Minnimalist Dillema

in #election8 years ago (edited)

Back in my minimalist days I was the chair for the libertarian party in South Dakota, Merica. I often found myself having to ignore my minimalist values and endorse politicians who were not very Libertarian. This came to a head for me when I found myself stuck with the task of certifying Bob Barr of all people for presidential candidate. At this point in my life I walked away from my position and did a lot of soul searching. I still have not been involved with the LP in any administrative capacity but do follow what is going on in my state.
Philosophically I now align best with anarchism. I know many anarchist firmly do not vote. I realize this is a flawed system, but not participating at all, especially when it comes to referendums, seems like having a gun in your hand but refusing to use it to defend yourself. When it comes to voting for a politician and the choices are D and R I usually will leave that blank. If there is an independent or a libertarian candidate I have thought voting for them will at least further my philosophy further down its path to no state. I see and admire those who hold to there philosophy of no voting and no participation at all in government, but have not bought fully into this.
This year I voted for Gary Johnson for president. In South Dakota he got around 6% of the vote and frankly I was pretty happy to see that. Nation wide he seemed to have a pretty good turn out . I was even happier about that. Then I was reading through some comments on a facebook post and seen someone comment on how this was great news because next presidential race the Libertarian party would now get matching funds from the state. ??? Wait What? So now the party that does not believe in stealing money from people to spend on other people is going take money stolen from people to run there campaign to tell us how we should not steal money from other people?!? Turns out this commenter was wrong and the Johnson got 3.2% of the vote, but it turns out once again than even minimalism will start encroaching on your wallet, though minimally. I still believe we have to use all tools available to enforce our sovereignty. But just where to draw that line.

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