Elastos is the smart world wide web is built on the block chain

in #elastos7 years ago (edited)

The blockchain has now gone through block chain 1.0(BTC and related virtual currency) and block chain 2.0(intelligent contract block chain technology represented by Ethereum) and now has entered the block chain 3.0 is Elastos.Elastos do is an operating system, the operating system, is the world's first let trusted properties of block chain transfer to the user, and the user can be in daily use in the scene of the operating system.
Elastos was founded in 2000 by Chen rong, founder of Elastos. Website, mainly because of the operating system is earlier than the birth of the Internet, the Internet appeared after the operating system is used as an application of the Internet, because has the problem of huge unsafe hidden trouble. Of course, many hacker attacks are now due to inadequate early design considerations in the operating system. As you know from Windows, Windows will require you to update the system for a short period of time, and upgrade the operating system directly from xp to win7, win8, and win10. Elastos was created to solve the Internet's insecurity.
Mr. Chen rong graduated from the department of computer science at tsinghua university in 1982 and went to the United States in 1984 to study the operating system and object oriented programming. He received his master's degree in 1987. In 1992, he participated in the operating system group of Microsoft research institute in the United States, developed the component operating system, and participated in the planning and development of the service (SaaS) operating system (.net) in 1998.
Returning to China in 2000's century company established, independent research and development design of Elastos network operating system, kernel and graphics system in 2003, 2007 years to complete a full smartphone and mass production, in 2009 China unicom choose Elastos middleware framework as walter Phone operating system.
In 2013, foxconn invested in the Elastos open source project to build a distributed, cross-internet industrial Internet and smart home network operating system.
May 2017 putri as co-founder established Elastos foundation to participate in the planning, support Elastos - block chain drive Internet project, trying to create a new digital intelligent and economic pattern, the figures into wealth.

So far, we can source out on elastos warehouse (https://github.com/elastos) to know elastos is currently open source of millions of lines of source code, including more than four million lines of the original development of the source code.!

For the project of elastos-os, github statistical diagram of 2016-2018, there is a huge amount of code submission between 2016 and 2017. You can see that elastos made a huge breakthrough this year.
And between 2017-2018, mainly in Elastos. RT, Elastos.NET, Elastos. ELA the three project
the projects, elastos.rt is mainly used for the application of the APP. Elastos.NET is the Internet blockchain system, while elastos.ela is the block chain project scrip.

As the two difficult operating systems of the block chain, I have learned the core and difference of the two project technologies with my own technical skills.

At present, due to the ethereum is limited by CPU single-threaded performance, led to the limit on the number of transactions per second, from the initial ethereum cat game we can know that a cat of the game, through the eth to buy and feeding, just a simple game logic, due to the limitation of number of transactions, triggered the ETH lane network congestion.

EOS in Ethereum network, on the basis of increased extensibility, first of all, rely on the technology of Graphene (Graphenn herein do not chat with everyone know to baidu), in the stress tests show reaches 1 w - 10 w per second. Second, EOS will use concurrent mechanisms to extend the network, potentially reaching millions of transactions per second. If these benchmarks are implemented, the EOS should be able to support thousands of commercial scale dapps.
Look at elastos, EOS is block chain operating system, it only provides the underlying technology on the level of chain blocks, and elastos thing to do is to block chain drive smart, the world wide web is the multiple block chain operating system, computer network block chain technology in elastos target just a few.

EOS is based on platform thinking, and the operating system is critical to see if all applications are provided with a running environment. The platform system does not provide a running environment, but it can use the functionality provided by the interface. The idea of EOS project is to provide interfaces, so it is also platform thinking.

Elastos provides the operating environment, which is the most essential difference. Can understand, so an application, in pure eos platform is run up, because the environment is not available, the eos but after eos combined with android or ios, can offer application running interface, then the application can run up. Elastos doesn't need to run on android or ios. Elastos is completely single, so is the world's only, a distributed trusted operating system, based on trusted attributes and independent running environment, the operating system to load the large-scale application of Dapp.

Let's take elastos look at the pain points and technical implementation of the elastos solution.

In the past few years, bitcoin has achieved the credibility of its record, and the ether has achieved credible calculations based on trusted records. Elastos notes that it does so on a trusted application environment based on trusted records and trusted computing.

