A brief introduction to the Elastos project

in #elastos7 years ago

Elastos is the first operating system in the world to allow the block chain to be trusted to the user's daily scene. With block chain as the trustworthy foundation, combined with sandbox isolation mechanism and network isolation mechanism of Elastos, digital assets can be authorized, limited, scarce, tradable, and expendable. Let everyone have digital assets and make future wealth. Thus, the Internet is created as an intelligent economic ecosystem.
It doesn't matter if you don't understand. You are analogous for it to do a Windows system in the block chain industry. What Elastos wants to solve through its own system is the pain point in the lower picture:
No matter how powerful the user's cell phone is, it can't help share the calculation with Ethernet. No matter how many times it upgrade, it can't provide credit guarantee for the computing environment of the user's mobile phone. Because it is two completely parallel development paths can never be orthogonal.
So how does Elastos solve this pain point? Through the three parts of the Elastos ecology.
The first component is Elastos SDK, the software development kit. The traditional APP developers can integrate their products and Elastos system by using this development kit.
The second component is Elastos Runtime. The client installs this component on the top of its own device to achieve "reliable runtime environment", and the "trustworthy record of the block chain" is orthogonal to the trusted computation of the intelligent contract without affecting the operation of the original operation system.
The third part, Elastos Carrier. Elastos Carrier is a completely centralization of the P2P network service platform, which is an important infrastructure to support the development and operation of the centralization application by Elastos.
Through the above three parts, the calculation ability of the blockchain trusted and mobile phone users together, let all the levels and functions of orthogonal each other quite distinct from each other.
Of course, in order to meet the above three parts of the operation, Elastos has also developed their own ecological chain public, the public chain is composed of main chain and side chain, can well solve the congestion problem of Ethernet square now, speed is more efficient to provide distributed billing services and intelligent contract department. The chain and take bitcoin mining joint form, miners in the process of digging bitcoin can also get to also award, in the calculation of force on the protection of the Elastos chain operation.
Of course, you will find that none of these functions mention the operating system, because the operating system is the hardest to fall to the ground. It is the ultimate goal. You have to let hardware manufacturers build the native operation system ElastosOS of Elastos in the factory, which is very difficult. Unless the Elastos native system ElastosOS can bring killer applications, such as the office in the Windows system. The hardest part of the ground is the most powerful and accumulating part of Elastos.
Four: development progress and planning route
At the end of 17 years, developed and run successfully with bitcoin mining joint public block chain chain, plans in 2018 June officially released Elastos Carrier and Elastos Runtime and Elastos on the first killer application (according to numerous Chi Feng summit held in Macao in January 13th on Elastos co-founder Han Feng said, the killer application should be to the center the electricity supplier and an optimized now banking services).
Five: the rights and interests of the Elastos system
1; the distribution of ELA
(1) total distribution of 33 million, after 4% per year inflation growth, inflation growth of the Elastos foundation and miners according to the proportion of 3:7.
(2) 8 million private placement funds (2 million of which have been locked for half a year), 5 million angel investors (locked in one year), 3 million 500 thousand Elastos funds, 16 million 500 thousand ecological construction (to distribute free to bitcoiin holders).
(3) the proportion of private equity is 1BTC:800ELA
(4) at present, the price of the currency exchange is 340 yuan / A
Two: the rights and interests of the token in the system
ELA will be the only pass in this de centralization running environment, and users need to use ELA. for digital asset transactions based on the Elastos system
Six: Review
(1) Elastos is a new public chain system. It jumps out of the traditional public chain thinking. It is not to match the standard Ethernet on the capacity of expansion and huff and puff, but from a new dimension to solve the existing problems. Go to the center of the automatic intelligent economy needs a secure operating system, applied to the center of the (DApp) to a safe landing, between block chain technology and rich user experience, there is a huge gap, the lack of a block chain technology on the general public life entrance. The emergence of the Elastos system will change this situation and make all kinds of applications live.
(2) this is a project that bears the capital pressure and the ideal ambition of the individual, and the career success is more tempting than money. So it's sure that the future of the project will be faster than we think.
(3) the design of the product is first-rate. After watching the white paper yesterday, it has been excited for a long time. It looks forward to belong to the Chinese people's own operation system. It will overtake in the field of block chain, and it will dominate the world one day.

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