to vote, they all have the sovereignty of the nation. They all have the ability to rule but eighteen million people can’t rule at a time so we go to the pool every four years to surrender our sovereignty to someone who we believe in his idea. When you vote, you are surrendering your sovereign your power to that man who you believe in. when you go to vote, you aren’t doing any man any favour but surrendering your sovereignty to that man.

And when you refuse to vote, those who vote on your behalf will surrender your sovereignty to that man. In democracy you surrender your sovereignty. Nobody can become a leader unless others surrender their sovereignty to him. And the nice part of it is that, the surrendering of that sovereignty is for four years.
Nobody become a leader without your own sovereignty deliver to them. So, on the pooling dates, you will be surrendering your sovereignty in expectation of the benefits he/she is going to bring. Don’t just waste your vote or vote on sentiment. Don’t do it on auto-pilot. Elections ought to be about you and not about the contestants. But unfortunately, this has been abused. Your vote is not just your thumb on the ballot paper but when you place your thumbs on that ballot paper, you are surrendering your power to that person.

Supporting a candidate is very different from supporting a football club. You support them because of the love you have for them not because of their proposal. You don’t support a part the way you support a football club because when a party wins it reflects on the economy of the nation.

What To Do As A Responsible Voter

  1. Fully consider all proposals and offers – go beyond party names and slogans. Don’t sell your sovereignty away with a thousand Naira.

  2. Take personal charge of your vote – your vote does not belong to your party or your tribe or your fiend or your uncle. Your vote is your sovereign right. It belongs to you. Guide and guard it.

  3. Use your sovereignty to express your will – when you vote, you are making a decision that will affect your state and country. Vote your believe. Open your eyes before you vote.

Result Of Voting

  1. Your candidate may win or lose – if they win or lose, make sure they keep their words
  2. Your vote may not necessary put food on your table but it will determine the food on your table afterwards.

Who To Vote For

  1. Vote your dreams and aspirations – a man and party that represents your dreams and aspiration. Look at your future aspiration, where are you going. What kind of future do you want for your children. That a proposal is good in 2015 does not mean it is good in 2019. Let no politician take you for granted. Don’t vote what does not represent your future and aspiration of where you are going to.

  2. Vote for your believe and values – look for what represents God’s will and agenda. Whet will project and synchronize with it.

  3. Vote for the best interest of your nation – because your vote won’t just affect you but your nation. Don’t look at your selfish interest alone, look at how all tribes will benefit, how the pregnant women will benefit, how the students will benefit.

Consider your dual citizenship. Do what heaven will be happy with. A time is coming when many will perish with their money. Vote with understanding.

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