The existing blockchain is single main chain structure, with upper limit of computing power and cannot be expanded. Block chain as the whole storage and computing space, it is difficult to support the user's daily life scene, as well as the application of digital content, playing audio, video digital resources, etc.
In this respect, elastos adopts the elastic block chain design structure of main chain + side chain. The main chain is only responsible for basic transactions and transfer payments, and side chains support the various applications and services that you support with smart contracts. Also, each a chain block is a server, elastos for different applications, by means of elastic side chain services share a side chain or deployment respectively in different side chains, so as to meet the diverse needs.

In addition, elastos runs the App through elastos Runtime in an isolated process, in a restricted sandbox environment. All network data must be sent through secure, trusted, identifiable channels, all of which come from the block chain ID. This enables the trusted delivery of the block chain to the Elastos Runtime. And Elastos Runtime can have multiple forms: it can be a standalone OS, VM virtual machine, or a native App SDK.
As can be seen from the architecture diagram, the entire elastos is divided into four layers:

  1. Block chain and smart contract. The blockchain is "trusted" as the trust zone of the operating system. The main chain of elastos is Shared by the joint mining with BTC, relying on BTC's Pow mechanism to guarantee the reliability of data transmission. At the same time, elastos provides services and extends third-party applications through side chains;

  2. Elastos Carrier. Elastos Carrier is a fully decentralized P2P Network service Platform. It is an important infrastructure for the development and operation of Elastos support decentralization, which is the part of the Elastos P2P Network Platform in the architecture diagram.

  3. Elastos Runtime. Elastos Runtime runs on the client's device to achieve a "reliable Runtime environment". Developers have developed Elastos DApp to enable the use of digital assets, such as digital audio and video playback. VM guarantees that digital assets run within the scope of blockchain control and provide users with the ability to consume/invest digital content.

  4. Elastos SDK. The SDK is the traditional meaning of the APP (micro letter we use mobile phone, QQ, taobao and other software), the APP, can be extended by the introduction of elastos SDK's own ability, chain blocks, such as identity authentication, credible records were typical ability.

The overall architecture seems clear enough to determine what each module implements.

In terms of safety, founder of Elastos mentioned in a word, called "want to system safety don't surf the Internet can ensure security", "once the Internet cannot guarantee the security," we know that the traditional block chain, if 50% of node shows that a transaction is real operation, the operation of the deal is believed to be true at all is real. So, relatively EOS will have to rely on the underlying operating system, if an application installed capacity is very big, will produce a mutiny at any time (hackers operating 50% of meat machine to tamper with the trading of false is true).

However, the Elastos solution will not have this problem. Elastos sets each terminal device to be "personal cloud peripherals", which can be understood as a personal link device on the remote side. And strict control of peripherals are not allowed to surf the Internet, that is to say, these devices only operate in their own cloud computing environment, can browse the website, you can chat, you can listen to music, watching video, but will not be able to broadcast to external peripherals of others.

Elastos key is prohibited in the sandbox App/Service to send any network packet, the reason is Elastos Runtime does not provide the Socket interface or any network port, and use meta data driven remoting, namely the Runtime automatically generate RPC, complete the connection between the sandbox. Mobile terminals on the network data transmission between personal cloud, has its unique "network operators to the new operating system, applications and services are not allowed to send IP packets, since are not allowed to send IP packets, it is hard to launch DDos attacks.

In addition, Elastos Runtime does not allow the application to have a similar Java Native Interface (JNI) access to the underlying physical machine iron box POSIX Interface, and the virus can't hack into the computer.
Elastos Runtime also prohibits the application of direct access to the network, so network attacks such as DDoS are more unenforceable. The security aspect is more rigorous in design.

In addition, according to the official website, the Elastos project was supported by more than 200 million RMB from the industrial giants such as foxconn. Last year, Elastos also received angel investment from the big block chains such as wu jihan, NEO da hong fei, and fire money network. Wu gehan, the founder of the bitcoin world, has the largest computing power in the world. And dahong fei, the founder of the tiny ant NEO, has achieved great success on the public chain. With the huge computing power of the continent and the strong ecological support of NEO, Elastos will be more technologically innovative. We'll see.

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